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Panic 54 in CEikColumnListBox(Symbian)

2013年08月23日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 629字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

      There is a substantial difference in the behavior of the basic Symbian CEikColumnListBox class.On

Series 60 if the old value of current item index  is invalid (i.e. either <0 or >= than number of items in the list

model), then it is simply ignored, on UIQ in case of invalid iCurrentItemIndex the panic 54 can be issued.

    The solution is to review the source of the application and to synchronize the value of iCurrentItemIndex

with the real number of items in the list model. It can be done by calling methods like CurrentItemIndex(),

HandleItemAdditionL(), etc. in appropriate places of the application.Be sure that you call UpdateScrollBarsL

() immediately after you call Reset(), and I use this hack -like trick to solve my Panic 54 problem.
