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1.     Entrust
The comprehensive system required to provide public-key encryption and digital signature services is known as a public-key infrastructure.
The purpose of a public-key infrastructure is to manage keys and certificates. By managing keys and certificates through a PKI, an organization establishes and maintains a trustworthy networking environment. A PKI enables the use of encryption and digital signature services across a wide variety of applications.
2.     VeriSign
Public Key Infrastructure is the network security architecture of an organization. It includes software, encryption technologies, and services the enable secure transactions on the Internet, intranets, and extranets.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a combination of software, encryptiontechnologies, and services that enables an enterprise to protect the security of its communications and business transactions on networks.
A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a system/method providing a solution for securing eCommerce and network access services. It is comprised of protocols, services and standards, which support various applications for a public key infrastructure.
PKI is the acronym for Public Key Infrastructure. The technology is called Public Key because, unlike earlier forms of cryptography, it works with a pair of keys(Not only one key). One of the two keys can be used to encrypt information that can only be decrypted with the other key. One key is made public and the other is kept secret. The secret key is usually called the private key. Since anyone can obtain the public key, users can initiate secure communications without having to previously share a secret through some other medium with their correspondent. The Infrastructure is the underlying system needed to issue keys and certificates and to publish the public information.
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure)公钥基础设施是提供公钥加密和数字签名服务的系统或平台,目的是为了管理密钥和证书
PKI(Public Key Infrastructure )即"公开密钥体系",是一种遵循既定标准的密钥管理平台,它能够为所有网络应用提供加密和数字签名等密码服务及所必需的密钥和证书管理体系,简单来说,PKI就是利用公钥理论和技术建立的提供安全服务的基础设施。PKI技术是信息安全技术的核心,也是电子商务的关键和基础技术。
PKI(Public Key Infrastructure )是一种遵循标准的利用公钥加密技术为电子商务的开展提供一套安全基础平台的技术和规范。它能够为所有网络应用提供加密和数字签名等密码服务及所必需的密钥和证书管理体系,简单来说,PKI就是利用公钥理论和技术建立的提供安全服务的基础设施。用户可利用PKI平台提供的服务进行安全的电子交易,通信和互联网上的各种活动。
1.     VeriSign
The Secure Sockets Layer  protects data transferred over http using encryption enabled by a server’s SSL Certificate. An SSL Certificate contains a public key and a private key. A public key is used to encrypt information and a private key is used to decipher it. When a browser points to a secured domain, an SSL handshake authenticates the server and the client and establishes an encryption method and a unique session key. They can begin a secure session that guarantees message privacy and message integrity
Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data − a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers.By convention, URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:.
The Secure Socket Layer protocol was created by Netscape to ensure secure transactions between web servers and browsers. The protocol uses a third party, a Certificate Authority (CA), to identify one end or both end of the transactions. This is in short how it works.
1.A browser requests a secure page (usually https://).
2.The web server sends its public key with its certificate.
3.The browser checks that the certificate was issued by a trusted party (usually a trusted root CA), that the certificate is still valid and that the certificate is related to the site contacted.
4.The browser then uses the public key, to encrypt a random symmetric(对称) encryption key and sends it to the server with the encrypted URL required as well as other encrypted http data.
5.The web server decrypts the symmetric encryption key using its private key and uses the symmetric key to decrypt the URL and http data.
6.The web server sends back the requested html document and http data encrypted with the symmetric key.
7.The browser decrypts the http data and html document using the symmetric key and displays the information.
SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)是由Netscape公司开发的一套Internet数据安全协议,当前版本为3.0。它已被广泛地用于Web浏览器与服务器之间的身份认证和加密数据传输。SSL协议位于TCP/IP协议与各种应用层协议之间,为数据通讯提供安全支持。SSL协议可分为两层: SSL记录协议(SSL Record Protocol):它建立在可靠的传输协议(TCP)之上,为高层协议提供数据封装、压缩、加密等基本功能的支持。 SSL握手协议(SSL Handshake Protocol):它建立在SSL记录协议之上,用于在实际的数据传输开始前,通讯双方进行身份认证、协商加密算法、交换加密密钥等。
SSL 的英文全称是 “Secure Sockets Layer” ,中文名为 “ 安全套接层协议层 ” ,它是网景( Netscape )公司提出的基于 WEB 应用的安全协议。 SSL 协议指定了一种在应用程序协议(如 HTTP 、 Telenet 、 NMTP 和 FTP 等)和 TCP/IP 协议之间提供数据安全性分层的机制,它为 TCP/IP 连接提供数据加密、服务器认证、消息完整性以及可选的客户机认证。
1 SSL(Secure Socket Layer)是netscape公司设计的主要用于web的安全传输协议。这种协议在WEB上获得了广泛的应用。
2 IETF(www.ietf.org)将SSL作了标准化,即RFC2246,并将其称为TLS(Transport Layer Security),从技术上讲,TLS1.0与SSL3.0的差别非常微小。由于本文中没有涉及两者间的细小差别,本文中这两个名字等价。
3 在WAP的环境下,由于手机及手持设备的处理和存储能力有限,wap论坛(www.wapforum.org)在TLS的基础上做了简化,提出了WTLS协议(Wireless Transport Layer Security),以适应无线的特殊环境。
SSL是一个介于HTTP协议与TCP之间的一个可选层,其位置大致如下: 位于TCP之上,HTTP之下。
1. 用户浏览器将其SSL版本号、加密设置参数、与session有关的数据以及其它一些必要信息发送到服务器。
2. 服务器将其SSL版本号、加密设置参数、与session有关的数据以及其它一些必要信息发送给浏览器,同时发给浏览器的还有服务器的证书。如果配置服务器的SSL需要验证用户身份,还要发出请求要求浏览器提供用户证书。
3. 客户端检查服务器证书,如果检查失败,提示不能建立SSL连接。如果成功,那么继续。
4. 客户端浏览器为本次会话生成pre-master secret,并将其用服务器公钥加密后发送给服务器。
5. 如果服务器要求鉴别客户身份,客户端还要再对另外一些数据签名后并将其与客户端证书一起发送给服务器。
6. 如果服务器要求鉴别客户身份,则检查签署客户证书的CA是否可信。如果不在信任列表中,结束本次会话。如果检查通过,服务器用自己的私钥解密收到的pre-master secret,并用它通过某些算法生成本次会话的master secret。
7. 客户端与服务器均使用此master secret生成本次会话的会话密钥(对称密钥)。在双方SSL握手结束后传递任何消息均使用此会话密钥。这样做的主要原因是对称加密比非对称加密的运算量低一个数量级以上,能够显著提高双方会话时的运算速度。
8. 客户端通知服务器此后发送的消息都使用这个会话密钥进行加密。并通知服务器客户端已经完成本次SSL握手。
9. 服务器通知客户端此后发送的消息都使用这个会话密钥进行加密。并通知客户端服务器已经完成本次SSL握手。
10. 本次握手过程结束,会话已经建立。双方使用同一个会话密钥分别对发送以及接受的信息进行加、解密。
1 SSL通讯示意图
    2 SSL通讯说明
    STEP 1: B——〉S(发起对话,协商传送加密算法)
    STEP2: S——〉B(发送服务器数字证书)
    STEP 3: B——〉S(传送本次对话的密钥)
    S, 我已经确认了你的身份,现在将我们本次通讯中使用的对称加密算法的密钥发送给你。
    STEP4: S——〉B(获取密钥)
    B, 我已经获取了密钥。我们可以开始通信了。
    STEP5: S<——>B(进行通讯)
为了便于了解SSL,下面在简要介绍一下信息加密相关知识。使用密钥类型加密信息的加密算法可以分为以下几类:HASH 编码、对称加密和非对称加密三类。
    HASH 编码是使用HASH算法从任意长度的消息中计算HASH值的一个过程,HASH值可以说是消息的指纹,因为对于任何不同的消息,几乎总有不同的HASH值。因此在SSL通讯过程中,可以对消息的HASH值进行加密,确保传递的消息在传输过程中没有被修改。
A digital certificate is an electronic "credit card" that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web. It is issued by a certification authority (CA). It contains your name, a serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the certificate holder's public key (used for encrypting messages and digital signatures), and the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real. Some digital certificates conform to a standard, X.509. Digital certificates can be kept in registries so that authenticating users can look up other users' public keys.
An SSL certificate, or secure certificate, is a file installed on a secure Web server that identifies a website. This digital certificate establishes the identity and authenticity of the company or merchant so that online shoppers can trust that the website is secure and reliable. In order to verify that these sites are legitimate (they are who they say they are), the companies and their websites are verified by a third party, such as Verisign or Thawte.
An attachment to an electronic message used for security purposes. The most common use of a digital certificate is to verify that a user sending a message is who he or she claims to be, and to provide the receiver with the means to encode a reply.
An individual wishing to send an encrypted message applies for a digital certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA issues an encrypted digital certificate containing the applicant's public key and a variety of other identification information. The CA makes its own public key readily available through print publicity or perhaps on the Internet.
