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2019年07月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 8534字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


别称:优先队列(priority queue)





In computer science, a heap is a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property: If A is a parent node of B then the key of node A is ordered with respect to the key of node B with the same ordering applying
across the heap.


  最大堆 / 大根(顶)堆(max heap):每个节点的值 >= 其左右孩子值(如果有),最大值位于根结点。

  最小堆 / 小根(顶)堆(min heap):每个节点的值 <= 其左右孩子值(如果有),最小值位于根结点。

实现:通常采用二叉堆(binary heap),此时堆的一棵完全二叉树(complete binary tree),方便使用数组形式进行实现。













1.实现抽象数据类型:优先队列(priority queue)


  优先队列:元素被赋予优先级,优先队列具有最高进先出 (largest-in,first-out)的行为特征。一般普通的队列添加是在最后加入,但优先级队列却不一定添加到最后,它会按照优先级算法把它插入到队列当中去,出队时还是从第一个开始,即取根元素,这样保证了队列中优先级高(即根结点)的先服务,而不是先来先服务了。至于优先级算法如何得出最高权限完全是根据需要自定义。(参考:http://gwoham-163-com.iteye.com/blog/1940227


2.堆排序(Heap Sort)


















 * @file heap.h
 * @brief heap data structure header.
 * The heap use sequence list by dynamic array.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-02-05

#ifndef __HEAP__
#define __HEAP__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// #define NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>

/// function return state
#ifndef OK
#define OK        1
#ifndef ERROR
#define ERROR     0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE      1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE     0

/// data type, can be modified
typedef int Status;         ///< status data type
typedef int ElementType;    ///< element data type
typedef int CommonType;     ///< common data type

/// heap data structure
#define MAX_HEAP      1
#define MIN_HEAP      0
#define HEAP_TYPE     MIN_HEAP         ///< heap type, can by modified

/// macro definition of child node and parent node
#define LCHILD(i) ((unsigned)(i) << 1)
#define RCHILD(i) (((unsigned)(i) << 1) + 1)
#define PARENT(i) ((unsigned)(i) >> 1)

typedef struct {
    ElementType* data;                 ///< heap elements array pointer
    CommonType max_size;               ///< heap max elements count
    CommonType size;                   ///< heap elements count

/// heap methods

/// initialize heap:create an empty heap with special max size
void InitHeap(Heap* H, CommonType max_size);
/// create a heap out of given array of elements
void BuildHeap(Heap* H, CommonType max_size,
        ElementType* array, CommonType length);
/// clear heap: make heap as first initialized
void ClearHeap(Heap* H);
/// destroy heap: free heap memory, need to intitialize it if reused
void DestroyHeap(Heap* H);
/// return true if the heap is empty, false otherwise
Status HeapEmpty(Heap* H);
/// return true if the heap is full, false otherwise
Status HeapFull(Heap* H);
/// return the number of items in the heap
CommonType HeapSize(Heap* H);
/// find the maximum item of a max-heap or a minimum item of a min-heap
Status HeapGet(Heap* H, ElementType* e);
/// adding a new key to the heap
Status HeapInsert(Heap* H, ElementType e);
/// remove the root node of a max-heap or min-heap, respectively
Status HeapDelete(Heap* H, ElementType* e);
/// heap sort method for input array
void HeapSort(ElementType* array, CommonType length);

#endif  // __HEAP__


 * @file heap.c
 * @brief heap method implements.
 * The methods use <assert.h> to help debug the program.
 * The heap use sequence list by dynamic array.
 * @author chenxilinsidney
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2015-02-05

#include "heap.h"

 * @brief swap two elements
 * @param[in]     a      element pointer a
 * @param[in]     b      element pointer b
static void swap(ElementType* a, ElementType* b)
    /// swap by third element
    ElementType c = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = c;

 * @brief initialize heap:create an empty heap with special max size.
 * @param[in,out] H     heap struct pointer
 * @param[in]     H     heap max size
void InitHeap(Heap* H, CommonType max_size)
    assert(H != NULL && max_size > 0);
    if ((H->data = (ElementType*)malloc((max_size + 1) *
                    sizeof(ElementType))) == NULL) {
    H->max_size = max_size;
    H->size = 0;

 * @brief heap shift down: move a element down in the tree.
 * as long as needed(depending on the condition:min-heap or max-heap).
 * @param[in]     array     heap elements array
 * @param[in]     index     array begin index to create heap
 * @param[in]     size      heap elements array length
static void Heapify(ElementType* array, CommonType index,
        CommonType length)
    assert(array != NULL && index >= 1 && length >= 0);
    CommonType min_index;
    while (index < length) {
        min_index = index;
        /// get maximum or minimum child index
        if (LCHILD(index) <= length &&
                array[LCHILD(index)] HEAP_CMP_SYMBOL array[min_index])
            min_index = LCHILD(index);
        if (RCHILD(index) <= length &&
                array[RCHILD(index)] HEAP_CMP_SYMBOL array[min_index])
            min_index = RCHILD(index);
        if (min_index != index) {
            swap(array + index, array + min_index);
            index = min_index;
        } else {

