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Regular Expression Matching — leetcode

2018年10月19日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 734字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and

'.' Matches any single character.
'*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element.

The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).

The function prototype should be:
bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p)

Some examples:
isMatch("aa","a") → false
isMatch("aa","aa") → true
isMatch("aaa","aa") → false
isMatch("aa", "a*") → true
isMatch("aa", ".*") → true
isMatch("ab", ".*") → true
isMatch("aab", "c*a*b") → true

此题主要是 * 需要特殊处理。


class Solution {
   bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {

        if (!*p) return !*s;

        if (*(p+1) == '*') {
                while (*s) {
                        if (isMatch(s, p+2))
                                return true;

                        if (*p == *s || *p =='.') {
                        else {
                                return false;

                return isMatch(s, p+2);
        else if (*s == *p || (*s && *p == '.'))
                return isMatch(++s, ++p);
                return false;
