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javascript让文本框只能输入数字, 带数字类型和限制最大值功能.

2013年09月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2424字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

网上看到过很多javascript验证数字输入的方法, 自己也写了个算是总结吧. 如有算法和逻辑上的问题, 欢迎大家拍砖啊.

转载请注明出自: http://blog.csdn.net/pisces_fri/

<SCRIPT language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
* @author: pisces.fri


// =============================================================================
// validationNumber methods

* Validate the input text as a number
* @param object ID of the input control object
* @param string Number type ('int', 'u_int', 'float' or 'u_float')
* @param number Max number allowed to input
* @param object ID of the error message control object
* @return null
function validationNumber(hndID, numType, maxNum, hndMsgID)
 var keyCode = window.event.keyCode;
 var ch = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
 var value = '';
 var retCode = 0;
 var oNumVerify=null;

 if (keyCode==13)
  window.event.keyCode = 0;
  return null;

 if (hndID != undefined)
  value += hndID.value+ch;
  window.event.keyCode = keyCode;
  return null;

 oNumVerify = new isNumeric(value);
 if (oNumVerify.isNumber)
  numType = numType.toString().toLowerCase();
   case 'u_int':  //正整数
    if ((oNumVerify.isMinus==false) && (oNumVerify.isDecimal==false))
     retCode = keyCode;
   case 'u_float':  //正实数
    if (oNumVerify.isMinus==false)
     retCode = keyCode;
   case 'int':   //整数
    if (oNumVerify.isDecimal==false)
     retCode = keyCode;
   case 'float':  //实数
    retCode = keyCode;
    retCode = 0;

  if ((maxNum!=undefined) && (maxNum.constructor==Number) && (oNumVerify.value > maxNum))
   retCode = 0;
   if (hndMsgID != undefined)
    hndMsgID.innerHTML = '<SPAN style="color:#EE3333">值不能大于'+maxNum+'</SPAN>';

 oNumVerify = null;
 window.event.keyCode = retCode; 
 return null;

function isNumeric(verifyNum)
 var re = /^([-]{0,1})([0-9]*)([/.]{0,1})([0-9]*)$/g;
 this.isNumber = false;
 this.isMinus = false;
 this.isDecimal = false;
 this.value = verifyNum;

 verifyNum = verifyNum.toString();

 if (re.test(verifyNum))
  this.isNumber = true;

  //判断 '-' 符号
  if (RegExp.$1=='-')
   this.isMinus = true;

  //判断 '.' 符号
  if (RegExp.$3=='.')
   this.isDecimal = true;
   verifyNum += '0';

   this.value = parseFloat(verifyNum);
   this.value = 0;

<INPUT type="text" name="txtYear" id="txt_Year" size="4" onkeypress="javascript:validationNumber(this, 'float', 2006, txtYearMsg);" style="text-align:right;ime-mode:disabled;" maxlength="4"/>年&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN id="txtYearMsg"></SPAN> 


