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What is a Parked Domain?

2012年02月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 500字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

A Parked Domain is an inactive domain reserved for later use or one that points to another existing domain.

For example, the domain name for your hosting account is "domain.com" and you also have registered "domain.net" through your domain.com Domain Manager. You may point domain.net to the domain.com IP address. Internet
users can now access your Web site using either domain name.

such as, when we vist gogle.com, the request will be redirected to google.com. it'll be redirected again to google.com.hk if you're in China.
1st, gogle.com
2nd, google.com
finally, google.com.hk
(in China)
