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关于Dundas Dashboard的二次开发

2012年10月31日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4131字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

针对数据的可视化显示,可以说Dundas Dashboard给我们提供一个非常好的平台,最近正好要学这个东西,给support写了一封信,很快收到了他们的工程师的回信。相信如果你给外国人写过信请教技术问题,一定会觉得他们真的是无比热情,这一点中国是比不了的。


这篇文章就贴一封外国人的email回复,其中包含了很多内容,也涉及到如何基于Dundas Dashboard进行二次开发,正好我上网搜了一下发现相关的资料并不多,很多资料只有官网上有,不过可能找起来麻烦,工程师的回信帮了很大的忙,在此感谢他。


Joanne Longo
Dec 12 (5 days ago)

to me



Thanks for your email and inquiries.


Here is a brief introduction to the Dundas Dashboard so you can easily understand how it works and how you can integrate your dashboards (that will contain different controls and interactivity) within your .net application. You can find the complete documentation
how to create dashboards within the Dundas Dashboard application here: http://support.dundas.com/Dashboard25.Documentation.ashx


First you need to create your dashboards within the Dundas Dashboard application. After you complete this you can embed our dashboard viewer to a web page or a Silverlight application. Of course you can have other controls on the page as well.


 To use the Dundas Dashboard viewer within your own ASP.NET or Silverlight applications, please refer to these links: http://support.dundas.com/Dashboard25.EnhancedViewer_ASPNET.ashx 



You will have a functional and interactive dashboard that you previously created in Dundas Dashboard application without having to code against it in your web page.


NOTE: You will require VS2010 if you plan to use it with Silverlight applications.  For use in (ASP.NET) website applications you can use VS2005 and above.

·      Dundas dashboard is very customizable. We offer you open API, Dundas Dashboard script (C# based scripting engine that will help you create enhanced Dashboards) and different possibilities to set up filters and parameters
so you can create highly interactive Dashboards.  Here are links to our open API samples and Script Samples: http://support.dundas.com/Dashboard25.DashboardSamples.ashx


·     If you would like to get a better understanding of the Dundas Dashboard architecture (detailing the different components and the way it works) you can refer to the following information: http://www.dundas.com/dashboard/resources/articles/DDHighLevelArchitecture.pdf


The evaluation version of our Dashboard Solution (downloadable from our website: http://www.dundas.com/dashboard/start/download/)
is a fully functional, full featured copy of the product itself.  The only difference between the evaluation version and the licensed version is the Dundas watermark on the Dashboard.


The eval doesn't expire and will give you a full-featured version of Dundas Dashboard - upon which you can begin connecting to your data and building your own dashboards immediately!  Dashboard is an end-to-end framework for dashboard building, allowing
role-based collaboration, even between business stakeholders. The end result are dashboards that can be published in various channels, through a Silverlight viewer component; however, Dashboard can also be run as a standalone application with no dependency
on Visual Studio or other IDE frameworks.


The following links should be pretty helpful in getting a better understanding of the capabilities of the product and how it works: 


Quick Start:                

·         Install walk through step by step is at:  http://support.dundas.com/Dashboard25.Installation.ashx

·         NEW training videos and demos have been posted on our website at:http://www.dundas.com/Dashboard/Start/Tutorials/

·         NEW online galleries and interactive dashboard examples have been posted on our website at:http://www.dundas.com/Dashboard/Start/Samples/

·         Resource page providing a collection of available resources related to our digital dashboards: http://www.dundas.com/dashboard/resources/

·         You can find a detailed list of features here: http://www.dundas.com/dashboard/features/detailedfeatures/  

·         Dundas Support Zone:  http://www.dundas.com/support/


Dundas Dashboard is a complete dashboarding solution hosted on an IIS web server and delivered using Silverlight technology. The complete system requirements to install Dundas Dashboard is located here:http://support.dundas.com/Dashboard25.GettingStarted_Requirements.ashx#


The following webpage might have some useful information for you as well:  http://www.dashboardinsight.com/ 


I hope this helps, good luck!



Joanne Longo | Customer Advocacy Representative
joannel@dundas.com | www.dundas.com

416.467.9100 x100 | 800.463.1492 x100| 416-422-4801 (FAX)


Dundas Data Visualization, Inc.

250 Ferrand Drive, Suite 500 | Toronto, ON Canada | M3C 3G8| Support: 1.416.467.9100 (support@dundas.com)

