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Basic Qaf Application

It is assumed that you have some experience with the HGE library, and this tutorial will skip some of the more basic stuff.


The first thing to do is to bring the Qaf namespace into the global scope


using namespace qaf;

In the frame function, we'll just invoke Qaf's game loop:

然后在帧函数里,我们需要调用Qaf 的游戏循环:

HGE * hge = NULL;


// The frame function:

bool frameFunction () {

    // Perform Qaf's game loop:

    Environment::update( hge->Timer_GetDelta() );


    if ( hge->Input_GetKeyState( HGEK_ESCAPE ) )

        return true;


    return false;


The "prologue function" is a callback used to notify your program that Qaf is about to begin its rendering operations. Here, we're just going to clear the screen and print some text with the debug console:


void prologueFunc () {

    // Clear the screen:

    hge->Gfx_Clear( 0 );


    // Output text:

    Environment::cout << "Hello, world!/n";

    Environment::cout << hge->Timer_GetFPS() << " FPS/n";


In the main function, you must first set up HGE...


// Application entry point:

int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) {

    hge = hgeCreate( HGE_VERSION );


    hge->System_SetState( HGE_FRAMEFUNC,     frameFunction );

    hge->System_SetState( HGE_FPS,           HGEFPS_UNLIMITED );

    hge->System_SetState( HGE_SCREENWIDTH,   640 );

    hge->System_SetState( HGE_SCREENHEIGHT,  480 );

    hge->System_SetState( HGE_WINDOWED,      true );


    if ( !hge->System_Initiate() )

        MessageBox( NULL, hge->System_GetErrorMessage(), "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_SYSTEMMODAL );

...And then initialize Qaf:


    Environment::initialize( false, true );

Here, we're telling Qaf not to create a backbuffer (the first parameter) and that we need to use the debug facilities (the second parameter). Don't worry too much about these; they will be explained in more detail in other tutorials.


Then we tell Qaf which function it should use as the prologue callback:

然后我们告诉 Qaf 哪个函数被作为“序言函数”:

    // Set the prologue function:

    Environment::setPrologueCallback( prologueFunc );

When that's done, just start the game loop:


    if ( !hge->System_Start() ) {

        MessageBox( NULL, hge->System_GetErrorMessage(), "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_SYSTEMMODAL );


After the game loop is finished, you simply shut down Qaf and HGE:






    return 0;



Tutorial 2 - Creating and Loading a Room File


This is actually the easiest part. After initializing Qaf, you just need to tell it which room to load:


    // Set up the environment:

    Environment::initialize( false, true );


    // Load the room:

    Environment::loadRoom( "tut02.qr" );

Tutorial 3 - Game Objects, Sprites and Scrolling

Every game object needs to have qaf::GameObj as its base class, so the missile class declaration should look like this:


Finally, it's time to program the behavior of our missiles. The qaf::GameObj class doesn't do anything on its own, but it defines a set of methods you can override to implement objects' actions. In this tutorial, we will use two of them: update() and render().



we're calling Environment::removeGameObj() with its second parameter set to true. This instructs the Environment to automatically delete the object at the end of the frame function.



Tutorial 4 - Spawn Points and Factories


  The Game Object Factory

qaf::GameObjFactory is an abstract class with just one method:


qaf::GameObj* qaf::GameObjFactory::createObject ( std::string & objID,

                                                  int objX,

                                                  int objY,

                                                  qaf::AttributeTable & attributes );

Its parameters include everything you defined in the Room Editor: ID, position, and attributes. There's nothing Qaf can do with these values, so it's up to us to decode them and create a GameObj.


// Game object factory implementation:

class GameObjFactoryImpl : public GameObjFactory {


        GameObj * createObject ( std::string & objID, int objX, int objY, AttributeTable & attributes ) {

            // Which object ID?

            if ( objID == "ShipObj" ) {

                // Create ship at (objX, objY) coordinates, facing up:

