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2013年10月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3706字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

本文作者所提出的几个减少DEBUGGIN痛苦的方法(There are four broad strategies you can adopt to make debugging as painless as possible:):
1.Don’t re-invent the wheel. 理解并使用各种已有的库。
2.Develop and test your code incrementally. 渐进集成
3.Code defensively.

比如①declare member functions of native C++ classes that don’t modify an object as const.
        ②Use const parameters where appropriate.
        ③Don’t use ‘magic numbers’ in your code—define const objects with the required values.
4.Include debugging code that checks and validates data and conditions in your program from the outset.

普遍存在的BUG(Common Bugs)
The common ways in which bad pointers arise are:
① Failing to initialize a pointer when you declare it
② Failing to set a pointer to free store memory to null when you delete the space allocated
③ Returning the address of a local variable from a function
④ Failing to implement the copy constructor and assignment operator for classes that allocate free store memory

1.使用标准库<cassert>中的void assert(int expression);
如果将 #define NDEBUG放在#include <cassert>之后则assert语句失效。

#ifdef _DEBUG
// Code for debugging purposes...
#endif // _DEBUG

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MYDEBUG

#include “DebugStuff.h”
#ifdef MYDEBUG
// Trace constructor calls
cerr << “/nDefault Name constructor called.”;

用预编译变量Controlling Free Store Debug Operations,可以自动检测内存泄漏
When this bit is on, it turns on debug allocation so the free store state can be tracked.
When this is on, it prevents memory from being freed by delete, so that you can determine what happens under low-memory conditions.
When this is on, it causes the _CrtCheckMemory()  function to be called automatically at every new and delete operation. This function verifies the integrity of the free store, checking, for example, that blocks have not been overwritten by storing values beyond the range of an array. A report is output if any defect is discovered. This slows execution but catches errors quickly.
When this is on, the memory used internally by the runtime library is tracked in debug operations.
Causes leak checking to be performed at program exit by automatically calling _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(). You only get output from this if your program has failed to free all the memory that it allocated.

int flag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG);              // Get current flag


默认的free store调试的输出不是标准输出流,而是debug消息窗口,若想输出到stdout需要如下设置:
int _CrtSetReportMode(int reportType, int reportMode);
Warning messages of various kinds. The output when a memory leak is detected is a warning.
Catastrophic errors that report unrecoverable problems.
Output from assertions (not output from the assert() function that I discussed earlier).

This is the default mode, which sends output to a debug string that you see in the debug window when running under control of the debugger.
Output is to be directed to an output stream.
Output is presented in a message box.
If you specify this, the _CrtSetReportMode() function just returns the current report mode.

例示:CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE);

_HFILE _CrtSetReportFile(int reportType, _HFILE reportFile);
Output is directed to the standard error stream, stderr.
Output is directed to the standard output stream, stdout.
If you specify this argument, the _CrtSetReportFile() function will just return the current destination.
