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2020年02月10日 操作系统 ⁄ 共 3376字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


eg1、示例代码:scala>var helloWorld = "hello" + " world" println(helloWorld)scala>val again = " again" helloWorld = helloWorld + againprintln(helloWorld)输出:hello worldhello world again

eg2、定义函数 def示例代码:def square(a: Int) = a * adef squareWithBlock(a: Int) = { a * a}val squareVal = (a: Int) => a * a (这里是将Int整数a映射为a*a的函数)def addOne(f: Int => Int, arg: Int) = f(arg) + 1(这里的=>表示所映射的类型,这就表示这个参数要是一个参数为int类型,返回的类型也是int 的方法)println("square(2):" + square(2))println("squareWithBlock(2):" + squareWithBlock(2))println("squareVal(2):" + squareVal(2))println("addOne(squareVal,2):" + addOne(squareVal, 2))输出结果:square(2):4squareWithBlock(2):4squareVal(2):4addOne(squareVal,2):5

eg3、代码实例:import scala.reflect.io.Fileimport java.util.Scannerdef withScanner(f: File, op: Scanner => Unit) = { // 没有返回值的默认返回的是Unit val scanner = new Scanner(f.bufferedReader) try { op(scanner) } finally { scanner.close() }}withScanner(File("/proc/self/stat"), scanner => println("pid is " + scanner.next()))其中widthScanner封装了try-Catch块,调用者不用再close了返回结果:pid is 6065

eg4、定义类class Persion(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) { //通过class定义类,val来定义字段,在类中def定义类中的函数,其中firstName和lastName会自动生成get,set方法 private var _age = 0 def age = _age //这是一个方法 def age_=(newAge: Int) = _age = newAge def fullName() = firstName + " " + lastName override def toString() = fullName()//这是覆盖toString方法}val obama: Persion = new Persion("Barack", "Obama")//用new的方式创建类println("Persion: " + obama)println("firstName: " + obama.firstName)println("lastName: " + obama.lastName)obama.age_=(51)println("age: " + obama.age)返回结果:Persion: Barack ObamafirstName: BaracklastName: Obamaage: 51

eg5、运行实例:def withClose(closeAble: { def close(): Unit }, //这里是将{def close():Unit}这个方法作为一种类型 op: { def close(): Unit } => Unit) { try { op(closeAble) } finally { closeAble.close() }}class Connection { def close() = println("close Connection")}val conn: Connection = new Connection()withClose(conn, conn => println("do something with Connection"))运行结果:do something with Connectionclose Connection

eg6、柯里化(currying)技术def add(x:Int, y:Int) = x + y是普通的函数def add(x:Int) = (y:Int) => x + y是柯里化后的函数,相当于返回一个匿名函数表达式。def add(x:Int)(y:Int) = x + y是简化写法

def withClose(closeAble: { def close(): Unit })//小白一枚,还是没有弄明白为什么我创建这个方法时候总是无效的??? (op: { def close(): Unit } => Unit) { try { op(closeAble) } finally { closeAble.close() }}class Connection { def close() = println("close Connection")}val conn: Connection = new Connection()withClose(conn)(conn => println("do something with Connection"))

eg7、泛型def withClose[A <: { def close(): Unit }, B](closeAble: A)//这里的A表示的是{def close():Unit}的子类型 (f: A => B): B = try { f(closeAble) } finally { closeAble.close() }class Connection { def close() = println("close Connection")}val conn: Connection = new Connection()val msg = withClose(conn) { conn => { println("do something with Connection") "123456" }}println(msg)

返回结果:do something with Connectionclose Connection123456

eg8 Traits 相当于java中的接口implementstrait ForEachAble[A] { def iterator: java.util.Iterator[A] def foreach(f: A => Unit) = { val iter = iterator while (iter.hasNext) f(iter.next) }}trait JsonAble { def toJson() = scala.util.parsing.json.JSONFormat.defaultFormatter(this)}val list = new java.util.ArrayList[Int]() with ForEachAble[Int] width JsonAble list.add(1); list.add(2)println("For each: "); list.foreach(x => println(x))//println("Json: " + list.toJson())

Scala调用url获取返回值 http://www.xuebuyuan.com/Linux/2016-12/138517.htm

Scala配置Intellij IDEA 15.0.3环境及hello world! http://www.xuebuyuan.com/Linux/2016-08/134140.htm


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