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2017年12月11日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3359字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Getting mpiblast


 wget http://www.mpiblast.org/downloads/files/mpiBLAST-1.6.0-pio.tgz


 tar xvzf mpiBLAST*.tgz


  wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/toolbox/ncbi_tools/old/20061015/ncbi.tar.gz


  tar xvzf ncbi.tar.gz

Building mpiblast


   mv ncbi mpiblast/ncbi/make/


   cd mpiblast



(Note: If you receive an error about CSH, you don't have the C shell installed, but that's easy to fix withapt-get install csh.)

The above command (makedis.csh) needs to be run three times. The first time you run, it will finish with an error:

make: *** No rule to make target `ncbimain.o', needed by `libncbi.a'.  Stop.

Fatal error building NCBI core libraries.
Please be sure that you have X11 and Motif libraries installed.
The NCBI toolkit FAQ at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/toolbox/FAQ.html may be helpful.

Run the same command again,


even though it finished with an error. This time, it will take quite a bit longer, and it will finish with a different error:

make: *** No rule to make target `ni_debug.o', needed by `libnetcli.a'.  Stop.
FAILURE primary make status = 0, demo = 0, threaded_demo = 0, net = 2
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one last time, and it should finish successfully:

Put the date stamp to the file ../VERSION
*The new binaries are located in ./ncbi/build/ directory*

Then it's safe to continue on to building mpiblast itself.


 ./configure --prefix=/usr/ --with-ncbi=`pwd`/ncbi --host=x86_64


 make install


 which mpiblast



locate mpiblast | grep -v src



Getting Databases:

wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/FASTA/drosoph.nt.gz

Then you'll need to untar or just ungzip them. If they end in .tg.gz, use to tar to untar the file:

tar xvzf yourfile.tg.gz

If they just end in .gz, they're only gzipped, so unzip them with

gunzip yourfile.gz

1) 下载openmpi
2) tar -xzvf openmpi-1.4.3.tar.gz
3) cd openmpi-1.4.3
4) ./configure --prefix=/usr/ | tee ../install.log
5) make all | tee ../make.log
6) make install | tee ../install2.log


7) vi /etc/ld.so.conf  最后增加一行
8) /sbin/ldconfig   回车等待。
9) vi /etc/profile, 最后 增加一行:

. /etc/profile

10)cd examples
11) make

12) mpirun  -np 4 ./hello_f90              可以得到类似ppt中的输出

 mpi多机时, 需要有machines文件。文件内容如下:

tp1 1 /home/pact/mpich/examples/basic/cpi
tp2 1 /home/pact/mpich/examples/basic/cpi
tp3 1 /home/pact/mpich/examples/basic/cpi

分别表示机器名/ip,  进程个数, 进程名(进程名可以没有); 当使用机器名时, 则需要架设DNS服务器。

mpirun -machinefile ./machine.linux -np 4 ./hello_f90




mpiformatdb -i drosoph.nt --nfrags=4 -pF
  • -i specifies my input file, drosoph.nt
  • --nfrags=4 tells it to make four fragments
  • -p specifies whether the file is a protein file or not. I put F for false, since this is a nucleotide file, not an amino acid file.

Mpiblast will be run just using mpirun or mpiexec, but there are a few important command line arguments. These include

  • -d - the database to be queried against
  • -i - the input file
  • -p - the type of blast query to run, including
    • blastn for nucleotides
    • blastp for proteins
  • -o - the name of the file to save the output in

The command run in its complete state should look something like this:

mpiexec -np 4 /shared/bin/mpiblast -d drosoph.nt -i test.in -p blastn -o results.txt

Of course, if you're using the
version of mpiexec with Torque functionality
, you'll need to wrap this in a
qsub script

When it's finished running, you should have a new results.txt file that looks something like this:


