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scala学习十三 开发twitter客户端

2019年05月24日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3775字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


如何构建 Scitter 客户机来处理经过验证和未经过验证的调用。目前,我将采用典型的 Scala 方式,假定验证是 “按对象” 执行的,因此将需要验证的调用放在类定义中,并在未验证的调用放在对象定义中,测试代码(apache common httpclient包): 

package com.tedneward.scitter
   * Object for consuming "non-specific" Twitter feeds, such as the public timeline.
   * Use this to do non-authenticated requests of Twitter feeds.
  object Scitter
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient._, methods._, params._, cookie._

     * Ping the server to see if it's up and running.
     * Twitter docs say:
     * test
     * Returns the string "ok" in the requested format with a 200 OK HTTP status code.
     * URL: http://twitter.com/help/test.format
     * Formats: xml, json
     * Method(s): GET
    def test : Boolean =
      val client = new HttpClient()

      val method = new GetMethod("http://twitter.com/help/test.xml")

        new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false))

      val statusLine = method.getStatusLine()
      statusLine.getStatusCode() == 200
   * Class for consuming "authenticated user" Twitter APIs. Each instance is
   * thus "tied" to a particular authenticated user on Twitter, and will
   * behave accordingly (according to the Twitter API documentation).
  class Scitter(username : String, password : String)


package com.tedneward.scitter
  import org.apache.commons.httpclient._, auth._, methods._, params._

  // ...

   * Class for consuming "authenticated user" Twitter APIs. Each instance is
   * thus "tied" to a particular authenticated user on Twitter, and will
   * behave accordingly (according to the Twitter API documentation).
  class Scitter(username : String, password : String)
     * Verify the user credentials against Twitter.
     * Twitter docs say:
     * verify_credentials
     * Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the
     * requesting user if authentication was successful; returns a 401 status
     * code and an error message if not.  Use this method to test if supplied
     * user credentials are valid.
     * URL: http://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.format
     * Formats: xml, json
     * Method(s): GET
    def verifyCredentials : Boolean =
      val client = new HttpClient()

      val method = new GetMethod("http://twitter.com/help/test.xml")

        new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false))
      val creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)
        new AuthScope("twitter.com", 80, AuthScope.ANY_REALM), creds)

      val statusLine = method.getStatusLine()
      statusLine.getStatusCode() == 200

现在可以添加的最简单的 API 是 public_timeline,它收集 Twitter 从所有用户处接收到的最新的 n 更新,并返回它们以便于进行使用。与之前讨论的另外两个
API 不同,public_timeline API 返回一个响应主体(而不是仅依赖于状态码),因此我们需要分解生成的 XML/RSS/ATOM/,然后将它们返回给 Scitter 客户机。

package com.tedneward.scitter.test
  class ExplorationTests
    // ...
    @Test def callTwitterPublicTimeline =
      val publicFeedURL = "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml"
      // HttpClient API 101
      val client = new HttpClient()
      val method = new GetMethod(publicFeedURL)
        new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false))
      val statusLine = method.getStatusLine()
      assertEquals(statusLine.getStatusCode(), 200)
      assertEquals(statusLine.getReasonPhrase(), "OK")
      val responseBody = method.getResponseBodyAsString()
      System.out.println("callTwitterPublicTimeline got... ")


package com.tedneward.scitter


  class Scitter


    // ...

    def update(message : String, options : OptionalParam*) : Option[Status] =


      def optionsToMap(options : List[OptionalParam]) : Map[String, String]=


        options match


          case hd :: tl =>

            hd match {

              case InReplyToStatusId(id) =>

                Map("in_reply_to_status_id" -> id.toString) ++ optionsToMap(tl)

              case _ =>



          case List() => Map()



      val paramsMap = Map("status" -> message) ++ optionsToMap(options.toList)

      val (statusCode, body) =

           paramsMap, username, password)

      if (statusCode == 200)










