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Unicode-enabling Microsoft C/C++

2012年09月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 24226字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Initial Steps for Unicode-enabling Microsoft C/C++ Source

  • Define _UNICODE, undefine _MBCS if defined.
  • Convert literal strings to use L or _T
  • Convert string functions to use Wide or TCHAR versions.
  • Clarify string lengths in API as byte or character counts. For character-based display or printing (as opposed to GUI which is pixel-based) use column counts, not byte or character.
  • Replace character pointer arithmetic with GetNext style, as characters may consist of more than one Unicode code unit.
  • Watch buffer size and buffer overflows- changing encodings may require either larger buffers or limiting string lengths. If character size changes from 1 byte to as many as 4 bytes, and string length was formerly 20 characters and 20 bytes, either expand the string buffer(s) from 20 to 80 bytes or limit the string to 5 characters (and therefore 20 bytes). Note maximum buffer expansion may be constrained (for example to 65 KB). Reducing string length to a fixed number of characters may break existing applications. Limiting strings to a fixed byte length is dangerous. For example, allowing any string that fits into 20 bytes. Simple operations such as uppercasing a string may cause it to grow and exceed the byte length.
  • Replace functions that accept or return arguments of a single character, with functions that use strings instead. (International) Operations on a single character may result in more than one code point being returned. For example, upper('ß') returns "SS".
  • Use wmain instead of main. The environment variable is then _wenviron instead of _environ.
    wmain( int argc, wchar_t *argv[ ], wchar_t *envp[ ] ).
  • MFC Unicode applications use wWinMain as the entry point.
    In the Output page of the Linker folder in the project's Property Pages dialog box, set the Entry Point symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup.
  • Consider fonts. Identify the fonts that will render each language or script used.

File I/O, Database, Transfer Protocol Considerations

  • Consider whether to read/write UTF-8 or UTF-16 in files, databases, and for data exchange.
  • Consider Endian-ness in UTF-16 files.
    Read/Write Big-Endian on networks. Use Big-Endian if you don't produce a BOM.
    Endian-ness of files will depend on the file format and/or the architecture of the source or target machine.
    When reading files encoded in UTF-16 or UTF-32, be prepared to swap-bytes to convert endian-ness.
    Also consider streams and transfer protocols and the encoding used in each.
  • Label files or protocols for data exchange with the correct character encoding. E.g. set HTTP, HTML, XML to UTF-8 or UTF-16.
  • Consider Unicode BOM (Byte Order Marker) and whether it should be written with data. Remove it when reading data.
  • Consider encoding conversion of legacy data and files, import and export, transfer protocols. (MultiByteToWideChar, WideCharToMultiByte, mbtowc, wctomb, wctombs, mbstowcs )
  • Consider writing to the Clipboard-
    use CF_TEXT format and write native character encoding (ANSI) text, and
    use CF_UNICODETEXT format and write Unicode text.
  • Database applications should consider Data Type (NCHAR, NVARCHAR) and Schema Changes, Triggers, Stored Procedures, and Queries. Data Storage growth, Indexes and Performance.
    Note that the Unicode schema changes will have different impacts and concerns on different vendors' databases. If database portability is a requirement, the features and behaviors of each database need to be taken into account.
    (I know this item is seriously understated. To be expanded sometime in the future.)

Stream I/O

Streams are difficult in Microsoft C++. You may run into 3 types of problems:

  1. Unicode filenames are not supported. The workaround is to use FILE * _wfopen and if needed, use the FILE handle in subsequent stream I/O.

    std::ifstream stm(_wfopen(pFilename, L"r"));
  2. Stream I/O will convert Unicode data from/to native (ANSI) code page on read/write, not UTF-8 or UTF-16. However the stream class can be modified to read/write UTF-8. You can implement a facet to convert between Unicode and UTF-8.
    codecvt <wchar_t, char_traits <wchar_t> >
  3. To read/write UTF-16 with stream I/O, use binary opens and binary I/O. To set binary I/O:
    _setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY );

    Also see the Microsoft run-time library reference: "Unicode Stream I/O in Text and Binary Modes".

Note: There aren't TCHAR equivalents for cout/wcout, cin/wcin, etc. You may want to make your own preprocessor definition for "tout", if you are compiling code both ways.

