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web 调色板

2013年08月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 22354字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

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<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="350" align="center" bgcolor="#dddddd">
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td width="10%" align="center">
<select name="select1" onchange="selectchg(this.value)">
<option value="1" selected>红</option>
<option value="2">绿</option>
<option value="3">蓝</option>
<option value="4">灰</option>
<td width="90%" align="center">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="right">
<input type="text" name="text1" class="memo" size="10">
<input type="button" name="Button2" value=">>" class="button" onClick="choosecolor()">
<td align="right" width="3%"> </td>
<td width="30%">
<table width="40" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" height="20" class="cursorcross">
<td id="customcolor" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onMouseOver="showcolor(this)"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td width="10%" align="center">
<table id="tableleft" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="cursorhand">
<script language="VBScript">
function hexit(which)
end function
<script language="JavaScript">
{document.write('<tr><td align="center">'+ hexit(0+i*17) +'</td><td id="tdleft' + i +'" bgcolor="rgb('+ (0+i*17) + ',0,0)" width="15" height="15" onclick="changeright(this.num)" onmouseover="showcolor(this)"></td></tr>')
document.all['tdleft' + i].num=i
<td align="center" width="90%">
<table id="tableleft" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="cursorcross">
<script language="JavaScript">
{document.write('<td align="center">'+ hexit(0+i*17) +'</td>')}

document.write('<td align="center">'+ hexit(0+i*17) +'</td>')
{document.write('<td id="tdrightr' + i + 'c' + j +'" bgcolor="rgb(0,'+ (0+i*17) + ',' + (0+j*17) + ')" width="15" height="15" onmouseover="showcolor(this)" onclick="clickright(this)"></td>')}

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td colspan="2" height="20">·可选16*16*16种颜色。<br>
·单击右边的颜色会固定选取的颜色。 <br>
<script language="JavaScript">
function selectchg(which)
{case '1' :leftR();break;
case '2' :leftG();break;
case '3' :leftB();break;
case '4' :leftA();break;
function leftR()
{document.all['tdleft'+i].bgColor='rgb('+ (0+i*17) + ',0,0)'}
function leftG()
{document.all['tdleft'+i].bgColor='rgb(0,'+ (0+i*17) + ',0)'}
function leftB()
{document.all['tdleft'+i].bgColor='rgb(0,0,'+ (0+i*17) + ')'}
function leftA()
{document.all['tdleft'+i].bgColor='rgb('+ (0+i*17) + ','+ (0+i*17) + ','+ (0+i*17) + ')'}
function rightR(which)
{document.all['tdrightr' + i + 'c' + j].bgColor='rgb(' + (0+which*17) + ',' + (0+i*17) + ','+ (0+j*17) + ')'}
function rightG(which)
{document.all['tdrightr' + i + 'c' + j].bgColor='rgb(' + (0+i*17) + ',' + (0+which*17) + ',' + (0+j*17) + ')'}
function rightB(which)
{document.all['tdrightr' + i + 'c' + j].bgColor='rgb(' + (0+i*17) + ','+ (0+j*17)+ ',' + (0+which*17) + ')'}
function rightA()
{document.all['tdrightr' + i + 'c' + j].bgColor='rgb(' + (0+i*16+j) + ','+ (0+i*16+j)+ ',' + (0+i*16+j) + ')'}
var rightclicked=false
function clickright(which)
function changeright(which)
{case '1' :rightR(which);break;
case '2' :rightG(which);break;
case '3' :rightB(which);break;
function showcolor(which)
function choosecolor()
仿DW 256色 调色板代码


