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2013年08月26日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1460字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

AJAX目前已被广泛应用,在使用QTP测试AJAX应用时经常碰到需要等待AJAX操作完成数据加载的问题。relevantcodes.com的《QTP: Synchronization for AJAX Applications》这篇文章介绍了如何封装一个AjaxUtil对象来统一处理这些问题:





SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "www.kayak.com"


If Not Browser("title:=Cheap Flights.*").Exist(10) Then ExitTest


AjaxUtil.ObjectSync = 30  ' Check if the added objects exist before we synchronize

AjaxUtil.StatusSync = 10    ' Wait for a max 10 seconds if there is no status change


'Add Objects to collection (Its mandatory that you add objects to the class)

AjaxUtil.AddObject "MyBrowser1", Browser("title:=Cheap Flights.*")

AjaxUtil.AddObject "MyTable", Browser("title:=Kayak.com Search Results")_

    .WebTable("innertext:=.*of.*roundtrips shown.*|.*forget all.*", "index:=0")

AjaxUtil.AddObject "MyBrowser2", Browser("title:=Kayak.com Search Results")


Browser("title:=Cheap Flights.*").WebEdit("html id:=destination")_

    .Set "Atlanta, GA - Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL)"


' Its mandatory that you set a browser for which you will run the test for changes in elements

AjaxUtil.SetBrowser "MyBrowser1"        ' Required Step


' Synchronize for changes in objects:

AjaxUtil.SyncObjects "WebElement"


Browser("title:=Cheap Flights.*").WebButton("html id:=fdimgbutton").Click


'You can modify the ObjectSync and StatusSync times here for the next operations.

'Example: StatusSync is increased

AjaxUtil.StatusSync = 15       ' increase the StatusSync


'Synchronize with the flights table

AjaxUtil.SyncWebTable "MyTable"


'Test Complete - release dictionary




