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2013年08月25日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 439字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

   为什么在myeclipse下,创建不了Struts Project?
情况如下:这是第一种情况 No available Struts 1.1 projects found in workspace. All MyEclipse Struts 1.1 wizards require at least 1 properly configured Struts 1.1 project exist in your workspace.
If your workspace current contains Struts 1.1 projects please ensure that they are opened and that their web.xml is valid.
还有一种情况就是我创建了一个Web Project可是在创建Struts时还是报No Struts Project found in workspace.

打开项目之后,菜单:My Eclipse -> add strtus capabilities就可以新建相关的Strtus文件了。
add strunts capabilities

struts Support for myEclipse web project
