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2013年02月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 11658字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


create table c217026
Cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
partition by range(Credit)
partition par_3 values less than(3) tablespace TEST2,
partition par_4 values less than(5) tablespace USERS2,
partition par_other values less than(maxvalue) tablespace EXAMPLE2


执行脚本 c22.sql

create table c227026
cno char(8),
name varchar2(100),
kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
partition by list(Kind)
partition par_01 values (01) tablespace TEST2,
partition par_02 values (02) tablespace USERS2,
partition par_03 values (03) tablespace Example2


create table c237026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
credit number(1)
partition by hash(Name)
partition par_01 tablespace TEST2,
partition par_02 tablespace USERS2,
partition par_03 tablespace EXAMPLE2


 执行脚本 c24.sql

create table c247026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1),
constraint pk_c247026_cno primary key(cno)
organization index tablespace TEST2
mapping table
overflow tablespace tb2_2k;


create cluster CLU_c27026
cno char(8)
tablespace tb2_8k;

create table c257026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
cluster CLU_c27026(cno)

create table SC27026
sno char(8),
cno char(8),
grade number(3)
cluster CLU_c27026(cno)


create table c267026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1),
contents clob
tablespace tb2_2k
lob(contents) store as S2LOB (tablespace test2)



create global temporary table c277026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
on commit delete rows


create global temporary table c287026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
on commit preserve rows


alter system set db_create_file_dest='c:/DA917026';//
alter system set db_8K_cache_size=8K;
create tablespace ind2_7026 datafile size 40M autoextend on next 10M maxsize unlimited blocksize 8K;


create bitmap index ind2_c217026_k on c217026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c217026_n on c217026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c227026_k on c227026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c227026_n on c227026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c237026_k on c237026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c237026_n on c237026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
alter table c247026 move mapping table;

create bitmap index ind2_c247026_k on c247026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c247026_n on c247026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c257026_k on c257026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c257026_n on c257026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c267026_k on c267026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c267026_n on c267026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;


alter index ind2_c217026_k monitoring usage;
alter index ind2_c217026_n monitoring usage;


alter table c217026 add constraint pK_c217026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c227026 add constraint pK_c227026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c237026 add constraint pK_c237026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c257026 add constraint pK_c257026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c267026 add constraint pK_c267026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c277026 add constraint pK_c277026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c287026 add constraint pK_c287026_cno primary key(cno);


alter table c217026 add cpno char(8);
alter table c217026 add constraint fk_c217026_cpno foreign key(cpno) references c217026(cno);


create table student7026 (
                            sno char(8) constraint pk_student7026_sno primary key,
                            sname varchar(10) constraint nk_student7026_sname   unique not NULL ,
                            sex  char(1)  constraint nk_student7026_sex  not NULL,
                            score number(3) constraint  nk_student7026_score not NULL check(score >=500 and score<=750),
                            monitor   char(8) constraint  fk_student7026_monitor references student7026(sno)
                            ) tablespace test2;


alter table student7026 add constraint ck_student_score check(substr(sno,4,2)='13' and score>=550) deferrable initially deferred;

  drop table part2_mes;
  create table part2_mes (tname varchar2(40),mes1 varchar2(100),mes2 clob);
  insert into part2_mes
    select a.table_name||'('||b.partitioning_type||' partition)',a.partition_name ||'('||a.tablespace_name||')',to_lob(a.high_value)
    from user_tab_partitions a,user_part_tables b
    where a.table_name like 'C2%' and a.table_name=b.table_name;
  drop table con2_mes;
  create table con2_mes (tname varchar2(40),mes1 varchar2(100),mes2 clob);
  insert into con2_mes
    select a.constraint_name||'('||a.constraint_type||')',A.table_name||'('||b.column_NAME||')',to_lob(search_condition)
    from user_constraints a,user_cons_columns b
    where a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name and a.constraint_name like '_K%' and a.constraint_type='C';
  insert into con2_mes
    select a.constraint_name||'('||a.constraint_type||')',A.table_name||'('||b.column_NAME||')',r_constraint_name
    from user_constraints a,user_cons_columns b
    where a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name and a.constraint_name like '_K%' and a.constraint_type<>'C';

alter table xxxxxx move mapping table;

insert into student7052 values('1','2','e','800','1');


