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SharePoint Judge current user permission via Client Object Model about JavaScript

2013年10月11日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1193字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Judge current user permission

sometime, we should judge the permisson of current user when view different page. here, we can complete it via js, follow the code.

For example: the permission site center includes different permission groups, here we only need Admin and Product. then we can know the current belong to Admin or Product.

here, we complete the progress via client object mode about js.


Function getWebUserData(){
	Var context  = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
	Var web = new context.get_web();
	Var currentUser = web.get_currentUser();
	Var ProductGroup = context.get_web().get_siteGroups().getById(40); // my ProductGroup Id is 40
	Var AdminGroup = context.get_web().get_Groups().getById(12); // my AdminGroupId is 12
	productGroupUser =  ProductGroup.get_users();
	adminGroupUser = AdminGroup.get_users();
	context.executeQueryAsync(success, failure);
Function success(){
	For(var  i  = 0; i < adminGroupUser.get_count();  i ++  )
		If(currentUser.get_id() == adminGroupUser.get_item(i).get_id())
			Alert(“The user  is  admin”);
	For(var  i  = 0; i < productGroupUser.get_count();  i ++  )
		If(currentUser.get_id() == productGroupUser.get_item(i).get_id())
			Alert(“The user  is  == productGroupUser”);

Function failure(){
			Alert(“The user  is  not existed”);