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2311">



var ColorHex=new Array('00','33','66','99','CC','FF')

var SpColorHex=new Array('FF0000','00FF00','0000FF','FFFF00','00FFFF','FF00FF')

var current=null

function intocolor()


var colorTable=''

for (i=0;i<2;i++)


  for (j=0;j<6;j++)


    colorTable=colorTable+'<tr height=12>'

    colorTable=colorTable+'<td width=11 style="background-color:#000000">'


    if (i==0){

    colorTable=colorTable+'<td width=11 style="background-color:#'+ColorHex[j]+ColorHex[j]+ColorHex[j]+'">'}


    colorTable=colorTable+'<td width=11 style="background-color:#'+SpColorHex[j]+'">'}


    colorTable=colorTable+'<td width=11 style="background-color:#000000">'

    for (k=0;k<3;k++)


       for (l=0;l<6;l++)


        colorTable=colorTable+'<td width=11 style="background-color:#'+ColorHex[k+i*3]+ColorHex[l]+ColorHex[j]+'">'






colorTable='<table width=253 border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:1px #000000 solid;border-bottom:none;border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="000000">'

           +'<tr height=30><td colspan=21 bgcolor=#cccccc>'

           +'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" style="border-collapse: collapse">'

           +'<tr><td width="3"><td><input type="text" name="DisColor" size="6" disabled style="border:solid 1px #000000;background-color:#ffff00"></td>'


         +'<td width="3"><td><input type="text" name="HexColor" size="7" style="border:inset 1px;font-family:Arial;" value="#000000"></td></tr></table></td></table>'

           +'<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="000000" onmouseover="doOver()" onmouseout="doOut()" onclick="doclick()" style="cursor:hand;">'




function doOver() {

      if ((event.srcElement.tagName=="TD") && (current!=event.srcElement)) {

        if (current!=null){current.style.backgroundColor = current._background}    

        event.srcElement._background = event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor


      DisColor.style.backgroundColor = event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor

        HexColor.value = event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor

        event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor = "white"

        current = event.srcElement



function doOut() {

    if (current!=null) current.style.backgroundColor = current._background


function doclick(){ //具体使用时请修改这个函数

if (event.srcElement.tagName=="TD"){

alert("选取颜色: "+event.srcElement._background)

return event.srcElement._background





<body onload="intocolor()">

<div id="colorpanel" style="position: absolute;">



<meta HTTP-EQUIV=Expires CONTENT=0>
<meta HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>

A         { text-decoration: underline }
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A:visited { color: #000080; text-decoration: underline underline: none }
A:active  { color: #FF0000; text-decoration: underline underline: none }
A:hover   { color: #FF0000; text-decoration: underline underline: none }
.ColorPickWindows {
    BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonhighlight 2px solid;
    BORDER-LEFT: buttonshadow 2px solid;
    BORDER-RIGHT: buttonhighlight 2px solid;
    BORDER-TOP:        buttonshadow 2px solid;
.body {
        font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-weight: normal;
        TEXT-DECORATION: none
        font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;
        TEXT-DECORATION: none
        font-weight: normal;
        background-color: #EFEBDE;
        color: #000000;
    BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonshadow        1px solid;
    BORDER-LEFT: buttonhighlight 1px solid;
    BORDER-RIGHT: buttonshadow 1px solid;
    BORDER-TOP:        buttonhighlight        1px solid;
        width: 130;
.bevel2 {
        background-color: #FBF9F3;
        border-color: #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000;
        border-style: solid;
        border-top-width: 1px;
        border-right-width: 1px;
        border-bottom-width: 1px;
        border-left-width: 1px;
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 12px;
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #000000


var iW = '35';//共有6种颜色,每种颜色的宽为iW。iW*6为色带的宽。
var iH = '170';//iH为色带的高。


var H,S,V;

function HSV(){
        var pX = event.offsetX;
        var pY = event.offsetY;
        var HalfH = parseInt(iH/2);
        H = parseInt(pX*360/(iW*6));
        if(event.offsetY < HalfH){
                        S = pY/HalfH;
                        V = 1;
                        S = 1;
                        V = (iH-pY)/HalfH;
        Info1.value = 'H:'+H+'  S:'+parseInt(S*100)+'%   V:'+parseInt(V*100)+'%';

