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CSpinButtonCtrl::GetPos()和GetPos32( )两个函数的用法

2012年05月04日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1687字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

CSpinButtonCtrl::GetPos()和GetPos32( )两个函数的用法

今天写了一个程序,里面的结果有点意思,在BOOL Cex06aDlg::OnInitDialog()中,使用了spinbutton控件


 CSpinButtonCtrl *pSpin = (CSpinButtonCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN1);
 pSpin->SetRange(0, 100);

 //m_strMyedit = _T("25"); //.Format()
 m_strMyedit.Format( _T("%3.1lf"), (double)pSpin->GetPos());
 SetDlgItemText(IDC_BUDDY_SPIN1, m_strMyedit);


void Cex06aDlg::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
 if (nSBCode == SB_ENDSCROLL)
 if (pScrollBar->GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_SPIN1) {
  CSpinButtonCtrl *pSpin = (CSpinButtonCtrl *)pScrollBar;
  m_strMyedit.Format(_T("%3.1lf"), double(pSpin->GetPos()) );
  SetDlgItemText(IDC_BUDDY_SPIN1, m_strMyedit);

 CDialog::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar);


Retrieves the current position of a spin button control.

int GetPos( ) const;
int GetPos32(
   LPBOOL lpbError = NULL 
) const;



A pointer to a boolean value that is set to zero if the value is successfully retrieved or non-zero if an error occurs. If this parameter is set to NULL, errors are not reported.

Return Value

The first version returns the 16-bit current position in the low-order word. The high-order word is nonzero if an error occurred.

The second version returns the 32-bit position.


When it processes the value returned, the control updates its current position based on the caption of the buddy window. The control returns an error if there is no buddy window or if the caption specifies an invalid or out-of-range value.


Header: afxcmn.h


这个一看就晓得了,GetPos32( )才可以实现32位的数据,而不带32的就只能得到16位,另外16就要问xp了,呵呵

把GetPos()改变为GetPos32( )一切ok啦。