 * @brief create a heap out of given array of elements.
 * @param[in,out] H      heap struct pointer
 * @param[in]     H      heap max size
 * @param[in]     array  heap elements array
 * @param[in]     length heap elements array count
void BuildHeap(Heap* H, CommonType max_size,
        ElementType* array, CommonType length)
    assert(H != NULL && array != NULL && max_size > 0 && length > 0);
    /// memory pointer
    H->data = array;
    /// size
    H->max_size = max_size;
    H->size = length;
    /// heapify
    CommonType index;
    for (index = PARENT(length); index > 0; index--)
        Heapify(H->data, index, length);

 * @brief clear heap: make heap as first initialized.
 * @param[in,out] H     heap struct pointer
void ClearHeap(Heap* H)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0);
    H->size = 0;

 * @brief destroy heap: free heap memory, need to intitialize it if reused.
 * @param[in,out] H     heap struct pointer
void DestroyHeap(Heap* H)
    assert(H != NULL);
    H->data = NULL;
    H->max_size = 0;
    H->size = 0;

 * @brief return true if the heap is empty, false otherwise.
 * @param[in]     H     heap struct pointer
 * @return return TRUE if empty, FALSE otherwise
Status HeapEmpty(Heap* H)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0 && H->size >= 0);
    if (H->size)
        return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

 * @brief return true if the heap is full, false otherwise.
 * @param[in]     H     heap struct pointer
 * @return return TRUE if empty, FALSE otherwise
Status HeapFull(Heap* H)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0 && H->size >= 0);
    if (H->size == H->max_size)
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

 * @brief return the number of elements in the heap.
 * @param[in]     H     heap struct pointer
 * @return the number of elements in the heap
CommonType HeapSize(Heap* H)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0 && H->size >= 0);
    return H->size;

 * @brief find the maximum item of a max-heap or a minimum item of a min-heap.
 * @param[in]     H     heap struct pointer
 * @param[out]    e     the element
 * @return OK if success, ERROR otherwise
Status HeapGet(Heap* H, ElementType* e)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0 && H->size >= 0);
    /// detect if heap if empty
    if (HeapEmpty(H) == TRUE)
        return ERROR;
    /// delete root element
    *e = H->data[1];
    return OK;

 * @brief adding a new element to the heap.
 * @param[in]     H     heap struct pointer
 * @param[in]     e     the element
 * @return OK if success, ERROR otherwise
Status HeapInsert(Heap* H, ElementType e)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0 && H->size >= 0);
    /// detect if heap if full
    if (HeapFull(H) == TRUE)
        return ERROR;
    /// add element to last
    CommonType index = ++(H->size);
    /// heap shift up: move a element up in the tree.
    /// as long as needed(depending on the condition:min-heap or max-heap).
    while (index > 1 && e HEAP_CMP_SYMBOL H->data[PARENT(index)]) {
        H->data[index] = H->data[PARENT(index)];
        index = PARENT(index);
    H->data[index] = e;
    return OK;

 * @brief remove the root element of a max-heap or min-heap, respectively.
 * @param[in]     H     heap struct pointer
 * @param[out]    e     the element
 * @return OK if success, ERROR otherwise
Status HeapDelete(Heap* H, ElementType* e)
    assert(H != NULL && H->data != NULL && H->max_size > 0 && H->size >= 0);
    /// detect if heap if empty
    if (HeapEmpty(H) == TRUE)
        return ERROR;
    /// delete root element and move last element to root
    *e = H->data[1];
    H->data[1] = H->data[(H->size)--];
    /// heapify
    Heapify(H->data, 1, H->size);
    return OK;

 * @brief heap sort method for input array.
 * @param[in,out] array     input and output array
 * @param[in]     length    array length
 * @warning if the heap is max-heap, the elements in the array will increase
 * by index, otherwise decrease.
void HeapSort(ElementType* array, CommonType length)
    /// make heap elements index begin from 1
    ElementType* array_new = array - 1;
    /// build heap by elements
    Heap heap;
    BuildHeap(&heap, length, array_new, length);
    /// move root element to the end and heapify smaller size array
    CommonType new_size = length;
    while (new_size > 1) {
        swap(array_new + new_size, array_new + 1);
        Heapify(array_new, 1, --new_size);