Internationalization, Advanced Unicode, Platform and Other Considerations

Unicode BOM Encoding Values

Encoding Form BOM Encoding
00 00 FE FF
FF FE 00 00

The Byte Order Marker (BOM) is Unicode character U+FEFF. (It can also represent a Zero Width No-break Space.) The code point U+FFFE is illegal in Unicode, and should never appear in a Unicode character stream. Therefore the BOM can be used in the first character of a file (or more generally a string), as an indicator of endian-ness. With UTF-16, if the first character is read as bytes FE FF then the text has the same endian-ness as the machine reading it. If the character is read as bytes FF FE, then the endian-ness is reversed and all 16-bit words should be byte-swapped as they are read-in. In the same way, the BOM indicates the endian-ness of text encoded with UTF-32.

Note that not all files start with a BOM however. In fact, the Unicode Standard says that text that does not begin with a BOM MUST be interpreted in big-endian form.

The character U+FEFF also serves as an encoding signature for the Unicode Encoding Forms. The table shows the encoding of U+FEFF in each of the Unicode encoding forms. Note that by definition, text labeled as UTF-16BE, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE or UTF-16LE should not have a BOM. The endian-ness is indicated in the label.

For text that is compressed with the SCSU (Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode) algorithm, there is also a recommended signature.

Constant and Global Variables

_environ _wenviron _tenviron
_pgmptr _wpgmptr _tpgmptr

Data Types

char wchar_t _TCHAR
_finddata_t _wfinddata_t _tfinddata_t
__finddata64_t __wfinddata64_t _tfinddata64_t
_finddatai64_t _wfinddatai64_t _tfinddatai64_t
int wint_t _TINT
signed char wchar_t _TSCHAR
unsigned char wchar_t _TUCHAR
char wchar_t _TXCHAR
  L _T or _TEXT
(char *)
(wchar_t *)
(_TCHAR *)
(const char *)
(const wchar_t *)
(const _TCHAR *)
(For OLE)

Platform SDK String Functions

There are many Windows API that compile into ANSI or Wide forms, depending on whether the symbol UNICODE is defined. Modules that operate on both ANSI and Wide characters, need to be aware of this. Otherwise, using the Character Data Type-independent name requires no changes, just compile with the symbol UNICODE defined.

The following list is by no means all of the Character Data Type-dependent API, just some character and string related ones. Look in WinNLS.h for some code page and locale related API.

ANSI Wide Character Data Type-
Independent Name
CharLowerA CharLowerW CharLower
CharLowerBuffA CharLowerBuffW CharLowerBuff
CharNextA CharNextW CharNext
CharNextExA CharNextExW CharNextEx
CharPrevA CharPrevW CharPrev
CharPrevExA CharPrevExW CharPrevEx
CharToOemA CharToOemW CharToOem
CharToOemBuffA CharToOemBuffW CharToOemBuff
CharUpperA CharUpperW CharUpper
CharUpperBuffA CharUpperBuffW CharUpperBuff
CompareStringA CompareStringW CompareString
FoldStringA FoldStringW FoldString
GetStringTypeA GetStringTypeW GetStringType
GetStringTypeExA GetStringTypeExW GetStringTypeEx
IsCharAlphaA IsCharAlphaW IsCharAlpha
IsCharAlphaNumericA IsCharAlphaNumericW IsCharAlphaNumeric
IsCharLowerA IsCharLowerW IsCharLower
IsCharUpperA IsCharUpperW IsCharUpper
LoadStringA LoadStringW LoadString
lstrcatA lstrcatW lstrcat
lstrcmpA lstrcmpW lstrcmp
lstrcmpiA lstrcmpiW lstrcmpi
lstrcpyA lstrcpyW lstrcpy
lstrcpynA lstrcpynW lstrcpyn
lstrlenA lstrlenW lstrlen
OemToCharA OemToCharW OemToChar
OemToCharBuffA OemToCharBuffW OemToCharBuff
wsprintfA wsprintfW wsprintf
wvsprintfA wvsprintfW wvsprintf

TCHAR String Functions

Functions sorted by ANSI name, for ease of converting to Unicode.

