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2012年02月11日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3201字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

As MongoDB is non-relational (no joins), references (”foreign keys”) between documents are generally resolved client-side by additional queries to the server.
A DBRef is a reference from one document (object) to another within a database.


mongoDB号称是Document-oriented database。在mongoDB中,collection就相当于table,document相当于row,至于上面提到的object,可以理解 为一个行对象,当存储进一个collection中就变成一条document。而所谓的”_id”列其实就是系统自动生成的一个唯一列,用于标识一个 collection里的每条document。系统默认会对”_id”列进行索引,如果可以的话,你可以指定RDBMS表中的主键列来填充”_id”, 这样既保证了唯一性,也能有效的利用起这个索引。

MongoDB shell version: 1.6.0
connecting to: test
> c = {name:’English’}  #define a course object
{ “name” : “English” }

> db.courses.save(c)    #save this object into a collection named courses
> db.courses.find()     #use find() to retrive the documents in colletion courses,just like the select in RDBMS
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce443e7140000000072c1″), “name” : “English” }

> db.courses.insert({name:”Biology”})   #insert another document into collection courses
> db.courses.find()
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce443e7140000000072c1″), “name” : “English” }
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce498e7140000000072c2″), “name” : “Biology” }

> stu1 = {name:”Joe1″,classes:[new DBRef('courses',c._id)]}     #define a student object that references the collection courses,with the column “_id”
“name” : “Joe1″,
“classes” : [
"$ref" : "courses",
"$id" : ObjectId("4c7ce443e7140000000072c1")

> stu1.classes[0]
{ “$ref” : “courses”, “$id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce443e7140000000072c1″) }
> stu1.classes[0].fetch()                           #use the object stu1 to fetch the value referenced in collection courses
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce443e7140000000072c1″), “name” : “English” }

> db.students.insert(stu1)                       #save the object stu1 into collection students
> db.students.find()
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce6c0e7140000000072c4″), “name” : “Joe1″, “classes” : [ {
"$ref" : "courses", "$id" : ObjectId("4c7ce443e7140000000072c1") } ] }

> db.students.findOne({name:”Joe1″}).classes[0]
{ “$ref” : “courses”, “$id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce443e7140000000072c1″) }
> db.students.findOne({name:”Joe1″}).classes[0].fetch()                         #use the object stu1 to fetch the value referenced in collection courses
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce443e7140000000072c1″), “name” : “English” }

> stu2 = {name:”Joe2″,classes:[new DBRef('courses',ObjectId("4c7ce498e7140000000072c2"))]}      #define another student object stu2,also with the column “_id”,just in another style
“name” : “Joe2″,
“classes” : [
"$ref" : "courses",
"$id" : ObjectId("4c7ce498e7140000000072c2")

> db.students.insert(stu2)
> db.students.find()
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce6c0e7140000000072c4″), “name” : “Joe1″, “classes” : [ {
"$ref" : "courses", "$id" : ObjectId("4c7ce443e7140000000072c1") } ] }
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce754e7140000000072c5″), “name” : “Joe2″, “classes” : [ {
"$ref" : "courses", "$id" : ObjectId("4c7ce498e7140000000072c2") } ] }

> db.students.findOne({name:”Joe2″}).classes[0]
{ “$ref” : “courses”, “$id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce498e7140000000072c2″) }
> db.students.findOne({name:”Joe2″}).classes[0].fetch()         #also works
{ “_id” : ObjectId(”4c7ce498e7140000000072c2″), “name” : “Biology” }

