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2013年10月09日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 14639字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

郁闷的是动力无限分类OrderID的排序问题好奇怪.改完了才发现,OrderID是按照RootID来排序的(即如果栏目的RootID相同,那么OrderID不论层次的一直递增.).这样子用一句seletc * from Class Order by RootID,OrderID就可以按照栏目一级一级的显示出来.


if ClassID="" or not isnumeric(ClassID) then
end if


Function ShowClassFormOption(sChannelID,CurrentID,sClassDepth)
 dim rsClass,sqlClass,sTemp,tmpClassDepth,i,n
 dim arrShowLine(10)

 for i=0 to ubound(arrShowLine)
 sTemp="<option value=""0"""
  if CurrentID=0 then sTemp=sTemp & " selected"">顶级类别</option>"

 sqlClass="Select ClassID,ClassName,ClassDepth,ChannelID,RootID,OrderID From SoftClass "
 if sClassDepth>0 then
  sqlClass=sqlClass & " where ClassDepth<"&sClassDepth&" order by ParentIDPath,OrderID"
  sqlClass=sqlClass & " order by ParentIDPath,OrderID"
 end if
 set rsClass=conn.Execute(sqlClass)
 if rsClass.bof and rsClass.bof then
  ShowClassFormOption = sTemp & "<option value="""">添加顶级类别</option>"
  set rsClass=Nothing
  Exit Function
  set rsClass=Nothing 
 End if
 Dim sChecked, tempClassName
 For i=0 to Ubound(ClassRecord,2)
  if ClassRecord(3,i)>0 then
  end if
  sChecked = "" : tempClassName = ""
  if ClassRecord(0,i)=CurrentID then sChecked = " selected"
  if tmpClassDepth>0 then
   for n=1 to tmpClassDepth
    tempClassName = tempClassName & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
    if n=tmpClassDepth then
     if ClassRecord(3,i)>0 then
      tempClassName = tempClassName & "├&nbsp;"
      tempClassName = tempClassName & "└&nbsp;"
     end if
     if arrShowLine(n)=True then
      tempClassName = tempClassName & "│"
      tempClassName = tempClassName & "&nbsp;"
     end if
    end if
  end if
  tempClassName = tempClassName & ClassRecord(1,i)  
  sTemp=sTemp & "<option value=""" & ClassRecord(0,i) & """ "&sChecked&">" & tempClassName & "</option>"
End Function

if request("action")="EditSave" then


if ClassName="" Then
end if

if ClassFolderName="" Then
end if

if ClassMemo="" Then
end if

if ClassKeyWords="" Then
end if

if ClassDescription="" Then
end if

If IsValidWindowsFolderName(ClassFolderName)=False Then
 response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('目录名格式不正确,按确定返回重新填写');history.back();</script>")
end if

ClassFolderName=Replace(PCase(ClassFolderName)," ","-")

 set rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset")
 sql="select * from SystemChannelList Where ChannelID="&ChannelID
 rs.open sql,conn,1,3
 if rs.eof and rs.bof then
 set rs=nothing
 set conn=nothing
 ChannelName  =rs("ChannelName")
 end if
 set rs=nothing


  set rsClass=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset")
  sqlClass="select * from SoftClass where ClassID="&ClassID
  rsClass.open sqlClass,conn,1,3
  if rsClass.eof and rsClass.bof then
 if rsClass("ParentID")<>ParentClassID then   '更改了所属栏目,则要做一系列检查
  if ParentClassID=rsClass("ClassID") then
  end if
  if rsClass("ParentID")=0 then
   if ParentClassID>0 then
    set trs=conn.execute("select RootID From SoftClass where ClassID="&ParentClassID)
    if trs.bof and trs.eof then
    if rsClass("RootID")=trs(0) then
    end if
    end if
    set trs=nothing
   end if
   set trs=conn.execute("select ClassID From SoftClass where ParentIDPath like '"&rsClass("ParentIDPath")&"," & rsClass("ClassID") & "%' and ClassID="&ParentClassID)
   if not (trs.eof and trs.bof) then
   end if
   set trs=nothing
  end if
 end if
 if rsClass("ParentID")=0 then
  oldParentClassID=0 '判断以前是否是顶级栏目
  oldParentClassID=rsClass("ParentID") '判断以前是否是顶级栏目
 end if
 set rsClass=nothing

