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Nutch 的小技巧

2013年08月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 950字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

come from :http://www.dbanotes.net/archives/2005/02/some_hints_for.html

好久没关注Nutch了,看邮件列表,学到了几招关于 Nutch 的小技巧.

  • 如何索引动态 URL 站点?
    调整 regex-urlfilter.txt 或是 crawl-urlfilter.txt 文件. 参见行"# skip URLs containing certain characters as probable queries,后面的内容.

  • 编译 Nutch 需要用到的 Ant 版本至少要 1.6 以上.
  • 验证regex-urlfilter是否正常(by Michael Nebel):
    If you want to know, if your regex-urlfilter works as expectet, you can 
    check it with the command:
    	cat FILE-WITH-URLS | nutch net/nutch/net/RegexURLFilter
    or by calling "nutch net/nutch/net/RegexURLFilter" and entering the URL 
    by hand.
    Everyline line beginning with a "+" ist accepted - a line with a "-" is 
    accepted. For example:
       $ echo "http://www.nutch.org" | nutch net/nutch/net/RegexURLFilter
       run with heapsize 256
       050202 173520 loadingfile:/home/nutch/nutch-0.7/conf/nutch-default.xml
       050202 173520 loading file:/home/nutch/nutch-0.7/conf/nutch-site.xml
       050202 173520 found resource regex-urlfilter

