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XPO – (Gary’s post)Stored Procedure Support Coming in V2010 Vol 2 Part1

2013年03月06日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4875字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


XPO – Stored Procedure Support Coming in V2010 Vol 2 --Part 1

Unless you work in a very small software shop, or are a ‘one man band’, the chances are you don’t ‘own’ the data that you are trying to connect to. Between you and it there will normally be a DBA. You know the type, a big burly bruiser of a guy, telling you ‘if your name ain’t on the list you ain’t getting in’. You have to get passed this ‘gatekeeper’ if you want to access any of ‘his’ data. Because of this, any good ORM tool has to have ‘out of the box’ support for stored procedures, and I’m delighted to say that, as of V10.2, XPO will have this support.

With the new release there’ll be two ways of working with stored procedures in XPO:

  1. Direct calling of existing stored procedures and the ability to handle returned data;

  2. Mapping of persistent classes on views in the database with help of INSTEAD-OF triggers and stored procedures.

I guess most people will be using the first variant, so let’s go ahead and check out how that’ll work. Firstly, two methods have been introduced into the Session class:

  1. Selected Data ExecuteSproc(string sprocName, params OperandValue[] parameters), where sprocName is the name of the stored procedure you wish to execute and parameters are the parameters you wish to pass to this stored procedure. This method returns the result in a SelectedData instance.
    选择数据ExecuteSproc(string sprocName, params OperandValue[] parameters),参数sprocName:你要执行的存储过程名称,parameters:你要执行的存储过程的参数。这个方法返回的结果在SelectedData实例中。

  2. ICollection<T> GetObjectsFromSproc<T>(string sprocName, params OperandValue[] parameters).
    This method enables you to load data returned by the stored procedure into non-persistent classes.

The Persistent Class Wizard has been extended to help you out when working with stored procedures. So let’s take a look at that now:

To use the Wizard choose the Add New Item command:
要使用向导,选择Add New Item命令:

Then select the Persistent Classes 10.2 item template, change the file name as required and press Add, specify the connection information and hit next
然后,选择Persistent Classes 10.2项目模板,更改为你需求的文件名称并按Add,指定连接信息并点next

In the next step, the wizard displays a list of tables and their columns that can be mapped to persistent objects. We will select the EmployeeSplit table (just for demo purposes) and then press Next:

Now select the stored procedures we interested in, and select the required columns that will be included in the result set returned by stored procedure then press Finish.

In this example we will choose the CustOrdersOrders stored procecdure, which will return the OrderID, OrderDate, RequireDate, ShippedDate columns. Just for this demo we won’t include the ShippedDate column. After we press Finish, the wizard will generate the following code:



using System;

using DevExpress.Xpo;

namespace Northwind {


    public class EmployeeSplit : XPLiteObject {

        int fID;


        public int ID {

            get { return fID; }

            set { SetPropertyValue<int>("ID", ref fID, value); }


        string fExtension;


        public string Extension {

            get { return fExtension; }

            set { SetPropertyValue<string>("Extension", ref fExtension, value); }


        string fPhotoPath;


        public string PhotoPath {

            get { return fPhotoPath; }

            set { SetPropertyValue<string>("PhotoPath", ref fPhotoPath, value); }


        public EmployeeSplit(Session session) : base(session) { }

        public EmployeeSplit() : base(Session.DefaultSession) { }

        public override void AfterConstruction() { base.AfterConstruction(); }




    public class CustOrdersOrders : PersistentBase {

        int fOrderID;

        public int OrderID {

            get { return fOrderID; }

            set { SetPropertyValue<int>("OrderID", ref fOrderID, value); }


        DateTime fOrderDate;

        public DateTime OrderDate {

            get { return fOrderDate; }

            set { SetPropertyValue<DateTime>("OrderDate", ref fOrderDate, value); }


        DateTime fRequiredDate;

        public DateTime RequiredDate {

            get { return fRequiredDate; }

            set { SetPropertyValue<DateTime>("RequiredDate", ref fRequiredDate, value); }


        public CustOrdersOrders(Session session) : base(session) { }

        public CustOrdersOrders() : base(Session.DefaultSession) { }

        public override void AfterConstruction() { base.AfterConstruction(); }


    public static class NorthwindSprocHelper {


        public static DevExpress.Xpo.DB.SelectedData ExecCustOrdersOrders(Session session, string CustomerID){

            return session.ExecuteSproc("CustOrdersOrders", CustomerID);

