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Network API是典型的用于基于TCP/IP网络Java程序与其他程序通讯,Network API依靠Socket进行通讯。


  我们来分析一下图1,Host A上的程序A将一段信息写入Socket中,Socket的内容被Host A的网络管理软件访问,并将这段信息通过Host A的网络接口卡发送到Host B,Host B的网络接口卡接收到这段信息后,传送给Host B的网络管理软件,网络管理软件将这段信息保存在Host B的Socket中,然后程序B才能在Socket中阅读这段信息。




  当客户程序需要与服务器程序通讯的时候,客户程序在客户机创建一个socket对象。两个常用的构造函数是 Socket(InetAddress addr, int port) 和 Socket(String host, int port)。对于第一个InetAddress子类对象通过addr参数获得服务器主机的IP地址,对于第二个函数host参数包被分配到InetAddress对象中,如果没有IP地址与host参数相一致,那么将抛出UnknownHostException异常对象。两个函数都通过参数port获得服务器的端口号。假设已经建立连接了,网络API将在客户端基于Socket的流套接字中捆绑客户程序的IP地址和任意一个端口号,否则两个函数都会抛出一个IOException对象。

  如果创建了一个Socket对象,那么它可能通过调用Socket的 getInputStream()方法从服务程序获得输入流读传送来的信息,也可能通过调用Socket的 getOutputStream()方法获得输出流来发送消息。在读写活动完成之后,客户程序调用close()方法关闭流和流套接字,下面的代码创建了一个服务程序主机地址为198.163.227.6,端口号为13的Socket对象,然后从这个新创建的Socket对象中读取输入流,然后再关闭流和Socket对象。

Socket s = new Socket ("", 13);
InputStream is = s.getInputStream ();
// Read from the stream.
is.close ();
s.close ();


// SSClient.java
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
class SSClient
 public static void main (String [] args)
    String host = "localhost";
    // If user specifies a command-line argument, that argument
    // represents the host name.
    if (args.length == 1) host = args [0];
    BufferedReader br = null;
    PrintWriter pw = null;

    Socket s = null;
      // Create a socket that attempts to connect to the server
      // program on the host at port 10000.
      s = new Socket (host, 10000);
      // Create an input stream reader that chains to the socket's
      // byte-oriented input stream. The input stream reade
      // converts bytes read from the socket to characters. The
      // conversion is based on the platform's default character
      // set.
      InputStreamReader isr;
      isr = new InputStreamReader (s.getInputStream ());

      // Create a buffered reader that chains to the input stream
      // reader. The buffered reader supplies a convenient method // for reading entire lines of text.
      br = new BufferedReader (isr);
      // Create a print writer that chains to the socket's byte-
      // oriented output stream. The print writer creates an
      // intermediate output stream writer that converts
      // characters sent to the socket to bytes. The conversion
      // is based on the platform's default character set.
      pw = new PrintWriter (s.getOutputStream (), true);
      // Send the DATE command to the server.
      pw.println ("DATE");
      // Obtain and print the current date/time.
      System.out.println (br.readLine ());

      // Send the PAUSE command to the server. This allows several
      // clients to start and verifies that the server is spawning
      // multiple threads. pw.println ("PAUSE");
      // Send the DOW command to the server.
      pw.println ("DOW");
      // Obtain and print the current day of week.
      System.out.println (br.readLine ());
      // Send the DOM command to the server.
       pw.println ("DOM");
      // Obtain and print the current day of month.
      System.out.println (br.readLine ());
      // Send the DOY command to the server.
      pw.println ("DOY");
      // Obtain and print the current day of year.
      System.out.println (br.readLine ());
    catch (IOException e)
      // Exception process... 
        if (br != null) br.close ();
        if (pw != null) pw.close ();
        if (s != null) s.close ();
      catch (IOException e){
       // Exception process... 


和 PrintWriter。
