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ADC2 首轮投票的结果出来了

2012年10月07日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 763字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
rom ADC 2 Support <adc-round2@google.com>
to ........@gmail.com
date Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 4:03 AM
subject ADC 2 Round 1 Results for 'Wifi Analyzer for ADC2'
mailed-by dhcp-172-31-155-195.sfo.corp.google.com
hide details 4:03 AM (4 hours ago)

Thank you for developing your Android application 'Wifi Analyzer for ADC2' and participating in ADC 2. Unfortunately, your application was not selected by Android users as one of the top 20 in its category.

According to the scores submitted by users, your application 'Wifi Analyzer for ADC2' ranked in the top 25% of all applications submitted.

We appreciate your taking the time to develop and enter your application. We strongly encourage you to continue working on it and submit it to the public Android Market, where it can be downloaded and enjoyed by Android users all over the world.

Thank you again for your participation in ADC 2.

ADC 2 Support
