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SQLServer 2008数据库降级到2005低版本

2020年01月05日 数据库 ⁄ 共 3610字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


从运行版本10.50.2500(2008R2是10.50)和10.00.1600(2008是10.00)中可以看出这个版本不兼容问题,大部分情况下,从低版本升级到高版本,只要不是跨度太大,如2000升级到2012,都不会怎么报错。除非使用了一些新版本不兼容的特性如*=来实现left join的语句。但是就像上图那样,从高版本还原到低版本的时候,问题就出现了,而且几乎一定会报错。

下面给出几个小建议,例子是从2008 降级到2005

方法一:使用图形化操作(GUI),打开SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio)





方法二:使用系统自带的存储过程实现:sp_dbcmptlevel ——将某些数据库行为设置为与指定的 SQL Server 版本兼容下面是其内部实现代码:

SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON  SET ANSI_NULLS ON  GO  create procedure sys.sp_dbcmptlevel -- 1997/04/15  @dbname sysname = NULL,  -- database name to change  @new_cmptlevel tinyint = NULL OUTPUT -- the new compatibility level to change to  as  set nocount on   declare @exec_stmt nvarchar(max)  declare @returncode int  declare @comptlevel float(8)  declare @dbid int  -- dbid of the database  declare @dbsid varbinary(85) -- id of the owner of the database  declare @orig_cmptlevel tinyint -- original compatibility level  declare @input_cmptlevel tinyint -- compatibility level passed in by user  ,@cmptlvl80 tinyint -- compatibility to SQL Server Version 8.0  ,@cmptlvl90 tinyint -- compatibility to SQL Server Version 9.0  ,@cmptlvl100 tinyint -- compatibility to SQL Server Version 10.0  select @cmptlvl80 = 80,  @cmptlvl90 = 90,  @cmptlvl100 = 100   -- SP MUST BE CALLED AT ADHOC LEVEL --  if (@@nestlevel > 1)  begin  raiserror(15432,-1,-1,'sys.sp_dbcmptlevel')  return (1)  end   -- If no @dbname given, just list the valid compatibility level values.  if @dbname is null  begin  raiserror (15048, -1, -1, @cmptlvl80, @cmptlvl90, @cmptlvl100)  return (0)  end   -- Verify the database name and get info  select @dbid = dbid, @dbsid = sid ,@orig_cmptlevel = cmptlevel  from master.dbo.sysdatabases  where name = @dbname   -- If @dbname not found, say so and list the databases.  if @dbid is null  begin  raiserror(15010,-1,-1,@dbname)  print ' '  select name as 'Available databases:'  from master.dbo.sysdatabases  return (1)  end   -- Now save the input compatibility level and initialize the return clevel  -- to be the current clevel  select @input_cmptlevel = @new_cmptlevel  select @new_cmptlevel = @orig_cmptlevel   -- If no clevel was supplied, display and output current level.  if @input_cmptlevel is null  begin  raiserror(15054, -1, -1, @orig_cmptlevel)  return(0)  end   -- If invalid clevel given, print usage and return error code  -- 'usage: sp_dbcmptlevel [dbname [, compatibilitylevel]]'  if @input_cmptlevel not in (@cmptlvl80, @cmptlvl90, @cmptlvl100)  begin  raiserror(15416, -1, -1)  print ' '  raiserror (15048, -1, -1, @cmptlvl80, @cmptlvl90, @cmptlvl100)  return (1)  end   -- Only the SA or the dbo of @dbname can execute the update part  -- of this procedure sys.so check.  if (not (is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') = 1)) and suser_sid() <> @dbsid  -- ALSO ALLOW db_owner ONLY IF DB REQUESTED IS CURRENT DB  and (@dbid <> db_id() or is_member('db_owner') <> 1)  begin  raiserror(15418,-1,-1)  return (1)  end   -- If we're in a transaction, disallow this since it might make recovery impossible.  set implicit_transactions off  if @@trancount > 0  begin  raiserror(15002,-1,-1,'sys.sp_dbcmptlevel')  return (1)  end   set @exec_stmt = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename(@dbname, '[') + ' SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = ' + cast(@input_cmptlevel as nvarchar(128))   -- Note: database @dbname may not exist anymore  exec(@exec_stmt)   select @new_cmptlevel = @input_cmptlevel   return (0) -- sp_dbcmptlevel  GO  


sp_dbcmptlevel [ [ @dbname = ] name ]  [ , [ @new_cmptlevel = ] version ] 


[ @dbname = ] name要为其更改兼容级别的数据库的名称。数据库名称必须符合标识符的规则。name 的数据类型为 sysname,默认值为 NULL。[ @new_cmptlevel = ] version数据库要与之兼容的 SQL Server 的版本。version 的数据类型为 tinyint,默认值为 NULL。该值必须为下列值之一:80 = SQL Server 200090 = SQL Server 2005100 = SQL Server 2008

返回代码值0(成功)或 1(失败)

注意事项:后续版本的 Microsoft SQL Server 将删除该功能。请不要在新的开发工作中使用该功能,并尽快修改当前还在使用该功能的应用程序。 改为使用 ALTER DATABASE 兼容级别。


