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poj 1958 Strange Towers of Hanoi…

2019年04月02日 算法 ⁄ 共 858字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
题意:四个柱子的汉诺塔 A B C D 开始A上有N个disk 全部移到D上最少的步数

思路: 首先你得明白三个柱子的汉诺塔 n个disk从A 到 C的最少步数  F(n) = 2^n
那四个呢?? 其实题目已经告诉我们解法了 At first k >= 1 disks on tower
A are fixed and the remaining n-k disks are moved from tower A to
tower B using the algorithm for four towers.Then the remaining k
disks from tower A are moved to tower D using the algorithm for
three towers. At last the n - k disks from tower B are moved to
tower D again using the algorithm for four towers
就是先移 n-k个到B(利用四个柱子) 然后移k到D (这时只能用三个柱子 因为B不能用) 然后再把B上的n-k个移到D

count[n] = min (count[n],2*count[n-k] + 2^k - 1) (0
< k <n)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
const int inf = 1000;
int Min (int a,int b)
    return a
> b ? b : a;
int main ()
    count[1] =
    for (n = 2;n
<= 12;n ++)
count[n] = inf;
for (k = 1;k < n;k ++)
int min = 2*count[n-k] + pow(2,(double)k) - 1;
count[n] = Min (count[n],min);
    for (int i =
1;i <= 12;i ++)
printf ("%d\n",count[i]);