_access _waccess _taccess
_atoi64 _wtoi64 _tstoi64
_atoi64 _wtoi64 _ttoi64
_cgets _cgetws cgetts
_chdir _wchdir _tchdir
_chmod _wchmod _tchmod
_cprintf _cwprintf _tcprintf
_cputs _cputws _cputts
_creat _wcreat _tcreat
_cscanf _cwscanf _tcscanf
_ctime64 _wctime64 _tctime64
_execl _wexecl _texecl
_execle _wexecle _texecle
_execlp _wexeclp _texeclp
_execlpe _wexeclpe _texeclpe
_execv _wexecv _texecv
_execve _wexecve _texecve
_execvp _wexecvp _texecvp
_execvpe _wexecvpe _texecvpe
_fdopen _wfdopen _tfdopen
_fgetchar _fgetwchar _fgettchar
_findfirst _wfindfirst _tfindfirst
_findnext64 _wfindnext64 _tfindnext64
_findnext _wfindnext _tfindnext
_findnexti64 _wfindnexti64 _tfindnexti64
_fputchar _fputwchar _fputtchar
_fsopen _wfsopen _tfsopen
_fullpath _wfullpath _tfullpath
_getch _getwch _gettch
_getche _getwche _gettche
_getcwd _wgetcwd _tgetcwd
_getdcwd _wgetdcwd _tgetdcwd
_ltoa _ltow _ltot
_makepath _wmakepath _tmakepath
_mkdir _wmkdir _tmkdir
_mktemp _wmktemp _tmktemp
_open _wopen _topen
_popen _wpopen _tpopen
_putch _putwch _puttch
_putenv _wputenv _tputenv
_rmdir _wrmdir _trmdir
_scprintf _scwprintf _sctprintf
_searchenv _wsearchenv _tsearchenv
_snprintf _snwprintf _sntprintf
_snscanf _snwscanf _sntscanf
_sopen _wsopen _tsopen
_spawnl _wspawnl _tspawnl
_spawnle _wspawnle _tspawnle
_spawnlp _wspawnlp _tspawnlp
_spawnlpe _wspawnlpe _tspawnlpe
_spawnv _wspawnv _tspawnv
_spawnve _wspawnve _tspawnve
_spawnvp _wspawnvp _tspawnvp
_spawnvpe _wspawnvpe _tspawnvpe
_splitpath _wsplitpath _tsplitpath
_stat64 _wstat64 _tstat64
_stat _wstat _tstat
_stati64 _wstati64 _tstati64
_strdate _wstrdate _tstrdate
_strdec _wcsdec _tcsdec
_strdup _wcsdup _tcsdup
_stricmp _wcsicmp _tcsicmp
_stricoll _wcsicoll _tcsicoll
_strinc _wcsinc _tcsinc
_strlwr _wcslwr _tcslwr
_strncnt _wcsncnt _tcsnbcnt
_strncnt _wcsncnt _tcsnccnt
_strncnt _wcsncnt _tcsnccnt
_strncoll _wcsncoll _tcsnccoll
_strnextc _wcsnextc _tcsnextc
_strnicmp _wcsnicmp _tcsncicmp
_strnicmp _wcsnicmp _tcsnicmp
_strnicoll _wcsnicoll _tcsncicoll
_strnicoll _wcsnicoll _tcsnicoll
_strninc _wcsninc _tcsninc
_strnset _wcsnset _tcsncset
_strnset _wcsnset _tcsnset
_strrev _wcsrev _tcsrev
_strset _wcsset _tcsset
_strspnp _wcsspnp _tcsspnp
_strtime _wstrtime _tstrtime
_strtoi64 _wcstoi64 _tcstoi64
_strtoui64 _wcstoui64 _tcstoui64
_strupr _wcsupr _tcsupr
_tempnam _wtempnam _ttempnam
_ui64toa _ui64tow _ui64tot
_ultoa _ultow _ultot
_ungetch _ungetwch _ungettch
_unlink _wunlink _tunlink
_utime64 _wutime64 _tutime64
_utime _wutime _tutime
_vscprintf _vscwprintf _vsctprintf
_vsnprintf _vsnwprintf _vsntprintf
asctime _wasctime _tasctime
atof _wtof _tstof
atoi _wtoi _tstoi
atoi _wtoi _ttoi
atol _wtol _tstol
atol _wtol _ttol
character compare Maps to macro or inline function _tccmp
character copy Maps to macro or inline function _tccpy
character length Maps to macro or inline function _tclen
ctime _wctime _tctime
fgetc fgetwc _fgettc
fgets fgetws _fgetts
fopen _wfopen _tfopen
fprintf fwprintf _ftprintf
fputc fputwc _fputtc
fputs fputws _fputts
freopen _wfreopen _tfreopen
fscanf fwscanf _ftscanf
getc getwc _gettc
getchar getwchar _gettchar
getenv _wgetenv _tgetenv
gets getws _getts
isalnum iswalnum _istalnum
isalpha iswalpha _istalpha
isascii iswascii _istascii
iscntrl iswcntrl _istcntrl
isdigit iswdigit _istdigit
isgraph iswgraph _istgraph
islead (Always FALSE) (Always FALSE) _istlead
isleadbyte (Always FALSE) isleadbyte (Always FALSE) _istleadbyte
islegal (Always TRUE) (Always TRUE) _istlegal
islower iswlower _istlower
isprint iswprint _istprint
ispunct iswpunct _istpunct
isspace iswspace _istspace
isupper iswupper _istupper
isxdigit iswxdigit _istxdigit
main wmain _tmain
perror _wperror _tperror
printf wprintf _tprintf
putc putwc _puttc
putchar putwchar _puttchar
puts _putws _putts
remove _wremove _tremove
rename _wrename _trename
scanf wscanf _tscanf
setlocale _wsetlocale _tsetlocale
sprintf swprintf _stprintf
sscanf swscanf _stscanf
strcat wcscat _tcscat
strchr wcschr _tcschr
strcmp wcscmp _tcscmp
strcoll wcscoll _tcscoll
strcpy wcscpy _tcscpy
strcspn wcscspn _tcscspn
strerror _wcserror _tcserror
strftime wcsftime _tcsftime
strlen wcslen _tcsclen
strlen wcslen _tcslen
strncat wcsncat _tcsncat
strncat wcsncat _tcsnccat
strncmp wcsncmp _tcsnccmp
strncmp wcsncmp _tcsncmp
strncpy wcsncpy _tcsnccpy
strncpy wcsncpy _tcsncpy
strpbrk wcspbrk _tcspbrk
strrchr wcsrchr _tcsrchr
strspn wcsspn _tcsspn
strstr wcsstr _tcsstr
strtod wcstod _tcstod
strtok wcstok _tcstok
strtol wcstol _tcstol
strtoul wcstoul _tcstoul
strxfrm wcsxfrm _tcsxfrm
system _wsystem _tsystem
tmpnam _wtmpnam _ttmpnam
tolower towlower _totlower
toupper towupper _totupper
ungetc ungetwc _ungettc
vfprintf vfwprintf _vftprintf
vprintf vwprintf _vtprintf
vsprintf vswprintf _vstprintf
WinMain wWinMain _tWinMain


UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way

The Sourceforge project page


Many C++ developers miss an easy and portable way of handling Unicode encoded strings. C++ Standard is currently Unicode agnostic, and while some work is being done to introduce Unicode to the next incarnation called C++0x, for the moment nothing of the sort is available. In the meantime, developers use 3rd party libraries like ICU, OS specific capabilities, or simply roll out their own solutions.

In order to easily handle UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings, I have come up with a small generic library. For anybody used to work with STL algorithms and iterators, it should be easy and natural to use. The code is freely available for any purpose - check out the license at the beginning of the utf8.h file. If you run into bugs or performance issues, please let me know and I'll do my best to address them.

The purpose of this article is not to offer an introduction to Unicode in general, and UTF-8 in particular. If you are not familiar with Unicode, be sure to check out Unicode Home Page or some other source of information for Unicode. Also, it is not my aim to advocate the use of UTF-8 encoded strings in C++ programs; if you want to handle UTF-8 encoded strings from C++, I am sure you have good reasons for it.

Examples of use

To illustrate the use of this utf8 library, we shall open a file containing UTF-8 encoded text, check whether it starts with a byte order mark, read each line into a std::string, check it for validity, convert the text to UTF-16, and back to UTF-8:

#include <fstream>

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

#include "utf8.h"

using namespace std;
int main()
    if (argc != 2) {
        cout << "/nUsage: docsample filename/n";
        return 0;
    const char* test_file_path = argv[1];
    // Open the test file (must be UTF-8 encoded)

    ifstream fs8(test_file_path);
    if (!fs8.is_open()) {
    cout << "Could not open " << test_file_path << endl;
    return 0;
    // Read the first line of the file

    unsigned line_count = 1;
    string line;
    if (!getline(fs8, line)) 
        return 0;
    // Look for utf-8 byte-order mark at the beginning

    if (line.size() > 2) {
        if (utf8::is_bom(line.c_str()))
            cout << "There is a byte order mark at the beginning of the file/n";
    // Play with all the lines in the file