The recipient of an encrypted message uses the CA's public key to decode the digital certificate attached to the message, verifies it as issued by the CA and then obtains the sender's public key and identification information held within the certificate. With this information, the recipient can send an encrypted reply.
最简单的证书包含一个公开密钥、名称以及证书授权中心的数字签名。一般情况下证书中还包括密钥的有效时间,发证机关(证书授权中心)的名称,该证书的序列号等信息,证书的格式遵循ITUT X.509国际标准。


For public-key cryptography to be valuable, users must be assured that the other parties with whom they communicate are "safe"?that is, their identities and keys are valid and trustworthy. To provide this assurance, all users of a PKI must have a registered identity. These identities are stored in a digital format known as a public key certificate. Certification Authorities (CAs) represent the people, processes, and tools to create digital certificates that securely bind the names of users to their public keys.
In creating certificates, CAs act as agents of trust in a PKI. As long as users trust a CA and its business policies for issuing and managing certificates, they can trust certificates issued by the CA. This is known as third-party trust.
CAs create certificates for users by digitally signing a set of data that includes the following information (and additional items):
    1. the user’s name in the format of a distinguished name (DN). The DN specifies the user’s name and any additional attributes required to uniquely identify the user (for example, the DN could contain the user’s employee number).
    2. a public key of the user. The public key is required so that others can encrypt for the user or verify the user’s digital signature.
    3. the validity period (or lifetime) of the certificate (a start date and an end date).
    4. the specific operations for which the public key is to be used (whether for encrypting data, verifying digital signatures, or both).
The CA’s signature on a certificate allows any tampering with the contents of the certificate to be easily detected. (The CA’s signature on a certificate is like a tamper-detection seal on a bottle of pills?any tampering with the contents of a certificate is easily detected) As long as the CA?s signature on a certificate can be verified, the certificate has integrity. Since the integrity of a certificate can be determined by verifying the CA’s signature, certificates are inherently secure and can be distributed in a completely public manner (for example, through publicly-accessible directory systems).
Users retrieving a public key from a certificate can be assured that the public key is valid. That is, users can trust that the certificate and its associated public key belong to the entity specified by the distinguished name. Users also trust that the public key is still within its defined validity period. In addition, users are assured that the public key may be used safely in the manner for which it was certified by the CA.
How do you know that you are dealing with the right person or rather the right web site. Well, someone has taken great length (if they are serious) to ensure that the web site owners are who they claim to be. This someone, you have to implicitly trust: you have his/her certificate loaded in your browser (a root Certificate). A certificate, contains information about the owner of the certificate, like e-mail address, owner's name, certificate usage, duration of validity, resource location or Distinguished Name (DN) which includes the Common Name (CN) (web site address or e-mail address depending of the usage) and the certificate ID of the person who certifies (signs) this information. It contains also the public key and finally a hash to ensure that the certificate has not been tampered with. As you made the choice to trust the person who signs this certificate, therefore you also trust this certificate. This is a certificate trust tree or certificate path. Usually your browser or application has already loaded the root certificate of well known Certification Authorities (CA) or root CA Certificates. The CA maintains a list of all signed certificates as well as a list of revoked certificates. A certificate is insecure until it is signed, as only a signed certificate cannot be modified. You can sign a certificate using itself, it is called a self signed certificate. All root CA certificates are self signed.
When VeriSign issues an SSL Certificate, we act as a Certificate Authority (CA). VeriSign digitally signs each certificate we issue. Each browser contains a list of CAs to be trusted. When the SSL handshake occurs, the browser verifies that the server certificate was issued by a trusted CA. If the CA is not trusted, a warning will appear. When high-security browsers recognize an Extended Validation SSL Certificate, they display the name of the CA next to the browser bar. VeriSign is one of the most trusted CAs on the Internet.
