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jQuery in Action 中文版 第一章 jQuery简介 如翻译的不好请原谅

2013年03月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 7562字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


1 Introducing jQuery 1    1.jQuery 简介


1.1 Why jQuery? 2  为啥要用jquery

1.2 Unobtrusive JavaScript 3 初涉jquery

1.3 jQuery fundamentals 5 jquery 基础

The jQuery wrapper 6(包) Utility functions(公共函数) 8 The document

ready handler$()函数) 9 Making DOM elementsDOM元素处理) 11 Extending

jQueryjQuery 扩展 12 Using jQuery with other librariesjquery 舍我其谁 14

1.4 Summary小结 14

                                                                                                                                               1.1 Why jQuery?

If you’ve spent any time at all trying to add dynamic functionality to your pages,

you’ve found that you’re constantly following a pattern of selecting an element or

group of elements and operating upon those elements in some fashion. You

could be hiding or revealing the elements, adding a CSS class to them, animating

them, or modifying their attributes.


Using raw JavaScript can result in dozens of lines of code for each of these

tasks. The creators of jQuery specifically created the library to make common

tasks trivial. For example, designers will use JavaScript to “zebra-stripe” tables—

highlighting every other row in a table with a contrasting color—taking up to 10

lines of code or more. Here’s how we accomplish it using jQuery:


$("table tr:nth-child(even)").addClass("striped");

Don’t worry if that looks a bit cryptic to you right now. In short order, you’ll understand

how it works, and you’ll be whipping out your own terse—but powerful—


jQuery statements to make your pages come alive. Let’s briefly examine how this

code snippet works.


We identify every even row (<tr> element) in all of the tables on the page and

add the CSS class striped to each of those rows. By applying the desired background

color to these rows via a CSS rule for class striped, a single line of Java-

Script can improve the aesthetics of the entire page.


When applied to a sample table, the effect could be as shown in figure 1.1.

The real power in this jQuery statement comes from the selector, an expression

for identifying target elements on a page that allows us to easily identify and grab

the elements we need; in this case, every even <tr> element in all tables. You’ll

find the full source for this page in the downloadable source code for this book in

file chapter1/zebra.stripes.html.


We’ll study how to easily create these selectors; but first, let’s examine how the

inventors of jQuery think JavaScript can be most effectively used in our pages.


1.2 Unobtrusive JavaScript(初设javascript

Remember the bad old days before CSS when we were forced to mix stylistic

markup with the document structure markup in our HTML pages?


Anyone who’s been authoring pages for any amount of time surely does and,

perhaps,@@@ with more than a little shudder. The addition of CSS to our web development

toolkits allows us to separate stylistic information from the document

structure and give travesties like the <font> tag the well-deserved boot.


Not only does the separation of style from structure make our documents easier to manage, but it also gives us the versatility to completely change the stylistic rendering

of a page by swapping out different stylesheets.

Few of us would voluntarily regress back to the days of applying style with

HTML elements; yet markup such as the following is still all too common:





Click Me


We can easily see that the style of this button element, including the font of its

caption, is not applied via the use of the <font> tag and other deprecated style oriented

markup, but is determined by CSS rules in effect on the page.


But although this declaration doesn’t mix style markup with structure, it does mix

behavior with structure by including the JavaScript to be executed when the button is

clicked as part of the markup of the button element (which in this case turns some

Document Object Model [DOM] element named xyz red upon a click of the button).

For all the same reasons that it’s desirable to segregate style from structure

within an HTML document, it’s as beneficial (if not more so) to separate the behavior

from the structure.


This movement is known as Unobtrusive JavaScript, and the inventors of jQuery

have focused that library on helping page authors easily achieve this separation

in their pages.


 Unobtrusive JavaScript, along with the legions of the jQuery-savvy,

considers any JavaScript expressions or statements embedded in the <body> of

HTML pages,


either as attributes of HTML elements (such as onclick) or in script

blocks placed within the body of the page, to be incorrect.

“But how would I instrument the button without the onclick attribute?”


You might ask. Consider the following change to the button element:


<button type="button" id="testButton">Click Me</button>

Much simpler! But now, you’ll note, the button doesn’t do anything.

Rather than embedding the button’s behavior in its markup, we’ll move it to a

script block in the <head> section of the page, outside the scope of the document

body, as follows:


<script type="text/javascript">

window.onload = function() {

document.getElementById('testButton').onclick = makeItRed;


function makeItRed() {

document.getElementById('xyz').style.color = 'red';



We place the script in the onload handler for the page to assign a function, make-

ItRed(), to the onclick attribute of the button element.


We add this script in the onload handler (as opposed to inline) because we need to make sure that the button

element exists before we attempt to manipulate it.


(In section 1.3.3 we’ll see how jQuery provides a better place for us to put such code.)

If any of the code in this example looks odd to you, fear not! Appendix A provides

a look at the JavaScript concepts that you’ll need to use jQuery effectively.


We’ll also be examining, in the remainder of this chapter, how jQuery makes writing

the previous code easier, shorter, and more versatile all at the same time.


Unobtrusive JavaScript, though a powerful technique to further add to the

clear separation of responsibilities within a web application, doesn’t come without

its price.


You might already have noticed that it took a few more lines of script to

accomplish our goal than when we placed it into the button markup. Unobtrusive

JavaScript not only may increase the amount of script that needs to be written,

but also requires some discipline and the application of good coding patterns to

the client-side script.


None of that is bad; anything that persuades us to write our client-side code

with the same level of care and respect usually allotted to server-side code is a

good thing! But it is extra work—without jQuery.


As mentioned earlier, the jQuery team` has specifically focused jQuery on the

task of making it easy and delightful for us to code our pages using Unobtrusive

JavaScript techniques, without paying a hefty price in terms of effort or code bulk

in order to do so.


 We’ll find that making effective use of jQuery will enable us to

accomplish much more on our pages by writing less code.


Without further ado, let’s start taking a look at just how jQuery makes it so

easy for us to add rich functionality to our pages without the expected pain.


1.3 jQuery fundamentals

At its core, jQuery focuses on retrieving elements from our HTML pages and performing

operations upon them.


If you’re familiar with CSS