    do {
       // check for invalid utf-8 (for a simple yes/no check, there is also utf8::is_valid function)

        string::iterator end_it = utf8::find_invalid(line.begin(), line.end());
        if (end_it != line.end()) {
            cout << "Invalid UTF-8 encoding detected at line " << line_count << "/n";
            cout << "This part is fine: " << string(line.begin(), end_it) << "/n";
        // Get the line length (at least for the valid part)
        int length = utf8::distance(line.begin(), end_it);
        cout << "Length of line " << line_count << " is " << length <<  "/n";
        // Convert it to utf-16

        vector<unsigned short> utf16line;
        utf8::utf8to16(line.begin(), end_it, back_inserter(utf16line));
        // And back to utf-8

        string utf8line; 
        utf8::utf16to8(utf16line.begin(), utf16line.end(), back_inserter(utf8line));
        // Confirm that the conversion went OK:

        if (utf8line != string(line.begin(), end_it))
            cout << "Error in UTF-16 conversion at line: " << line_count << "/n"; 
        getline(fs8, line);
    } while (!fs8.eof());
    return 0;

In the previous code sample, we have seen the use of the following functions from utf8 namespace: first we used is_bom function to detect UTF-8 byte order mark at the beginning of the file; then for each line we performed a detection of invalid UTF-8 sequences with find_invalid; the number of characters (more precisely - the number of Unicode code points) in each line was determined with a use of utf8::distance; finally, we have converted each line to UTF-16 encoding with utf8to16 and back to UTF-8 with utf16to8.


Functions From utf8 Namespace


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Encodes a 32 bit code point as a UTF-8 sequence of octets and appends the sequence to a UTF-8 string.

template <typename octet_iterator>
octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result);

cp: A 32 bit integer representing a code point to append to the sequence.
result: An output iterator to the place in the sequence where to append the code point.
Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the newly appended sequence.

Example of use:

unsigned char u[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
unsigned char* end = append(0x0448, u);
assert (u[0] == 0xd1 && u[1] == 0x88 && u[2] == 0 && u[3] == 0 && u[4] == 0);

Note that append does not allocate any memory - it is the burden of the caller to make sure there is enough memory allocated for the operation. To make things more interesting, append can add anywhere between 1 and 4 octets to the sequence. In practice, you would most often want to use std::back_inserter to ensure that the necessary memory is allocated.

In case of an invalid code point, a utf8::invalid_code_point exception is thrown.


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Given the iterator to the beginning of the UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point and moves the iterator to the next position.

template <typename octet_iterator> 
uint32_t next(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator end);

it: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the beginning of the next code point.
end: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If it gets equal to end during the extraction of a code point, an utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.
Return value: the 32 bit representation of the processed UTF-8 code point.

Example of use:

char* twochars = "/xe6/x97/xa5/xd1/x88";
char* w = twochars;
int cp = next(w, twochars + 6);
assert (cp == 0x65e5);
assert (w == twochars + 3);

This function is typically used to iterate through a UTF-8 encoded string.

In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is thrown.


Available in version 1.02 and later.

Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 seqence, it decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point.

template <typename octet_iterator> 
uint32_t prior(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator start);

it: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the previous code point.
start: an iterator to the beginning of the sequence where the search for the beginning of a code point is performed. It is a safety measure to prevent passing the beginning of the string in the search for a UTF-8 lead octet.
Return value: the 32 bit representation of the previous code point.

Example of use:

char* twochars = "/xe6/x97/xa5/xd1/x88";
unsigned char* w = twochars + 3;
int cp = prior (w, twochars);
assert (cp == 0x65e5);
assert (w == twochars);

This function has two purposes: one is two iterate backwards through a UTF-8 encoded string. Note that it is usually a better idea to iterate forward instead, since utf8::next is faster. The second purpose is to find a beginning of a UTF-8 sequence if we have a random position within a string.

it will typically point to the beginning of a code point, and start will point to the beginning of the string to ensure we don't go backwards too far. it is decreased until it points to a lead UTF-8 octet, and then the UTF-8 sequence beginning with that octet is decoded to a 32 bit representation and returned.

In case pass_end is reached before a UTF-8 lead octet is hit, or if an invalid UTF-8 sequence is started by the lead octet, an invalid_utf8 exception is thrown.


Deprecated in version 1.02 and later.

Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 seqence, it decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point.

template <typename octet_iterator> 
uint32_t previous(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator pass_start);

it: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the previous code point.
pass_start: an iterator to the point in the sequence where the search for the beginning of a code point is aborted if no result was reached. It is a safety measure to prevent passing the beginning of the string in the search for a UTF-8 lead octet.
Return value: the 32 bit representation of the previous code point.

Example of use:

char* twochars = "/xe6/x97/xa5/xd1/x88";
unsigned char* w = twochars + 3;
int cp = previous (w, twochars - 1);
assert (cp == 0x65e5);
assert (w == twochars);

utf8::previous is deprecated, and utf8::prior should be used instead, although the existing code can continue using this function. The problem is the parameter pass_start that points to the position just before the beginning of the sequence. Standard containers don't have the concept of "pass start" and the function can not be used with their iterators.

it will typically point to the beginning of a code point, and pass_start will point to the octet just before the beginning of the string to ensure we don't go backwards too far. it is decreased until it points to a lead UTF-8 octet, and then the UTF-8 sequence beginning with that octet is decoded to a 32 bit representation and returned.

In case pass_end is reached before a UTF-8 lead octet is hit, or if an invalid UTF-8 sequence is started by the lead octet, an invalid_utf8 exception is thrown


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Advances an iterator by the specified number of code points within an UTF-8 sequence.

template <typename octet_iterator, typename distance_type> 
void advance (octet_iterator& it, distance_type n, octet_iterator end);

it: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the nth following code point.
n: a positive integer that shows how many code points we want to advance.
end: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If it gets equal to end during the extraction of a code point, an utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.

Example of use:

char* twochars = "/xe6/x97/xa5/xd1/x88";
unsigned char* w = twochars;
advance (w, 2, twochars + 6);
assert (w == twochars + 5);

This function works only "forward". In case of a negative n, there is no effect.

In case of an invalid code point, a utf8::invalid_code_point exception is thrown.


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Given the iterators to two UTF-8 encoded code points in a seqence, returns the number of code points between them.

template <typename octet_iterator> 
typename std::iterator_traits<octet_iterator>::difference_type distance (octet_iterator first, octet_iterator last);

first: an iterator to a beginning of a UTF-8 encoded code point.
last: an iterator to a "post-end" of the last UTF-8 encoded code point in the sequence we are trying to determine the length. It can be the beginning of a new code point, or not.
Return value the distance between the iterators, in code points.

Example of use:

char* twochars = "/xe6/x97/xa5/xd1/x88";
size_t dist = utf8::distance(twochars, twochars + 5);
assert (dist == 2);

This function is used to find the length (in code points) of a UTF-8 encoded string. The reason it is called distance, rather than, say, length is mainly because developers are used that length is an O(1) function. Computing the length of an UTF-8 string is a linear operation, and it looked better to model it after std::distance algorithm.

In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is thrown. If last does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8.

template <typename u16bit_iterator, typename octet_iterator>
octet_iterator utf16to8 (u16bit_iterator start, u16bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result);

start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-16 encoded string to convert.
end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-16 encoded string to convert.
result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to append the result of conversion.
Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-8 string.

Example of use:

unsigned short utf16string[] = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e};
vector<unsigned char> utf8result;
utf16to8(utf16string, utf16string + 5, back_inserter(utf8result));
assert (utf8result.size() == 10);    

In case of invalid UTF-16 sequence, a utf8::invalid_utf16 exception is thrown.


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16

template <typename u16bit_iterator, typename octet_iterator>
u16bit_iterator utf8to16 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u16bit_iterator result);

start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. < br /> end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert.
result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-16 string where to append the result of conversion.
Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-16 string.

Example of use:

char utf8_with_surrogates[] = "/xe6/x97/xa5/xd1/x88/xf0/x9d/x84/x9e";
vector <unsigned short> utf16result;
utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates, utf8_with_surrogates + 9, back_inserter(utf16result));
assert (utf16result.size() == 4);
assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834);
assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e);

In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is thrown. If end does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.


Available in version 1.0 and later.

Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8.

template <typename octet_iterator, typename u32bit_iterator>
octet_iterator utf32to8 (u32bit_iterator start, u32bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result);

start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-32 encoded string to convert.
end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-32 encoded string to convert.
result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to append the result of conversion.
Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-8 string.

Example of use:

int utf32string[] = {<
