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HOW to learn English

2018年04月16日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1215字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

1. Practice, practice, practice  练习,练习,再练习

  Don’t be afraid to ask the locals to speak with you. Getting involved in a community project when time allows, so that the can refine your skills as well as teach your native language.


  2. Journal your progress  记录进步

  Document your adventure with photographs and add captionsin your new language. The more you learn, the more fun your story will become to write. While an eight- to 10-day vacation won’t result in fluency, your skills -- and confidence -- should rise dramatically.


  3. Be patient with yourself  要有耐心

  Don’t be discouraged if you have trouble communicating. Ask people to speak more slowly if you are feeling overwhelmed. (That’s a great phrase to learn right away, by the way.) Set reasonable goals and be sure to allow time to enjoy the whole experience.
You made a conscious decision to take a learning journey, so go easy on yourself.


  4. Keep it going  保持状态

  Hatch a plan to keep or expand your skills once you’re home. Join a local language club, take an evening course, find a native speaker, or make a habit of watching films or subscribing to a magazine in your “new” language.