function HSVtoRGB(){
        var r,g,b;
        var k = (H%60)/60;
        var c1 = V*(1-S);
        var c2 = V*(1-S*k);
        var c3 = V*(1-S*(1-k));
                        case 0 : r=V,g=c3;b=c1; break;
                        case 1 : r=c2,g=V;b=c1; break;
                        case 2 : r=c1,g=V;b=c3; break;
                        case 3 : r=c1,g=c2;b=V; break;
                        case 4 : r=c3,g=c1;b=V; break;
                        case 5 : r=V,g=c1;b=c2; break;
        R = parseInt(r*255);
        G = parseInt(g*255);
        B = parseInt(b*255);
        Info2.value = 'R:'+R+'  G:'+G+'   B:'+B;

function RGBtoHTML(){
        var r=(R>=16)?R.toString(16):('0'+R.toString(16));
        var g=(G>=16)?G.toString(16):('0'+G.toString(16));
        var b=(B>=16)?B.toString(16):('0'+B.toString(16));
        var rgb=r+g+b;
        Info3.value='HTML #'+rgb.toUpperCase();
        ColorDiv.style.background = '#'+rgb;

function pickcolor(){
        var pX = event.offsetX;
        var pY = event.offsetY;
        var HalfH = parseInt(iH/2);
        H = parseInt(pX*360/(iW*6));
        if(event.offsetY < HalfH){
                        S = pY/HalfH;
                        V = 1;
                        S = 1;
                        V = (iH-pY)/HalfH;
        HSVtoRGBs(H, parseInt(S*100), parseInt(V*100));
//        RGBtoHTMLs();

//var R,G,B;

function HSVtoRGBs(H, S, V){
        Hinfo.value = H;
        Sinfo.value = S;
        Vinfo.value = V;
        HHinfo.value = Hinfo.value;
        SHinfo.value = Sinfo.value;
        VHinfo.value = Vinfo.value;

        H = parseInt(H);
        S = parseInt(S) / 100;
        V = parseInt(V) / 100;

        var r,g,b;
        var k = (H%60)/60;
        var c1 = V*(1-S);
        var c2 = V*(1-S*k);
        var c3 = V*(1-S*(1-k));
                        case 0 : r=V,g=c3;b=c1; break;
                        case 1 : r=c2,g=V;b=c1; break;
                        case 2 : r=c1,g=V;b=c3; break;
                        case 3 : r=c1,g=c2;b=V; break;
                        case 4 : r=c3,g=c1;b=V; break;
                        case 5 : r=V,g=c1;b=c2; break;
        R = parseInt(r*255);
        G = parseInt(g*255);
        B = parseInt(b*255);
        Rinfo.value = R;
        Ginfo.value = G;
        Binfo.value = B;
        RGBtoHTMLs(R, G, B);

//function RGBtoHTMLs(Rc, Bc, Gc){
function RGBtoHTMLs(R, G, B){
        R = parseInt(R);
        G = parseInt(G);
        B = parseInt(B);
        RHinfo.value = R;
        GHinfo.value = G;
        BHinfo.value = B;

//        var r=(Rc>=16)?Rc.toString(16):('0'+Rc.toString(16));
//        var g=(Gc>=16)?Gc.toString(16):('0'+Gc.toString(16));
//        var b=(Bc>=16)?Bc.toString(16):('0'+Bc.toString(16));
        var r=(R>=16)?R.toString(16):('0'+R.toString(16));
        var g=(G>=16)?G.toString(16):('0'+G.toString(16));
        var b=(B>=16)?B.toString(16):('0'+B.toString(16));
        var rgb=r+g+b;
        var tempcolorline;
//        alert(rgb);
        ColorDiv2.style.background = '#'+rgb;
        tempcolorline=createHR("FFFFFF",rgb,32,10,170, true, true, "left");
        ColorLine.innerHTML = tempcolorline;

function HTMLtoRGB(HTMLvalue){
        var R = BaseToDec(HTMLvalue.substr(0,2), 16);
        var G = BaseToDec(HTMLvalue.substr(2,2), 16);
        var B = BaseToDec(HTMLvalue.substr(4,2), 16);

        Rinfo.value = R;
        Ginfo.value = G;
        Binfo.value = B;
        RGBtoHTMLs(R, G, B);

        var r = parseInt(R) / 255;
        var g = parseInt(G) / 255;
        var b = parseInt(B) / 255;