create table c217026
Cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
partition by range(Credit)
partition par_3 values less than(3) tablespace TEST2,
partition par_4 values less than(4) tablespace USERS2,
partition par_other values less than(maxvalue) tablespace EXAMPLE2

create table c227026
cno char(8),
name varchar2(100),
kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
partition by list(Kind)
partition par_01 values (01) tablespace TEST2,
partition par_02 values (02) tablespace USERS2,
partition par_03 values (03) tablespace Example2

create table c237026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
credit number(1)
partition by hash(Name)
partition par_01 tablespace TEST2,
partition par_02 tablespace USERS2,
partition par_03 tablespace EXAMPLE2

create table c247026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1),
constraint pk_c247026_cno primary key(cno)
organization index tablespace TEST2
mapping table
overflow tablespace tb2_2k;

create cluster CLU_c27026
cno char(8)
tablespace tb2_8k;

create table c257026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
cluster CLU_c27026(cno)

create table SC27026
sno char(8),
cno char(8),
grade number(3)
cluster CLU_c27026(cno)

create table c267026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
K2 char(2),
Credit number(1),
contents clob
tablespace tb2_2k 
lob(contents) store as S2LOB (tablespace test2)

create global temporary table c277026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
Kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
on commit delete rows

create global temporary table c287026
cno char(8),
Name varchar2(100),
kind char(2),
Credit number(1)
on commit preserve rows
alter system set db_create_file_dest='c:/DB947026';
alter system set db_8K_cache_size=8K;
create tablespace ind2_7026 datafile size 40M autoextend on next 10M maxsize unlimited blocksize 8K;

create bitmap index ind2_c217026_k on c217026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026 local;
create index ind2_c217026_n on c217026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c227026_k on c227026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026 local;
create index ind2_c227026_n on c227026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c237026_k on c237026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026 local;
create index ind2_c237026_n on c237026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
alter table c247026 move mapping table;

create bitmap index ind2_c247026_k on c247026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c247026_n on c247026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c257026_k on c257026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c257026_n on c257026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;
create bitmap index ind2_c267026_k on c267026(kind) tablespace ind2_7026;
create index ind2_c267026_n on c267026(name) tablespace ind2_7026;

alter index ind2_c217026_k monitoring usage;
alter index ind2_c217026_n monitoring usage;

alter table c217026 add constraint pK_c217026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c227026 add constraint pK_c227026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c237026 add constraint pK_c237026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c257026 add constraint pK_c257026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c267026 add constraint pK_c267026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c277026 add constraint pK_c277026_cno primary key(cno);
alter table c287026 add constraint pK_c287026_cno primary key(cno);

alter table c217026 add cpno char(8);
alter table c217026 add constraint fk_c217026_cpno foreign key(cpno) references c217026(cno);

create table student7026 (
                            sno char(8) constraint pk_student7026_sno primary key,
                            sname varchar(10) constraint uk_student7026_sname   unique  constraint nk_student7026_sname not NULL ,
                            sex  char(1)  constraint nk_student7026_sex  not NULL,
                            score number(3) constraint  nk_student7026_score not NULL constraint  ck_student7026_score check(score >=500 and score<=750),
                            monitor   char(8) constraint  fk_student7026_monitor references student7026(sno)
                            ) tablespace test2;

alter table student7026 add constraint ck_student_score check(substr(sno,4,2)='13' and score>=550) deferrable initially deferred;

  drop table part2_mes;
  create table part2_mes (tname varchar2(40),mes1 varchar2(100),mes2 clob);
  insert into part2_mes
    select a.table_name||'('||b.partitioning_type||' partition)',a.partition_name ||'('||a.tablespace_name||')',to_lob(a.high_value)
    from user_tab_partitions a,user_part_tables b 
    where a.table_name like 'C2%' and a.table_name=b.table_name;
  drop table con2_mes;
  create table con2_mes (tname varchar2(40),mes1 varchar2(100),mes2 clob);
  insert into con2_mes
    select a.constraint_name||'('||a.constraint_type||')',A.table_name||'('||b.column_NAME||')',to_lob(search_condition)
    from user_constraints a,user_cons_columns b
    where a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name and a.constraint_name like '_K%' and a.constraint_type='C';
  insert into con2_mes
    select a.constraint_name||'('||a.constraint_type||')',A.table_name||'('||b.column_NAME||')',r_constraint_name
    from user_constraints a,user_cons_columns b
    where a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name and a.constraint_name like '_K%' and a.constraint_type<>'C';

