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2013年10月03日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4248字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Click Clear Map Overlays to remove the results. You can pan to a new area of the map and click Execute Query again to see a new set of results.

This example contains three JavaScript functions:

  • The initialize function sets up the map, adding all of the necessary controls and specifying the coordinates and zoom level that the map should use when the page opens. This function also creates a new MapExtension that will help display the results.


    To prepare for the query, the function creates a new QueryTask, a class specific to the ArcGIS JavaScript extension. The URL of the map layer to be queried is passed to the QueryTask constructor:

    qtask = new esri.arcgis.gmaps.QueryTask("http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer/1");

    The URL in the constructor references the census block group layer that will be queried. In this case, it's the layer with index number 1 in the ESRI_Census_USA map service. To find the URLs for the layers you want to query in your own maps, use the Services Directory.


  • The executeQuery function runs when someone clicks the Execute Query button. This function gets the bounding box of the map, removes any existing overlays, and sets up the query conditions. It tells the query to return the POP2000 and POP2007 fields. Finally, the function uses the following line to run the task, thereby executing the query:

    qtask.execute(query, false, mycallback);

    The three arguments represent 1) the query conditions, 2) whether to return KML, and 3) a callback function that runs immediately after the query is executed.


    (1)获得地图的bounding box (2)清除其它的叠加图层 (3)建立查询条件 (4)执行查询


    query.queryGeometry = bounds;

    query.returnGeometry = true;



    qtask.execute(query, false, mycallback);//qtask指向一个支持query task的图层(Type: Feature Layer

  • The function mycallback uses JavaScript literal class OverlayOptions to define how the result polygons are symbolized. Then the tabs in the info window are configured using the InfoWindowOptions class. The array of contentTabs has a label for the tab and a content string in which you can include HTML. You can use a field name in curly braces (Example: {POP2007}) to get the value of the field for a given feature.

    The MapExtension helper object that was created in the initialize function adds the query result features to the map.

    mycallback: 用一个OverlayOptions类的对象定义结果图形的表示方案,用InfoWindowOptions类的一个对象定义在info窗口中的tabs。contentTabs使用label来定义在tab中显示的文字,并将要显示的结果以HTML的方式放到content中去。     