所谓CACertificate Authority)认证中心,它是采用PKIPublic Key Infrastructure)公开密钥基础架构技术,专门提供网络身份认证服务,负责签发和管理数字证书,且具有权威性和公正性的第三方信任机构,它的作用就像我们现实生活中颁发证件的公司,如护照办理机构。
CA是认证中心的英文Certification Authority的缩写。 CA中心,又称为数字证书认证中心。CA中心作为电子交易中受信任的第三方,负责为电子商务环境中各个实体颁发数字证书,以证明各实体身份的真实性,并负责在交易中检验和管理证书;数字证书的用户拥有自己的公钥/私钥对。证书中包含有证书主体的身份信息、其公钥数据、发证机构名称等,发证机构验证证书主体为合法注册实体后,就对上述信息进行数字签名,形成证书。 在公钥证书体系中,如果某公钥用户需要任何其它已向CA注册的用户的公钥,可直接向该用户索取证书,而后用CA的公钥解密解密即可得到认证的公钥;由于证书中已有CA的签名来实现认证,攻击者不具有CA的签名密钥,很难伪造出合法的证书,从而实现了公钥的认证性。 数字证书认证中心是整个网上电子交易安全的关键环节,是电子交易中信赖的基础。他必须是所有合法注册用户所信赖的具有权威性、信赖性及公正性的第三方机构。
数字证书认证中心(Certficate Authority,CA)是整个网上电子交易安全的关键环节。它主要负责产生、分配并管理所有参与网上交易的实体所需的身份认证数字证书。每一份数字证书都与上一级的数字签名证书相关联,最终通过安全链追溯到一个已知的并被广泛认为是安全、权威、足以信赖的机构-根认证中心(根CA)。
CA (Certificate Authority) 认证中心:负责产生,分配并且管理数字证书的可信赖的第三方权威机构。采用分级机构,上级认证中心负责签发和管理下级认证中心的证书,最下一级直接面向最终用户
A<----B’s publickey<------------B
A--àA’s publickey(K1)------àB
A<----C’s publickey<------------C
A---àA’s publickey(K1)-----àC
The CSR is a string of text generated by your server software. You provide this string of text to VeriSign during the enrollment process. To generate a CSR, you will need to know what kind of server software is running on your Web server.
A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is a PKCS10 request which is an unsigned copy of your certificate. Entrust Certificate Services will use the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to generate your signed digital x509 V3 SSL server certificate. Your CSR contains the following:
  1. Information about your organization (organization name, country, etc...)
  2. Your Web or WAP Server's public key
  3. A unique mathematical match to your server's private key .
  a) 您的组织信息(组织名称、国家等等)
  b) 您的Web服务器的域名
CSR是一个加密文件,它含有你的组织公钥、名称、所在地和URL。要生成CSR,如果您的主机托管或租用在主机服务提供商或IDC中,您可以直接与您的系统管理员联系,让他帮助您生成CSR. 如果您自己管理您的主机,请参考服务器软件的手册或联系服务器厂商以便生成CSR. 生成CSR过程中,服务器生成两个文件:私钥和CSR


A widely used standard for defining digital certificates.  X.509 (Version 1) was first issued in 1988 as a part of the ITU X.500 Directory Services standard. When X.509 was revised in 1993, two more fields were added resulting in the Version 2 format. These two additional fields support directory access control. X.509 Version 3 defines the format for certificate extensions used to store additional information regarding the certificate holder and to define certificate usage. Collectively, the term X.509 refers to the latest published version, unless the version number is stated.
X.509 is published as ITU recommendation ITU-T X.509 (formerly CCITT X.509) and ISO/IEC/ITU 9594-8 which defines a standard certificate format for public key certificates and certification validation. With minor differences in dates and titles, these publications provide identical text in the defining of public-key and attribute certificates.
In One Sentence: What is a Certificate?
A public-key certificate is a digitally signed statement from one entity, saying that the public key (and some other information) of another entity has some specific value.
Let us expand on some of the key terms used in this sentence:
Public Keys
These are numbers associated with a particular entity, and are intended to be known to everyone who needs to have trusted interactions with that entity. Public keys are used to verify signatures.
Digitally Signed
If some data is digitally signed it has been stored with the "identity" of an entity, and a signature that proves that entity knows about the data. The data is rendered unforgeable by signing with the entitys' private key.
A known way of addressing an entity. In some systems the identity is the public key, in others it can be anything from a Unix UID to an Email address to an X.509 Distinguished Name.
A signature is computed over some data using the private key of an entity (the signer).
Private Keys
These are numbers, each of which is supposed to be known only to the particular entity whose private key it is (that is, it's supposed to be kept secret). Private and public keys exist in pairs in all public key cryptography systems (also referred to as "public key crypto systems"). In a typical public key crypto system, such as DSA, a private key corresponds to exactly one public key. Private keys are used to compute signatures.
An entity is a person, organization, program, computer, business, bank, or something else you are trusting to some degree.