if ParentClassID=0 then
 ParentClassName=""  '父类名
 ParentClassFolderName=""  '父类目录名
 set rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset")
 sql="select * from SoftClass where ClassID="&ParentClassID
 rs.open sql,conn,1,3
 if rs.eof and rs.bof then
 ParentClassName=rs("ClassName")  '父类名
 ParentClassFolderName=rs("ClassFolderName")  '父类目录名
 ParentClassFolderPath=rs("ClassFolderPath")  '父类目录名
 ParentClassFolderUrl=rs("ClassFolderUrl")  '父类访问路径
 end if
 set rs=nothing

end if
if IsCreateFolder=1 then
CreateFolder ClassLocalPath,IsCreateFolder
end if 

  if clng(oldParentID)<>ParentClassID and not (oldParentClassID=0 and ParentClassID=0) then
 if oldPrevID>0 then
  conn.execute "update SoftClass set NextID=" & oldNextID & " where ClassID=" & oldPrevID
 end if
 if oldNextID>0 then
  conn.execute "update SoftClass set PrevID=" & oldPrevID & " where ClassID=" & oldNextID
 end if

 MaxRootID=conn.execute("select max(RootID) as List1 From SoftClass")("List1")'最后顶级分类记录
 if oldParentClassID>0 and ParentClassID=0 then   '如果原来不是一级分类改成一级分类
  sql="select ClassID,NextID,RootID,ClassDepth from SoftClass where RootID=" & MaxRootID & " and ClassDepth=0"
  set rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset")
  rs.open sql,conn,1,3
  PrevID=rs(0)  '得到新顶级分类栏目的PrevID值
  rs(1)=ClassID  '更新前一个顶级分类栏目的NextID值
  set rs=nothing  
  ClassCount=conn.execute("select count(*) as List1 From SoftClass where ParentID=0")("List1")+1
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set ClassDepth=0,OrderID="&ClassCount&",RootID=0,ParentID=0,ParentIDPath='0',PrevID=" & PrevID & ",NextID=0 where ClassID="&ClassID)
  if oldChild>0 then
   tempParentIDPath=oldParentIDPath & ","
   set rs=conn.execute("select * From SoftClass where ParentIDPath like '%"&tempParentIDPath & ClassID&"%'")
   do while not rs.eof
    conn.execute("update SoftClass set ClassDepth=ClassDepth-"&oldClassDepth&",RootID="&ClassID&",ParentIDPath='"&mParentIDPath&"' where ClassID="&rs("ClassID"))
   set rs=nothing
  end if
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set child=child-1 where ClassID="&oldParentClassID)
 elseif oldParentClassID>0 and ParentClassID>0 then    '如果是将一个分栏目移动到其他分栏目下
  set trs=conn.execute("select * From SoftClass where ClassID="&ParentClassID)
  if trs("Child")>0 then  
   set rsPrevOrderID=conn.execute("select Max(OrderID) From SoftClass where ParentID=" &ParentClassID)
   sql="select ClassID,NextID,ParentID,OrderID from SoftClass where ParentID=" & ParentClassID & " and OrderID=" & PrevOrderID
   set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
   rs.open sql,conn,1,3
   PrevID=rs(0)    '得到新的PrevID
   rs(1)=ClassID     '更新上一个栏目的NextID的值
   set rs=nothing
   set rsPrevOrderID=conn.execute("select Max(OrderID) From SoftClass where ParentIDPath like '" & trs("ParentIDPath") & "," & ParentClassID & ",%'")
   if (not(rsPrevOrderID.bof and rsPrevOrderID.eof)) then
    if not IsNull(rsPrevOrderID(0))  then
      if rsPrevOrderID(0)>PrevOrderID then
     end if
    end if
   end if
  end if
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set ClassDepth="&trs("ClassDepth")&"+1,OrderID="&PrevOrderID&"+1,RootID="&trs("RootID")&",ParentID="&ParentClassID&",ParentIDPath='" & trs("ParentIDPath") & "," & ParentClassID & "',PrevID=" & PrevID & ",NextID=0 where ClassID="&ClassID)
