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2020年02月10日 操作系统 ⁄ 共 12845字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭






# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import warningsimport datetime


def getNowYearWeek(): # 当前时间年第几周的计算 timenow = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7) NowYearWeek = timenow.isocalendar() return str(NowYearWeek[0])+"#"+str(NowYearWeek[1])

def dateRange(beginDate, endDate): dates = [] dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(beginDate, "%Y-%m-%d") date = beginDate[:] while date <= endDate: dates.append(date) dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(1) date = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") return dates

def weekRang(beginDate, endDate): week = set() for date in dateRange(beginDate, endDate): week.add(datetime.date(int(date[0:4]), int(date[5:7]), int(date[8:10])).isocalendar()[0:2])

wk_l = [] for wl in sorted(list(week)): wk_l.append(str(wl[0])+'#'+str(wl[1])) return wk_l

def currWeekList(his_week): last_wk = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7) end_day = str(last_wk)[0:10] curr_week_list = [] for week in weekRang('2015-07-01', end_day): if (int(week[0:4]) == int(his_week[0:4]) and int(week[5:]) >= int(his_week[5:])) or (int(week[0:4]) > int(his_week[0:4])): curr_week_list.append(week) return curr_week_list

def hisRunWeekList(his_week): batch_week_list = [] for curr_week in currWeekList(his_week): if (int(his_week[0:4]) == int(curr_week[0:4]) and int(his_week[5:]) <= int(curr_week[5:])) or (int(his_week[0:4]) < int(curr_week[0:4])): batch_week_list.append(([curr_week, his_week],None)) return batch_week_list

def RuningWeekList(): curr_week = getNowYearWeek() batch_week_list = [] for his_week in currWeekList('2015#27'): if (int(his_week[0:4]) == int(curr_week[0:4]) and int(his_week[5:]) <= int(curr_week[5:])) or (int(his_week[0:4]) < int(curr_week[0:4])): batch_week_list.append(([curr_week, his_week],None)) return batch_week_list

def getWeekFristday(weekflag): yearnum = weekflag[0:4] # 取到年份 weeknum = weekflag[5:7] # 取到周 stryearstart = yearnum + '0101' # 当年第一天 yearstart = datetime.datetime.strptime(stryearstart, '%Y%m%d') # 格式化为日期格式 yearstartcalendarmsg = yearstart.isocalendar() # 当年第一天的周信息 yearstartweekday = yearstartcalendarmsg[2] yearstartyear = yearstartcalendarmsg[0] if yearstartyear < int(yearnum): daydelat = (8 - int(yearstartweekday)) + (int(weeknum) - 1) * 7 else: daydelat = (8 - int(yearstartweekday)) + (int(weeknum) - 2) * 7

week1day = (yearstart + datetime.timedelta(days=daydelat)).date() return week1day

# Batch Test# his_week_list = ['2015#46', '2015#45', '2016#2']# batch_week_list = []# for his_week in his_week_list:# batch_week_list.extend(hisRunWeekList(his_week))# print batch_week_list# print getWeekFristday('2016#11')# his_week = '2016#11'# print currWeekList(his_week)

# print getNowYearWeek()


# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import timeimport osimport refrom WeekCalc import *


def newuser_byweek_proc(batch_week): week1day = getWeekFristday(batch_week) os.system("""/usr/lib/hive-current/bin/hive -e " \ alter table bi_newuser_byweek drop if exists partition(pt_week='%s'); \ alter table bi_newuser_byweek add partition(pt_week='%s'); \ insert into table bi_newuser_byweek partition (pt_week='%s') \ select a1.appsource,a1.appkey,a1.identifier,a1.uid from ( \ select appsource,appkey,identifier,uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by appsource,appkey,identifier,uid) a1 \ left join \ (select appsource,appkey,identifier,uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where pt_day < '%s' ) a2 on a1.appkey=a2.appkey and a1.identifier=a2.identifier and a1.appsource=a2.appsource and a1.uid=a2.uid \ where a2.identifier is null \ ;" \ """ % (batch_week, batch_week, batch_week, batch_week, week1day));

def user_remain_payamount_byweek(curr_week, his_week): os.system("""/usr/bin/mysql -hMysqlHost -P6603 -uHadoop -pMysqlPass -e "use funnyai_data; \ delete from bi_user_remain_payamount_byweek where data_week='%s' and remain_week='%s'; \ " """ % (his_week, curr_week))