Basically, public key cryptography requires access to users' public keys. In a large-scale networked environment it is impossible to guarantee that prior relationships between communicating entities have been established or that a trusted repository exists with all used public keys. Certificates were invented as a solution to this public key distribution problem. Now a Certification Authority (CA) can act as a Trusted Third Party. CAs are entities (e.g., businesses) that are trusted to sign (issue) certificates for other entities. It is assumed that CAs will only create valid and reliable certificates as they are bound by legal agreements. There are many public Certification Authorities, such as VeriSign, Thawte, Entrust, and so on. You can also run your own Certification Authority using products such as the Netscape/Microsoft Certificate Servers or the Entrust CA product for your organization.
What's Inside an X.509 Certificate?
The X.509 standard defines what information can go into a certificate, and describes how to write it down (the data format). All X.509 certificates have the following data, in addition to the signature:
This identifies which version of the X.509 standard applies to this certificate, which affects what information can be specified in it. Thus far, three versions are defined.
Serial Number
The entity that created the certificate is responsible for assigning it a serial number to distinguish it from other certificates it issues. This information is used in numerous ways, for example when a certificate is revoked its serial number is placed in a Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
Signature Algorithm Identifier
This identifies the algorithm used by the CA to sign the certificate.
Issuer Name
The X.500 name of the entity that signed the certificate. This is normally a CA. Using this certificate implies trusting the entity that signed this certificate. (Note that in some cases, such as root or top-level CA certificates, the issuer signs its own certificate.)
Validity Period
Each certificate is valid only for a limited amount of time. This period is described by a start date and time and an end date and time, and can be as short as a few seconds or almost as long as a century. The validity period chosen depends on a number of factors, such as the strength of the private key used to sign the certificate or the amount one is willing to pay for a certificate. This is the expected period that entities can rely on the public value, if the associated private key has not been compromised.
Subject Name
The name of the entity whose public key the certificate identifies. This name uses the X.500 standard, so it is intended to be unique across the Internet. This is the Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity, for example,
    CN=Java Duke, OU=Java Software Division, O=Sun Microsystems Inc, C=US
(These refer to the subject's Common Name, Organizational Unit, Organization, and Country.)
Subject Public Key Information
This is the public key of the entity being named, together with an algorithm identifier which specifies which public key crypto system this key belongs to and any associated key parameters.
X.509 Version 1 has been available since 1988, is widely deployed, and is the most generic.
X.509 Version 2 introduced the concept of subject and issuer unique identifiers to handle the possibility of reuse of subject and/or issuer names over time. Most certificate profile documents strongly recommend that names not be reused, and that certificates should not make use of unique identifiers. Version 2 certificates are not widely used.
X.509 Version 3 is the most recent (1996) and supports the notion of extensions, whereby anyone can define an extension and include it in the certificate. Some common extensions in use today are: KeyUsage (limits the use of the keys to particular purposes such as "signing-only") and AlternativeNames (allows other identities to also be associated with this public key, e.g. DNS names, Email addresses, IP addresses). Extensions can be marked critical to indicate that the extension should be checked and enforced/used. For example, if a certificate has the KeyUsage extension marked critical and set to "keyCertSign" then if this certificate is presented during SSL communication, it should be rejected, as the certificate extension indicates that the associated private key should only be used for signing certificates and not for SSL use.
All the data in a certificate is encoded using two related standards called ASN.1/DER. Abstract Syntax Notation 1 describes data. The Definite Encoding Rules describe a single way to store and transfer that data. People have been known to describe this combination simultaneously as "powerful and flexible" and as "cryptic and awkward".
The IETF PKIX working group is in the process of defining standards for the Internet Public Key Infrastructure. We are closely following their work, and are supporting its X.509 Certificate and CRL Profile, which is being specified.
  在和CA进行一些接触时,我们常常会听到一个名词: X.509。它是一种行业标准或者行业解决方案,在X.509方案中,默认的加密体制是公钥密码体制。为进行身份认证,X.509标准及公共密钥加密系统提供了数字签名的方案。用户可生成一段信息及其摘要(亦称作信息"指纹")。用户用专用密钥对摘要加密以形成签名,接收者用发送者的公共密钥对签名解密,并将之与收到的信息"指纹"进行比较,以确定其真实性。
  此外,X.509标准还提供了一种标准格式CRL,下面我们就来看一看 X509标准下的证书格式极其扩展。
  目前X.509有不同的版本,例如 X.509 V2x.509 v3都是目前比较新的版本,但是都在原有版本(X.509 V1)的基础上进行功能的扩充,其中每一版本必须包含下列信息:
  (1) 版本号
  (2) 序列号;
  (3) 签名算法标识符
  (4) 认证机构
  (5) 有效期限
  (6) 主题信息
  (7) 认证机构的数字签名
  (8) 公钥信息
