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Hp-ux.Vertas.Robot 添加机械手字符设备文件并进行Robot测试

2013年08月28日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 17716字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Please wait...checking for disk quotas
(c)Copyright 1983-2000 Hewlett-Packard Co.,  All Rights Reserved.
(c)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1993 The Regents of the Univ. of California
(c)Copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1985, 1986, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(c)Copyright 1989-1993  The Open Software Foundation, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corp.
(c)Copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University
(c)Copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland
(c)Copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Mentat Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Morning Star Technologies, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Progressive Systems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Isogon Corporation, All Rights Reserved.


                           RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013.

                           Hewlett-Packard Company
                           3000 Hanover Street
                           Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.

Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set
forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2).
You have mail.
Value of TERM has been set to "vt100".

-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>创建字符设备,添加机械手<<<

# mknod c13t3l0 c
# pwd
# cd dev
# ls
GSPdiag1          klog              ptypb             ptyrd             ttyp2             ttyr4             tun72
ac                kmem              ptypc             ptyre             ttyp3             ttyr5             tun73
arp               krm               ptypd             ptyrf             ttyp4             ttyr6             tun74
beep              lan               ptype             rac               ttyp5             ttyr7             tun75
config            lan0              ptypf             rawip             ttyp6             ttyr8             tun76
console           lan1              ptyq0             rdsk              ttyp7             ttyr9             tun77
devkrs            lan2              ptyq1             rmt               ttyp8             ttyra             tun78
diag              lan3              ptyq2             root              ttyp9             ttyrb             tun79
diag2             log               ptyq3             rroot             ttypa             ttyrc             tun8
dlpi              log.un            ptyq4             rscsi             ttypb             ttyrd             tun9
dlpi0             mem               ptyq5             sad               ttypc             ttyre             tunip0
dlpi1             mux0              ptyq6             schgr             ttypd             ttyrf             tunip1
dlpi2             mux1              ptyq7             screen            ttype             tun0              tunip10
dlpi3             netlog            ptyq8             sctl              ttypf             tun1              tunip11
dlpi4             netqa             ptyq9             sg_subagent_fifo  ttyq0             tun10             tunip12
dmem              nettrace          ptyqa             snap              ttyq1             tun11             tunip13
dsk               null              ptyqb             stcpmap           ttyq2             tun12             tunip14
dtremote          nuls              ptyqc             strlog            ttyq3             tun13             tunip15
echo              olar              ptyqd             syscon            ttyq4             tun14             tunip2
eeprom            ptmx              ptyqe             systty            ttyq5             tun15             tunip3
emsagent_fifo     pts               ptyqf             tcp               ttyq6             tun2              tunip4
ether1            pty               ptyr0             telnet            ttyq7             tun3              tunip5
ether2            ptym              ptyr1             telnetm           ttyq8             tun4              tunip6
ether3            ptyp0             ptyr2             tlclts            ttyq9             tun5              tunip7
fcd0              ptyp1             ptyr3             tlcots            ttyqa             tun6              tunip8
fcd1              ptyp2             ptyr4             tlcotsod          ttyqb             tun64             tunip9
gvid_info         ptyp3             ptyr5             tty               ttyqc             tun65             udp
hub               ptyp4             ptyr6             tty0p0            ttyqd             tun66             vg00
inet_clts         ptyp5             ptyr7             tty1p0            ttyqe             tun67             vx
inet_cots         ptyp6             ptyr8             tty1p2            ttyqf             tun68             vxportal
ip                ptyp7             ptyr9             tty1p4            ttyr0             tun69             zero
ipmi              ptyp8             ptyra             ttyconf           ttyr1             tun7
kepd              ptyp9             ptyrb             ttyp0             ttyr2             tun70
kernlog           ptypa             ptyrc             ttyp1             ttyr3             tun71
# cd sctl
# mknod c13t3l0 c 203 0x0d3000
# ls
c13t3l0  c13t3l1  c13t3l2  c13t3l3  c17t3l0  c17t3l1  c17t3l2  c18t3l0  c18t3l1  c3t2l0   c8t3l1   c8t3l2
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>创建字符设备,添加机械手<<<

-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>测试机械手<<<
# robtest
Configured robots with local control supporting test utilities:
  TLD(0)     robotic path = /dev/sctl/c13t3l0

