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为什么纯粹的Scrum在中国很难落地(一) – Scrum与自组织(self-organizing)

2013年08月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2569字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

@吴穹Adam (新浪微博)


这几天因为要准备培训材料仔细解读了一下新版的Scrum Guide,全文可见此链接 http://www.scrum.org/scrumguides/,Release Notes在这里: http://www.scrum.org/storage/Scrum%20Update%202011.pdf


Scrum Guide很薄(21页),行文也很简洁,读起来很快,但是,读完了之后,更加深了我对“纯粹Scrum框架”在中国很难落地的判断,其中原委细细道来吧:

1.       文中上来开宗明义,将Scrum定位成为一个框架,需要补充其他实践才能应用,这个我一直赞同,只是因为看到许多人还有混淆,在此再啰嗦一下。原文如下:“Scrum is not a process or a technique for building products; rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques.”

2.       在下面,Guide中明确了Scrum框架当中的内容,“The Scrum framework consists of a set of Scrum Teams and their associated roles; Time-Boxes, Artifacts, and Rules.”,好,下面就仔细看一看内容吧

3.       首先看角色,“Each Scrum Team has three roles: 1) the ScrumMaster, who is responsible for ensuring the process is understood and followed; 2) the Product Owner, who is responsible for maximizing the value of the work that the Scrum Team does; and 3) the Team, which does the work. The Team consists of developers with all the skills to turn the Product Owner’s requirements into a potentially releasable piece of the product by the end of the Sprint.” 这里有几个事情要解读一下,

a)         Developers,在Release Notes里面,作者给出了解释” The team of people performing the work of creating an Increment is the Development Team. Regardless of the work performed by individual team members, they are known as Developers.” 所以,只要参与了交付的人,都被称为了Developers,包括开发,测试,用户体验,文档等等

b)        另外,需要注意的是角色里面是没有Manager或者Lead,团队是自组织的,有关自组织的论述,Guide中有如下几段:

                         i.              The ScrumMaster helps the Scrum Team understand and use self-organization and cross-functionality. Teams are also self-organizing.

                       ii.              No one – not even the ScrumMaster - tells the Team how to turn Product Backlog into increments of shippable functionality.

                      iii.              The Team self-organizes to undertake the work in the Sprint Backlog, either during the Sprint Planning meeting or just-in-time during the Sprint.

c)        由于Scrum框架里面没有给Manager和Lead留出位置,在Scrum框架落地过程中,就经常会走形了。Manager和Lead伪装成了Scrum Master,然后一切照旧,而真正该做Scrum Master的人反而没有位置了。这是因为,由于团队都很年轻,并不敢真正实施自组织,又想时髦地实施Scrum于是就照猫画虎了。其实,管理人是最难的一件事情,自组织只是一种可能的管理方式,而这种管理方式恰恰是在中国很难成功的管理方式。这就是为什么纯粹Scrum在中国很难落地的原因之一。


其实,在敏捷的另一个流派-精益(Lean)当中,就非常强调Manager发挥好Coach的作用,并且将此作为Lean的基础,我觉得这种思维很可能更适合中国的现状,因为大多数团队中的成员都非常年轻缺乏经验,因此,他们需要的很可能并不是自组织,而是真正能Coach他们的Manager或者Lead(在大多数情况下)。即使现在Manager和Lead 还不称职,那么企业的重点也更可能应该是尽快提升这些Manager和Lead的Coach能力,转变他们的思想,而并不是去推行自组织。








       2. Scrum与QA

       3. Scrum与架构

       4. Scrum与迭代规划,用户故事

       5. Scrum的商业运作分析


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