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test libvirt

2012年02月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4062字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

time:2012年05月25日 星期五 17时46分39秒
*compile with:gcc -g -Wall myvm.c -o myvm -lvirt

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libvirt/libvirt.h>

#define MAXID 50

/*the data strucure of time*/
typedef struct _timeInfo
 long long cpu_time;
 struct timeval real_time;

/*the hypervisor connection*/
static virConnectPtr conn = NULL;

/*release the connecton of hypervisor*/
void closeConn()
 if(conn != NULL)

/*release the domain pointer*/
void freeDom(virDomainPtr dom)
 if(dom != NULL)

/*get start time of each domain*/
void getTimeInfo(int id,TIMEINFONODE *infos)
 virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
 virDomainInfo info;
 int ret;
 /*find the domain of the given id*/
 dom = virDomainLookupByID(conn,id);
 if(NULL == dom)
   fprintf(stderr,"failed to find domain by id \'%d\'.\n",id);
 /*get the information of the domain*/
 ret = virDomainGetInfo(dom,&info);
 if(ret < 0)  /*-1 ?*/
   fprintf(stderr,"failed to get informaton for domain \'%d\'.\n",id);
 /*retrive the start time*/
 if(gettimeofday(&(infos->real_time),NULL) == -1)
   fprintf(stderr,"oh my god!failed to get start time.\n");
 infos->cpu_time = info.cpuTime;

void getDomainInfo(int id,TIMEINFONODE infos)
 virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
 virDomainInfo info;
 int ret;
 struct timeval realTime;
 int cpu_diff,real_diff;
 float usage;
  /*find the domain of the given id*/
 dom = virDomainLookupByID(conn,id);
 if(NULL == dom)
   fprintf(stderr,"failed to find domain by id \'%d\'.\n",id);
 /*get the information of the domain*/
 ret = virDomainGetInfo(dom,&info);
 if(ret < 0)  /*-1 ?*/
   fprintf(stderr,"failed to get informaton for domain \'%d\'.\n",id);
 /*retrive the start time*/
 if(gettimeofday(&(infos.real_time),NULL) == -1)
   fprintf(stderr,"oh my god!failed to get start time.\n");
  cpu_diff = (info.cpuTime - infos.cpu_time) / 10000;
  real_diff = 1000 * (realTime.tv_sec - infos.real_time.tv_sec) +
            (realTime.tv_usec - infos.real_time.tv_usec);
  usage = cpu_diff / (float)(real_diff);


int main()
 int idCount;
 int i;
 int id;
 int ids[MAXID];
 char *host;
 unsigned long ver;
 virNodeInfo nodeinfo;
 printf("      xen domain monitor vrsion 0.1     \n");
 printf("      build by somebody.                \n");
 /*connect to local xen hypervisor*/
 conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly(NULL);
 if(conn == NULL)
   fprintf(stderr,"failed to connect to xen hypervisor\n");
   return 0;

 host = virConnectGetHostname(conn);

 printf("Virtualization type:%s\n",virConnectGetType(conn));
 virConnectGetVersion(conn, &ver);

 virConnectGetLibVersion(conn, &ver);
 printf("Libvirt Version:%lu\n",ver);

 virNodeGetInfo(conn, &nodeinfo);
 printf("==========node info===============\n");
 printf("Number of CPUs:%u\n",nodeinfo.cpus);
 printf("Number of NUMA nodes:%u\n",nodeinfo.nodes); 

   idCount = virConnectListDomains(conn,&ids[0],MAXID);
   if(idCount < 0)
   fprintf(stderr,"failed to list domains\n");
   return 0;

  printf("Domain Totals: %d\n", idCount);
     /* loop get the CPUtime info by IDs */ 
  for (i = 0; i < idCount; i++)
   id = ids[i];
   getTimeInfo(id, &(timeInfos[i]));
  sleep(1); //1 sec
  /* loop print the domain info and calculate the usage of cpus*/
  for (i = 0; i < idCount; i++)
   id = ids[i];
   getDomainInfo(id, timeInfos[i]);
  return 0;