Robot Selection
  1)  TLD 0
  2)  none/quit
Enter choice: 1

Robot selected: TLD(0)   robotic path = /dev/sctl/c13t3l0

Invoking robotic test utility:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tldtest -r /dev/sctl/c13t3l0 -d1 /dev/rmt/c13t3d1BESTnb -d2 /dev/rmt/c13t3d2BESTnb -d3 /dev/rmt/c18t3d0BESTnb -d4 /dev/rmt/c18t3d1BESTnb

Opening /dev/sctl/c13t3l0
MODE_SENSE complete
Enter tld commands (? returns help information)
s s
slot 1 (addr 32) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 32
Barcode = PQU516L2                       
slot 2 (addr 33) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 33
Barcode = PQU517L2                       
slot 3 (addr 34) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 34
Barcode = PQU518L2                       
slot 4 (addr 35) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 35
Barcode = PQU519L2                       
slot 5 (addr 36) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 36
Barcode = PQU520L2                       
slot 6 (addr 37) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 37
Barcode = PQU521L2                       
slot 7 (addr 38) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 38
Barcode = PQU522L2                       
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 8 (addr 39) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 39
Barcode = PQU523L2                       
slot 9 (addr 40) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 40
Barcode = PQU524L2                        
。。。 。。。
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 15 (addr 46) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 46
Barcode = PQU530L2                       
slot 16 (addr 47) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 47
Barcode = PQU531L2                        
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 22 (addr 53) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 53
Barcode = PQU537L2                       
slot 23 (addr 54) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 54
Barcode = PQU538L2                        
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 29 (addr 60) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 60
Barcode = PQU544L2                       
slot 30 (addr 61) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 61
Barcode = PQU545L2                       
slot 31 (addr 62) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 62
Barcode = PQU546L2                        
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 37 (addr 68) contains Cartridge = yes
Barcode = PQU552L2                       
slot 38 (addr 69) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 69
Barcode = PQU553L2                        
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 45 (addr 76) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 76
Barcode = PQU560L2                       
slot 46 (addr 77) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 77
Barcode = PQU561L2                        
<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

slot 52 (addr 83) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 83
Barcode = PQU567L2                       
slot 53 (addr 84) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 84
Barcode = PQU568L2                       
slot 54 (addr 85) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 85
Barcode = PQU569L2                       
slot 55 (addr 86) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 86
Barcode = PQU570L2                       
slot 56 (addr 87) contains Cartridge = yes
Source address = 87
Barcode = PQU571L2                       
slot 57 (addr 88) contains Cartridge = yes
Barcode = PQU572L2                       
slot 58 (addr 89) contains Cartridge = yes
Barcode = PQU573L2                       
s d
drive 1 (addr 480) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no
SCSI ID from drive 1 is 1
drive 2 (addr 481) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no
SCSI ID from drive 2 is 2
drive 3 (addr 482) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no
SCSI ID from drive 3 is 3
drive 4 (addr 483) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no
SCSI ID from drive 4 is 4
m s1 d1
Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 32 to 480
MOVE_MEDIUM complete
m d1 s1
Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 480 to 32
MOVE_MEDIUM complete

Robot Selection
  1)  TLD 0
  2)  none/quit
Enter choice: 2
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>测试机械手<<<

# pwd

-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>确认Veritas NUB Master Server服务状态<<<
# . /.profile
Value of TERM has been set to "vt100".

# bpps -a
NB Processes
    root  1703     1  0  Mar 12  ?         0:02 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm
    root  1669     1  0  Mar 12  ?         0:12 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
    root  1704  1703  0  Mar 12  ?         0:07 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjobd
    root 14100 14099  0 18:17:09 ?         0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-susvc root 0 -1 zh_CN.gb18030 /
    root 14099     1  0 18:17:09 ?         0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-susvc root 0 -1 zh_CN.gb18030 /
    root 14181 14099  0 18:18:06 ?         0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-susvc root 0 -1 zh_CN.gb18030 /
    root 14101 14099  0 18:17:10 ?         0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-susvc root 0 -1 zh_CN.gb18030 /
    root 14091 14069  0 18:16:59 pts/0     1:01 /usr/openv/java/jre/bin/PA_RISC2.0/java -Dvrts.NBJAVA_CONF=/usr

MM Processes
    root  1663     1  0  Mar 12  ?         0:16 vmd -v
    root 15489     1  0 18:43:33 ?         0:00 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid
    root 15524 15489  0 18:43:39 ?         0:00 tldd -v
    root 15539     1  0 18:43:42 ?         0:00 tldcd -v
    root 15533 15489  0 18:43:41 ?         0:00 avrd -v
    root 15537  1663  0 18:43:42 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
    root 15633  1663  0 18:44:08 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
    root 15582  1663  0 18:43:45 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
    root 15583  1663  0 18:43:45 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
    root 16277  1663  0 18:48:23 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
    root 15527  1663  0 18:43:40 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
    root 15622  1663  0 18:43:58 ?         0:00 rdevmi -sockfd 6 -r
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>确认Veritas NUB Master Server服务状态<<<

-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>确认Veritas NUB Master Server网络信息<<<
# sam
Starting the terminal version of sam...