newuser_remain_pay_data = os.popen("""source /etc/profile; \ /usr/lib/hive-current/bin/hive -e " \ add jar /home/hadoop/nisj/udf-jar/hadoop_udf_radixChange.jar; \ create temporary function RadixChange as 'com.kascend.hadoop.RadixChange'; \ with his_new_user as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_newuser_byweek \ where pt_week = '%s' \ ), \ curr_week_data as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10)), \ curr_week_pay as (select uid,sum(amount) amount \ from data_chushou_pay_info \ where state=0 and \ case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by uid) \ select b1.appkey,b1.appsource,sum(b2.amount) pay_amount from \ (select a1.appkey,a1.appsource,a1.uid \ from his_new_user a1 \ inner join curr_week_data a2 on a1.appkey=a2.appkey and a1.identifier=a2.identifier and a1.appsource=a2.appsource \ group by a1.appkey,a1.appsource,a1.uid) b1 \ left join curr_week_pay b2 on b1.uid=b2.uid \ group by b1.appkey,b1.appsource \ ;" \ """ % (his_week, curr_week, curr_week)).readlines();

nrpd_list = [] for nrp_list in newuser_remain_pay_data: nrp = re.split('\t', nrp_list.replace('\n', '')) nrpd_list.append(nrp) for nrpd in nrpd_list: remain_week = curr_week appkey = nrpd[0] appsource = nrpd[1] pay_amount = nrpd[2] etl_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime())

os.system("""/usr/bin/mysql -hMysqlHost -P6603 -uhadoop -pMysqlPass -e "use funnyai_data; \ insert into bi_user_remain_payamount_byweek(data_week,appsource,appkey,remain_week,pay_amount,etl_time) \ select '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s'; \ " """ % (his_week, appsource, appkey, remain_week, pay_amount, etl_time))

def user_remain_pay_byweek(curr_week, his_week): os.system("""/usr/bin/mysql -hMysqlHost -P6603 -uhadoop -pMysqlPass -e "use funnyai_data; \ delete from bi_user_remain_pay_byweek where data_week='%s' and remain_week='%s'; \ " """ % (his_week, curr_week))

newuser_remain_pay_data = os.popen("""source /etc/profile; \ /usr/lib/hive-current/bin/hive -e " \ add jar /home/hadoop/nisj/udf-jar/hadoop_udf_radixChange.jar; \ create temporary function RadixChange as 'com.kascend.hadoop.RadixChange'; \ with his_new_user as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_newuser_byweek \ where pt_week = '%s' \ ), \ curr_week_data as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10)) \ select a1.appkey,a1.appsource,count(distinct a2.identifier) remain_cnt,0 pay_amount \ from his_new_user a1 \ inner join curr_week_data a2 on a1.appkey=a2.appkey and a1.identifier=a2.identifier and a1.appsource=a2.appsource \ group by a1.appkey,a1.appsource \ ;" \ """ % (his_week, curr_week)).readlines();

nrpd_list = [] for nrp_list in newuser_remain_pay_data: nrp = re.split('\t', nrp_list.replace('\n', '')) nrpd_list.append(nrp) for nrpd in nrpd_list: remain_week = curr_week appkey = nrpd[0] appsource = nrpd[1] remain_cnt = nrpd[2] pay_amount = nrpd[3] etl_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime())

os.system("""/usr/bin/mysql -hMysqlHost -P6603 -uhadoop -pMysqlPass -e "use funnyai_data; \ insert into bi_user_remain_pay_byweek(data_week,appsource,appkey,remain_week,remain_cnt,pay_amount,etl_time) \ select '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s'; \ " """ % (his_week, appsource, appkey, remain_week, remain_cnt, pay_amount, etl_time))

# Batch Test# curr_week = '2016#6'# his_week = '2015#46'# user_remain_payamount_byweek(curr_week, his_week)# user_remain_pay_byweek(curr_week, his_week)# batch_week = '2015#46'# newuser_byweek_proc(batch_week)


# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import timeimport osimport refrom WeekCalc import *


def newuser_byweek_proc(batch_week): week1day = getWeekFristday(batch_week) sql_text = """/usr/lib/hive-current/bin/hive -e " \ alter table bi_newuser_byweek drop if exists partition(pt_week='%s'); \ alter table bi_newuser_byweek add partition(pt_week='%s'); \ insert into table bi_newuser_byweek partition (pt_week='%s') \ select a1.appsource,a1.appkey,a1.identifier,a1.uid from ( \ select appsource,appkey,identifier,uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by appsource,appkey,identifier,uid) a1 \ left join \ (select appsource,appkey,identifier,uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where pt_day < '%s' ) a2 on a1.appkey=a2.appkey and a1.identifier=a2.identifier and a1.appsource=a2.appsource and a1.uid=a2.uid \ where a2.identifier is null \ ;" \ """ % (batch_week, batch_week, batch_week, batch_week, week1day); print sql_text

def user_remain_payamount_byweek(curr_week, his_week): sql_text="""source /etc/profile; \ /usr/lib/hive-current/bin/hive -e " \ add jar /home/hadoop/nisj/udf-jar/hadoop_udf_radixChange.jar; \ create temporary function RadixChange as 'com.kascend.hadoop.RadixChange'; \ with his_new_user as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_newuser_byweek \ where pt_week = '%s' \ ), \ curr_week_data as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10)), \ curr_week_pay as (select uid,sum(amount) amount \ from data_chushou_pay_info \ where state=0 and \ case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by uid) \ select b1.appkey,b1.appsource,sum(b2.amount) pay_amount from \ (select a1.appkey,a1.appsource,a1.uid \ from his_new_user a1 \ inner join curr_week_data a2 on a1.appkey=a2.appkey and a1.identifier=a2.identifier and a1.appsource=a2.appsource \ group by a1.appkey,a1.appsource,a1.uid) b1 \ left join curr_week_pay b2 on b1.uid=b2.uid \ group by b1.appkey,b1.appsource \ ;" \ """ % (his_week, curr_week, curr_week); print sql_text

def user_remain_pay_byweek(curr_week, his_week): sql_text="""source /etc/profile; \ /usr/lib/hive-current/bin/hive -e " \ add jar /home/hadoop/nisj/udf-jar/hadoop_udf_radixChange.jar; \ create temporary function RadixChange as 'com.kascend.hadoop.RadixChange'; \ with his_new_user as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_newuser_byweek \ where pt_week = '%s' \ ), \ curr_week_data as (select appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10) uid \ from bi_all_access_log \ where case when weekofyear(pt_day)>=52 and month(pt_day)=1 then concat(year(pt_day)-1,'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) else concat(year(pt_day),'#',weekofyear(pt_day)) end = '%s' \ group by appsource,appkey,identifier,RadixChange(uid,16,10)) \ select a1.appkey,a1.appsource,count(distinct a2.identifier) remain_cnt,0 pay_amount \ from his_new_user a1 \ inner join curr_week_data a2 on a1.appkey=a2.appkey and a1.identifier=a2.identifier and a1.appsource=a2.appsource \ group by a1.appkey,a1.appsource \ ;" \ """ % (his_week, curr_week); print sql_text

# Batch Test# curr_week = '2016#6'# his_week = '2015#46'# user_remain_payamount_byweek(curr_week, his_week)# user_remain_pay_byweek(curr_week, his_week)# batch_week = '2015#46'# newuser_byweek_proc(batch_week)


# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import threadpoolfrom Hive_remain_byWeek_proc import *# from xx import *


today = datetime.date.today()yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime())print "当前时间是:",now_time

# 新用户数据先跑出来last_week = [getNowYearWeek()]request_newuser_byweek_proc = threadpool.makeRequests(newuser_byweek_proc, last_week)frist_pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(8)[frist_pool.putRequest(req) for req in request_newuser_byweek_proc]frist_pool.wait()

# 然后再执行用户留存和充值金额数据if True: batch_week_list = RuningWeekList() requests = [] request_user_remain_payamount_byweek = threadpool.makeRequests(user_remain_payamount_byweek, batch_week_list) request_user_remain_pay_byweek = threadpool.makeRequests(user_remain_pay_byweek, batch_week_list)

requests.extend(request_user_remain_payamount_byweek) requests.extend(request_user_remain_pay_byweek)

main_pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(8) [main_pool.putRequest(req) for req in requests]

if __name__ == '__main__': while True: try: time.sleep(960) main_pool.poll() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("**** Interrupted!") break except threadpool.NoResultsPending: break

if main_pool.dismissedWorkers: print("Joining all dismissed worker threads...") main_pool.joinAllDismissedWorkers()

now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime())print "当前时间是:",now_time


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