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use stack to initial a treeview with the data in a database

2013年09月03日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2251字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


     Stack s1 = new Stack();
     Stack s2 = new Stack();
     Stack s3 = new Stack();
     string temp = "";
     string strSql = "select rights.right_code from rights,user_right where rights.right_code=user_right.right_code and user_right.user_code='"+Session["UserCode"].ToString()+"' order by rights.right_code desc";
     DataView dv = (DataView)mySQL.ExecuteDataSource(strSql);
     for(int i=0;i<dv.Count;i++)
       temp = s1.Pop().ToString();
       if(temp != dv[i]["RIGHT_CODE"].ToString().Substring(0,temp.Length))
      for(int j=dv[i]["RIGHT_CODE"].ToString().Length/2;j>0;j--)

     strSql = "select right_code,right_name,page_code from rights order by right_code";
     dv = (DataView)mySQL.ExecuteDataSource(strSql);
     dv.Sort = "right_code";
     DataRowView drv;
      temp = s2.Pop().ToString();
      Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode cc = new Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode();     
      drv = dv.FindRows(temp)[0];
       cc.Text = drv["right_name"].ToString();
        temp = s1.Pop().ToString();
       cc.Text = drv["right_name"].ToString();

       cc.NavigateUrl = drv["page_code"].ToString().Substring(0,drv["page_code"].ToString().IndexOf(';'));

//as frame used, using following coding to set target of a hyperlink

//       if(cc.Text=="select checkout") //       {
//        cc.Target="_blank";
//       }
//       else
//       {
        cc.Target = "main";
//       }