To move around in sam:

- use the "Tab" key to move between screen elements
- use the arrow keys to move within screen elements
- use "Ctrl-F" for context-sensitive help anywhere in sam

On screens with a menubar at the top like this:

       |File View Options Actions                         Help|
       | ---- ---- ------- ------------------------------- ---|

- use "Tab" to move from the list to the menubar
- use the arrow keys to move around
- use "Return" to pull down a menu or select a menu item
- use "Tab" to move from the menubar to the list without selecting a menu item
- use the spacebar to select an item in the list

On any screen, press "CTRL-K" for more information on how to use the keyboard.

Press "Return" to continue...
l ===              System Administration Manager (bfbkup) (1)                  k 
xFile View Options Actions                                                Help x 
x                       Press CTRL-K for keyboard help.                        x 
xSAM Areas                                                                     x 
x  Source   Area                                                               x 
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x 
xx SAM      Accounts for Users and Groups ->                                 ^ x 
xx SAM      Auditing and Security         ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Backup and Recovery           ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Clusters                      ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Disks and File Systems        ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Display                       ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Kernel Configuration          ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Networking and Communications ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Performance Monitors          ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Peripheral Devices            ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Printers and Plotters         ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Process Management            ->                                   x 
xx Other    Resource Management           ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Peripheral Devices            ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Printers and Plotters         ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Process Management            ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Accounts for Users and Groups ->                                 ^ x 
xx SAM      Auditing and Security         ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Backup and Recovery           ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Clusters                      ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Disks and File Systems        ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Display                       ->                                   x 
xx SAM      Kernel Configuration          ->                                   x 
xx ..(go up)                                                                 ^ x 
xx SAM      Bootable Devices        ->                                         x 
xx SAM      DNS (BIND)              ->                                         x 
xx SAM      Hosts                   ->                                         x 
xx SAM      NIS                                                                x 
xx SAM      NIS+                    ->                                         x 
xx SAM      Name Service Switch                                                x 
xx SAM      Network Interface Cards                                            x 
xx SAM      Network Services                                                   x 
xx SAM      Networked File Systems  ->                                         x 
xx SAM      Routes                                                             x 
xx SAM      System Access           ->                                         x 
xx SAM      Virtual LAN                                                        x 
l ===              Networking and Communications (bfbkup) (1)                  k 
xFile List View Options Actions                                           Help x 
x                       Press CTRL-K for keyboard help.                        x 
x                                                                              x 
x                                                                              x 
x                                                                              x 
xNetwork Interface Cards                                                       x 
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x 
xNetwork Interface Cards                                        0 of 3 selectedx               
x  Card          Interface   Hardware                         Internet         x               
x  Type          Name        Path       Status                Address          x               
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x               
xx 1000Base-T    lan0        0/1/2/0    Not Configured        ^ x               
xx 1000Base-SX   lan1        0/3/1/0    Enabled          x               
xx 1000Base-SX   lan2        0/3/1/1    Not Configured          x                             
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>确认Veritas NBU Master Server服务状态<<<

-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>手工重新启动Veritas NBU 在Master Server<<<
# pwd
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup
# cd bin
# netbackup stop
stopping the NetBackup request daemon
stopping the NetBackup database daemon
stopping the Media Manager device daemon
stopping the Media Manager volume daemon
# bpps -a   -------------------------------------------------------------------- <确认服务停止>
NB Processes

MM Processes
# netbackup start
Media Manager daemons started.
NetBackup request daemon started.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>手工重新启动Veritas NBU 在Master Server<<<

-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>手工标记介质Retation级别<<<
# bpexpdate -d 0 -m U559L2
Are you SURE you want to delete U559L2 y/n (n)? y
# bpexpdate -d 0 -m U567L2
Are you SURE you want to delete U567L2 y/n (n)? y
# bpexpdate -d 0 -m U559L2
Are you SURE you want to delete U559L2 y/n (n)? y