  tempParentIDPath=oldParentIDPath & ","  
  set rs=conn.execute("select * From SoftClass where ParentIDPath like '%"&tempParentIDPath&ClassID&"%' order by OrderID")
  do while not rs.eof
   ParentClassIDPath=trs("ParentIDPath") & "," & ParentClassID & "," & replace(rs("ParentIDPath"),tempParentIDPath,"")
   conn.execute("update SoftClass set ClassDepth=ClassDepth-"&oldClassDepth&"+"&trs("ClassDepth")&"+1,OrderID="&PrevOrderID&"+"&i&",RootID="&trs("RootID")&",ParentIDPath='"&ParentClassIDPath&"' where ClassID="&rs("ClassID"))
  set rs=nothing
  set trs=nothing
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set child=child+1 where ClassID="&ParentClassID)
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set child=child-1 where ClassID="&oldParentClassID)
  ClassCount=conn.execute("select count(*) as List1 From SoftClass where ParentIDPath like '%"&oldParentIDPath &"%'")("List1")
  if not isnull(ClassCount) then
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set OrderID=OrderID-1 where ParentIDPath='" &tempParentIDPath&ClassID& "' and OrderID>" & oldOrderID)
  end if  
  ClassCount=conn.execute("select count(*) as List1 From SoftClass where RootID="&oldRootID)("List1")
  set trs=conn.execute("select * From SoftClass where ClassID="&ParentClassID)
  if trs("Child")>0 then  
   set rsPrevOrderID=conn.execute("select Max(OrderID) From SoftClass where ParentID=" &ParentClassID )
   sql="select ClassID,NextID,ParentID,OrderID from SoftClass where ParentID=" &ParentClassID& " and OrderID=" & PrevOrderID
   set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
   rs.open sql,conn,1,3
   set rs=nothing
   set rsPrevOrderID=conn.execute("select Max(OrderID) From SoftClass where ParentIDPath ='" & trs("ParentIDPath") & "," & ParentClassID & "'")
   if (not(rsPrevOrderID.bof and rsPrevOrderID.eof)) then
    if not IsNull(rsPrevOrderID(0))  then
      if rsPrevOrderID(0)>PrevOrderID then
     end if
    end if
   end if
  end if
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set PrevID=" & PrevID & ",NextID=0 where ClassID=" & ClassID)
  set rs=conn.execute("select * From SoftClass where ParentID="&oldParentClassID&" order by OrderID")
  do while not rs.eof
   if rs("ParentID")=0 then    
    conn.execute("update SoftClass set ClassDepth=ClassDepth+"&trs("ClassDepth")&"+1,OrderID="&PrevOrderID&"+"&i&",RootID="&trs("ClassID")&",ParentIDPath='"&trs("ClassIDPath")&"',ParentID="&ParentClassID&" where ClassID="&rs("ClassID"))
    tempParentIDPath=trs("ParentIDPath") & "," & ParentClassID & "," & replace(rs("ParentIDPath"),"0,","")
    conn.execute("update SoftClass set ClassDepth=ClassDepth+"&trs("ClassDepth")&"+1,RootID="&trs("RootID")&",ParentIDPath='"&tempParentIDPath&"' where ClassID="&rs("ClassID"))
   end if
  set rs=nothing
  set trs=nothing
  conn.execute("update SoftClass set child=child+1 where ClassID="&ParentClassID) 
 end if
end if

end if

 UserIP = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
 If UserIP = "" Then UserIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")  
    set rs=server.CreateObject("Adodb.recordset")
 sql="select * from SoftClass where ClassID="&ClassID
 rs.open sql,conn,3,3
 if rs.eof and rs.bof then
 set rs=nothing
 set conn=nothing
 if ParentClassID=0 then
 end if

 end if
 set rs=nothing 
 set conn=nothing

end if
