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.net 中访问 excel文件的两种方式

2019年10月07日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2013字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
 1, OleDB, look in to the code sample following:
public static String ReadIn ( string sheetName )
    StringBuilder output 
= new StringBuilder( 5124096 );
    StringWriter writer 
= new StringWriter( output );

    OpenFileDialog dialog 
= new OpenFileDialog( );
= @"Excel Files (*.xls)|*.xls|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
if ( ( dialog.ShowDialog( ) == DialogResult.OK ) )
string filename = dialog.FileName;
string connectionString;
string Query;
        MessageBox.Show( filename );
= ( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="
+ ( filename + ( ";Extended Properties=" + ( '"' + ( "Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1" + ( '"' + ";" ) ) ) ) ) );
= ( "SELECT * FROM " + sheetName );
= String.Format( "SELECT * FROM [{0}$]", sheetName );
            OleDbConnection connection 
= new OleDbConnection( connectionString );
            OleDbCommand command 
= new OleDbCommand( Query, connection );
            OleDbDataReader reader;
            connection.Open( );
= command.ExecuteReader( );
while ( reader.Read() )
                writer.Write( reader.GetValue( 
0 ).ToString( ) + " " );
                writer.Write( reader.GetValue( 
1 ).ToString( ) + " " );
                writer.Write( reader.GetValue( 
2 ).ToString( ) + " " );
                writer.Write( reader.GetValue( 
3 ).ToString( ) + " " );
                writer.WriteLine( );

            reader.Close( );
            connection.Close( );

catch ( Exception ex )
            writer.WriteLine( ex.Message );

return output.ToString( );

return @"";

2, Using Microsoft.Office.Core.Excel.dll:

  1. Add Microsoft.Office.Core.Excel.dll as a reference to your porject.

  2. Start using the Excel functionality using the Microsoft.Office.Core.Excel namespace.

  3. You can use the Workbook class to open the xls file and then find your WorkSheet and go to the different cells using Rows, Columns or Cells.