/*        if () {


function BaseToDec(aValue, fromBase)
        var aNum = 0;
        var curNum = 0;
        var i = 0;
        var s = aValue;
        var c = aValue.substr(0,1);
        var SignChanged = false;
        if (c == "-")
                s = aValue.substr(1, aValue.length -1);
                SignChanged = true;
        for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
                c = s.substr(i,1);
                switch (c.toLowerCase())
                        case "a" :
                                curNum = 10;
                        case "b" :
                                curNum = 11;
                        case "c" :
                                curNum = 12;
                        case "d" :
                                curNum = 13;
                        case "e" :
                                curNum = 14;
                        case "f" :
                                curNum = 15;
                        default :
                                curNum = eval(s.substr(i,1));
                aNum = aNum * fromBase + curNum;
        if (SignChanged == true) aNum = aNum * -1;
        return aNum;

function ApplyColor(){
        if (Rinfo.value != RHinfo.value || Ginfo.value != GHinfo.value || Binfo.value != BHinfo.value) {
                RGBtoHTMLs(Rinfo.value, Ginfo.value, Binfo.value);
        if (Hinfo.value != HHinfo.value || Sinfo.value != SHinfo.value || Vinfo.value != VHinfo.value) {
                HSVtoRGBs(Hinfo.value, Sinfo.value, Vinfo.value);
        if (htmlvalue.value != THinfo.value) {

function drawcolormain(){
        var iHtml = '';
        //var iL = (document.body.offsetWidth-6*iW)/2;
        //var iT = (document.body.offsetHeight-iH)/2;
        var iL = 7;
        var iT = 7.5;
        var RainBow = [255,0,0,  255,255,0,  0,255,0,  0,255,255,  0,0,255,  255,0,255,  255,0,0];
        for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
                        var R1 = RainBow[i*3];
                        var G1 = RainBow[i*3+1];
                        var B1 = RainBow[i*3+2];
                        var R2 = RainBow[(i+1)*3];
                        var G2 = RainBow[(i+1)*3+1];
                        var B2 = RainBow[(i+1)*3+2];
                        iHtml += "<span style='position:absolute;left:"+(i*iW+iL)+";top:"+iT+";width:"+iW+";height:"+iH+";background:rgb("+R1+","+G1+","+B1+");'></span><span style='position:absolute;left:"+(i*iW+iL)+";top:"+iT+";width:"+iW+";height:"+iH+";background:rgb("+R2+","+G2+","+B2+");filter:alpha(opacity=0,finishopacity=100,Style=1);'></span>"
        iHtml += "<span style=position:absolute;left:"+iL+";top:"+iT+";width:"+iW*6+";height:"+iH/2+";background:rgb(255,255,255);filter:alpha(opacity=100,finishOpacity=0,style=1,starty=0,finishy=100,startx=0,finishx=0)></span><span style=position:absolute;left:"+iL+";top:"+(iT+iH/2)+";width:"+iW*6+";height:"+iH/2+";background:rgb(0,0,0);filter:alpha(opacity=0,finishOpacity=100,style=1,starty=0,finishy=100,startx=0,finishx=0)></span><span style='position:absolute;left:"+iL+";top:"+iT+";width:"+iW*6+";height:"+iH+";' onmousemove=HSV() onclick=pickcolor()></span>"
        //code.value += iHtml;






function prefix(s) {
        // Make sure the hex# is 2 characters
        if (1==s.length)
        return s

function breakApart(start) {
        // Split the hex # into the RGB components
        var temp = new Array()
        temp[0] = parseInt(start.substring(0,2),16)
        temp[1] = parseInt(start.substring(2,4),16)
        temp[2] = parseInt(start.substring(4,6),16)
        return temp

function diffParts(startInt, endInt, steps) {
        // Determine the increment amount for each step
        var temp = new Array()
        for (var i=0; i<3; i++)
                temp[i] = Math.round((endInt[i] - startInt[i]) / steps)
        return temp

