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2013年08月11日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 873字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭




Building your Testing Reputation
- Michael Bolton


Michael Bolton在文章中介绍了如何在企业中建立自己的作为专业软件测试工程师的威望,让你的测试职业生涯走得更加顺畅。


"In this business – any business– there’s one thing that you really need from a boss, and that’s sponsorship.You need someone in the organization that can mentor your career goals and believes that you are a good fit for promotion. It helps if that someone is your boss with a direct line to the CEO.At some point in your career you may take the plunge to go on your own as I did when my sponsor decided to leave the company.”

You too can have the career you want by establishing your reputation systematically:

* Build your qualifications by building your knowledge and skills through study and practice(通过学习和实践构建强大的知识体系)

* Create a portfolio of work that you can show to hiring managers(把工作能力表现出现)

* Build a network of connections and sponsorship(建立人际关系网)



ST&QA 2011年1-2期的杂志已经上传到www.AutomationQA.com资源共享中:


