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2011年06月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3971字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

微软的兄弟很认真,对Silverlight4总想很好的兼容Silverlight2,3,因为WP7是用的Silverlight3,所以Setter里面还是不能实现绑定(在WPF中很容易),不过这个问题在Silverlight5里面会得到解决(见《Binding on Style Setter in Silverlight5》)。比如下面的代码在Silverlight5之前不能工作:

   1: <ListBox x:Name="theBox" DisplayMemberPath="Name">

   2:     <ListBox.ItemContainerStyle>

   3:         <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">

   4:             <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="{Binding}" />

   5:         </Style>

   6:     </ListBox.ItemContainerStyle>

   7: </ListBox>


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10-1-2011 4-50-50 PM



   1: using System;

   2: using System.Collections.Generic;

   3: using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

   4: using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

   5: using System.Globalization;

   6: using System.Linq;

   7: using System.Reflection;

   8: using System.Windows;

   9: using System.Windows.Controls;

  10: using System.Windows.Data;

  11: using System.Windows.Markup;


  13: namespace SilverlightApplication1

  14: {

  15:     /// <summary>

  16:     /// Class that implements a workaround for a Silverlight XAML parser

  17:     /// limitation that prevents the following syntax from working:

  18:     ///    &lt;Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding IsSelected}"/&gt;

  19:     /// </summary>

  20:     [ContentProperty("Values")]

  21:     public class SetterValueBindingHelper

  22:     {

  23:         /// <summary>

  24:         /// Optional type parameter used to specify the type of an attached

  25:         /// DependencyProperty as an assembly-qualified name, full name, or

  26:         /// short name.

  27:         /// </summary>

  28:         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1721:PropertyNamesShouldNotMatchGetMethods",

  29:             Justification = "Unambiguous in XAML.")]

  30:         public string Type { get; set; }


  32:         /// <summary>

  33:         /// Property name for the normal/attached DependencyProperty on which

  34:         /// to set the Binding.

  35:         /// </summary>

  36:         public string Property { get; set; }


  38:         /// <summary>

  39:         /// Binding to set on the specified property.

  40:         /// </summary>

  41:         public Binding Binding { get; set; }


  43:         /// <summary>

  44:         /// Collection of SetterValueBindingHelper instances to apply to the

  45:         /// target element.

  46:         /// </summary>

  47:         /// <remarks>

  48:         /// Used when multiple Bindings need to be applied to the same element.

  49:         /// </remarks>

  50:         public Collection<SetterValueBindingHelper> Values

  51:         {

  52:             get

  53:             {

  54:                 // Defer creating collection until needed

  55:                 if (null == _values)

  56:                 {

  57:                     _values = new Collection<SetterValueBindingHelper>();

  58:                 }

  59:                 return _values;

  60:             }

  61:         }

  62:         private Collection<SetterValueBindingHelper> _values;


  64:         /// <summary>

  65:         /// Gets the value of the PropertyBinding attached DependencyProperty.

  66:         /// </summary>

  67:         /// <param name="element">Element for which to get the property.</param>

  68:         /// <returns>Value of PropertyBinding attached DependencyProperty.</returns>

  69:         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters",

  70:             Justification = "SetBinding is only available on FrameworkElement.")]

  71:         public static SetterValueBindingHelper GetPropertyBinding(FrameworkElement element)

  72:         {

  73:             if (null == element)

  74:             {

  75:                 throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

  76:             }

  77:             return (SetterValueBindingHelper)element.GetValue(PropertyBindingProperty);

  78:         }


  80:         /// <summary>

  81:         /// Sets the value of the PropertyBinding attached DependencyProperty.

  82:         /// </summary>

  83:         /// <param name="element">Element on which to set the property.</param>

  84:         /// <param name="value">Value forPropertyBinding attached DependencyProperty.</param>

  85:         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters",

  86:             Justification = "SetBinding is only available on FrameworkElement.")]

  87:         public static void SetPropertyBinding(FrameworkElement element, SetterValueBindingHelper value)

  88:         {

  89:             if (null == element)

  90:             {

  91:                 throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

  92:             }

  93:             element.SetValue(PropertyBindingProperty, value);

  94:         }


  96:         /// <summary>

  97:         /// PropertyBinding attached DependencyProperty.

  98:         /// </summary>

  99:         public static readonly DependencyProperty PropertyBindingProperty =

 100:             DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(

 101:                 "PropertyBinding",

 102:                 typeof(SetterValueBindingHelper),

 103:                 typeof(SetterValueBindingHelper),

 104:                 new PropertyMetadata(null, OnPropertyBindingPropertyChanged));
