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Using NVidia PerfHUD from within Visual Studio

2019年03月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1376字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Go to Tools>External Tools and choose Add then give it a good title
"NVidia perfHUD". In the Command box, point it to the NVidia perfHUD exe
(not your exe). You will want to pass your exe as an argument, so in
the Arguments box enter $(TargetPath) (no quotes). You will also
probably need to set the Initial Directory to $(TargetDir) or
$(ProjectDir). Then, use the "Move Up" button to move the new tool to
the top of the list. Click Ok.

Now, add it to the Debug toolbar
(where it logically belongs). To do that, go to Tools>Customize...
then from the Categories list (the list to the left) select Tools, then
from the list to the right look for "External Command 1" (it's 1 because
we moved NVidia PerfHUD to the top of the list earlier), then drag it
and drop it on one of the visible toolbars (the Debug toolbar is the
most reasonable choice).

At this point, you can click on the
newly added toolbar item to launch NVidia perfHUD with your exe. But you
will probably want to add a keyboard shortcut to it. To do that, go to
Tools>Options, and from the left select Environment>Keyboard. Now,
in the text box titled "Show commands containing:", enter
ExternalCommand1. This will narrow down the list to one item (which is
the one we need). Then give it an intuitive shortcut (I use Ctrl+Alt+N
and select Global from the "Use new shortcut in:" combo).

to make it look nice, customize the toolbar button and give it an image
instead of having its title displayed. I recommend you grab the icon
from the NVidia PerfHUD exe, convert it to a bitmap and use that.