function createHR(start, end, steps, width, height) {
        var startInt = breakApart(start)
        var endInt = breakApart(end)
        var stepList = diffParts(startInt, endInt, steps)
        str = "<TABLE width="+width + " height="+height
        var alignment = arguments[7] // Optional alignment argument
        if (null!=alignment) {
                // Ignore values other than left, right, and center
                if ("left"==alignment)
                        str+=" align=left"
                else if ("right"==alignment)
                        str+=" align=right"
                else if ("center"==alignment)
                        str+=" align=center"
        str+=" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><TR>"

        for (var r=0; r < steps; r++) {
                var hr = prefix(startInt[0].toString(16))
                var hg = prefix(startInt[1].toString(16))
                var hb = prefix(startInt[2].toString(16))
                // increment color
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++)

                str+="<TD BGCOLOR="+hr + hg + hb+" onclick=/"htmlvalue.value='#"+hr.toUpperCase() + hg.toUpperCase() + hb.toUpperCase() +"'; ColorDiv.style.background='#"+hr + hg + hb+"';/">"
                // Cross-browser version
                // Make sure to point the image to a valid
                // location on your server
                if (arguments[5]==true) str+="<IMG SRC='/gifs/s.gif' WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1>"
                // Vertical rule
                if ((arguments[6]==true) && (r < steps-1))
        return str


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="background:#EFEBDE;" class="bevel2">
                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class=ColorPickWindows align=left>
                                        <td style='width:210;height:170;background=#000000;'>
                <td id=ColorLine align=left></td>
                <td colspan=2 class=body>
                        <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1" align=left>
                                                <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width=60 class=ColorPickWindows align=left>
                                                                <td id=ColorDiv style='width:30;height:40;background=#000000;'></td>
                                                                <td id=ColorDiv2 style='width:30;height:40;background=#000000;'></td>
                                        <td class=body align=center>颜色&nbsp;|&nbsp;选定</td>
                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="" height=40>
                                        <td class=body align=right width=55>色相(<U>H</U>):</td>
                                        <td class=body width=40><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="HSVbut" id=Hinfo size=3></td>
                                        <td class=body width=35>红(<U>R</U>):</td>
                                        <td class=body width=30><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="RGBbut" id=Rinfo size=3></td>
                                        <td class=body align=right>饱和度(<U>S</U>):</td>
                                        <td class=body><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="HSVbut" id=Sinfo size=3></td>
                                        <td class=body>绿(<U>G</U>):</td>
                                        <td class=body><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="RGBbut" id=Ginfo size=3></td>
                                        <td class=body align=right>亮度(<U>V</U>):</td>
                                        <td class=body><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="HSVbut" id=Vinfo size=3></td>
                                        <td class=body>蓝(<U>B</U>):</td>
                                        <td class=body><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="RGBbut" id=Binfo size=3></td>
                <td colspan=2 class=body>
                <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
  var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
  for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'");
function JM_cc(ob){
                <INPUT TYPE="button" class=listDirHead value="拷贝颜色的HTML代码" onclick=JM_cc(htmlvalue)>
                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HTML:<INPUT TYPE="text" name=htmlvalue id=htmlvalue size=7>
                <td colspan=2 class=body>
                <INPUT TYPE="button" style="width:60" class=listDirHead value="应用" onclick='ApplyColor(Rinfo.value, Ginfo.value, Binfo.value)'>
<input type=hidden id='Info1'>
<input type=hidden id='Info2'>
<input type=hidden id='Info3'>
<input type=hidden id='Info4'>
<input type=hidden id='RHinfo'>
<input type=hidden id='GHinfo'>
<input type=hidden id='BHinfo'>
<input type=hidden id='HHinfo'>
<input type=hidden id='SHinfo'>
<input type=hidden id='VHinfo'>
<input type=hidden id='THinfo'>
<SCRIPT language="">
t1=createHR("FFFFFF","000000",32,10,170, true, true, "left"); ColorLine.innerHTML = t1; htmlvalue.value = '#FFFFFF'</script>
