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2018年11月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3743字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack

data segment
	notice db 'the random expression is : $'	; the notice 
	exp db 10 dup (0)							; the memory to save calcute expression
	db ' $ '									; the finish symbol
	operand dw 3 dup (0)						; save the first operand, operator and the second operand
	tmp dw 5 dup (0)							; temp memory
data ends

stack segment									; stack memory
	db 128 dup (0)
stack ends

code segment

	mov ax, data
	mov ds, ax
	mov ax, stack 
	mov ss, ax
	lea dx, notice					; show the notice sentence
	mov ah, 9
	int 21H
	call getRandomNunber			; get the first operator
	mov ds:[operand], bx
	; mov ds:[operand], 2424H
	; mov ax, 1
	; push ax
	; mov ax, 0
	; push ax
	mov ds:[tmp], 0000H
	mov ds:[tmp+2], 0001H			; warnning there need to be notified !!!!!!!!
	call calcHalfWord
	call getRandomNunber			; get the operator, and write it to memory
	mov ds:[tmp], 0002H
	call getOperator
	call sleep						; sleep for 1000 millis, to get the second random number
	call getRandomNunber			; get the second operand
	mov ds:[operand+4], bx
	mov ds:[tmp], 0003H
	mov ds:[tmp+2], 0004H
	call calcHalfWord
	mov ds:[exp+5], '='				; write the '=' to memory
	call getResult					; calc the result, and save to 'bx' register
	call calcOneWord
	; add sp, 4						; return sp to real offset

	; mov ds:[exp+8], '$'
	lea dx, exp 					; show the calcute expression
	mov ah, 9
	int 21H

	mov ax, 4c00H					; exit to cmd
	int 21H


sleep proc near 					; but this is not random number ??? the second number could be calcuted....
	push cx
	push bx
	mov cx, 0ffffH
		push cx
			mov cx, 00fffH
				mov bx, 0001H
			loop sleepSecond
		pop cx
	loop sleepStart

	pop bx
	pop cx
sleep endp
getResult proc near						; get the calcute result
		push ax
		mov bx, ds:[operand+2]

		cmp bx, 0
		jz opePlus2
		cmp bx, 1
		jz opeSub2
		cmp bx, 2
		jz opeMul2
		cmp bx, 3
		jz opeDiv2

			mov bx, ds:[operand]
			add bx, ds:[operand+4]
		jmp getResultEnd
			mov bx, ds:[operand]
			sub bx, ds:[operand+4]
		jmp getResultEnd
			mov ax, ds:[operand]
			mov bx, ds:[operand+4]
			mul bl
			mov bx, ax
		jmp getResultEnd
			mov ax, ds:[operand]
			mov bx, ds:[operand+4]
			div bl
			mov ah, 0					; clear the remained number
			mov bx, ax
		jmp getResultEnd
		pop ax
getResult endp
getOperator proc near			; in this program, get operator could be executed at the last
		push di
		mov di, ds:[tmp]
		and bx, 3
		; jmp opePlus			; this is for debug
		cmp bx, 0
		jz opePlus
		cmp bx, 1
		jz opeSub
		cmp bx, 2
		jz opeMul
		cmp bx, 3
		jz opeDiv

			mov ds:[operand+2], 0
			mov ds:[exp+di], '+'
		jmp getOperatorEnd
			mov ds:[operand+2], 1
			mov ds:[exp+di], '-'
		jmp getOperatorEnd
			mov ds:[operand+2], 2
			mov ds:[exp+di], '*'
		jmp getOperatorEnd
			mov ds:[operand+2], 3
			mov ds:[exp+di], '/'
		jmp getOperatorEnd
		pop di

getOperator endp	

calcHalfByte	proc near	; calc the bl [----just judge lower four bit----]' s corresponding ascii code, save in bl
		; push bx			; bl record the data[need to be transfer]
		push cx			; record the offset to save in exp data segment
		cmp bl, 9
		ja abc			
						; bl not bigger than 9
		; mov [exp+cx], bl+48		; 1 ~ 8
		add bl, 48
		jmp calcHalfByteEnd
		abc:			; bl bigger than 9
		; mov [exp+cx], bl+87		; A ~ F	
		add bl, 87
		pop cx
calcHalfByte endp

calcHalfWord proc				; to calcute two hexadecimal number, number saved in bl, need to push two offset relative exp flag to save data
	; push bx
	; push di
	push dx
	push cx
	; add sp, 4					; mov stack pointer to save data offset, why there need just add 2 bit ? it just push ip in stack ?
	mov dx, bx
	mov cl, 4					; calc the upper 4 bit 
	shr bl, cl
	call calcHalfByte
	; pop di
	mov di, ds:[tmp]			; the segment of tmp must match the left value[cx], use dw to define data
	mov ds:[exp+di], bl
	mov bx, dx					; calc the lower 5 bit
	and bl, 15
	call calcHalfByte
	; pop di
	mov di, ds:[tmp+2]
	mov ds:[exp+di], bl

	; sub sp, 6					; mov stack pointer to the real stack top
								; why the value in stack changed ???		--2014.07.25
	; pop di
	; pop bx
	pop cx
	pop dx
calcHalfWord endp 

calcOneWord proc near			; to calcute two hexadecimal number, number saved in bx, need to push two offset relative exp flag to save data
	push dx
	mov dx, bx
	mov cl, 8					; calc the upper 8 bit of bx
	shr bx, cl
	mov ds:[tmp], 0006H
	mov ds:[tmp+2], 0007H
	call calcHalfWord
	mov bx, dx					; calc the lower 8 bit of bx
	mov bh, 0
	mov ds:[tmp], 0008H
	mov ds:[tmp+2], 0009H
	call calcHalfWord
	pop dx
calcOneWord endp

getRandomNunber proc near		; the process to get a random number, save to bl
	push ax
	push dx
	mov ah, 0		
	int 1AH						; the interrupt that read the clock 'click' number while ah equal 0
	; mov ax, dx				; dx express the 'click count' of clock, is our random number
	and dx, 127
	mov bl, dl
	mov bh, 0
	pop dx
	pop ax
getRandomNunber endp

code ends

end start

; finished at 2014.07.26
