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Cool! TineEye 图片逆向搜索

2013年09月21日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1044字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭



Cool Searches (click image to search)

This page, along with our widgets
page, showcases
some of the most interesting TinEye search examples we’ve come across.
If you come across a TinEye search with great results and you want to
share it, just click on ‘Recommend as a Cool Search’ next to your query
image. We review every Cool Search submission we get.

Interesting search image Results
With stores in 18 countries, it's no wonder that the
7-Eleven logo is everywhere online.
Interesting search image Results
Little little energy star, how I wonder where you
Interesting search image Results
Because the cookie factory is located in Toronto, we
seem to have a lot of Oreos laying around. They don't lay around long!
Interesting search image Results
V–J day in Times Square, perhaps the most famous
photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt, is of an American sailor kissing a
young woman on V-J Day in Times Square on August 14, 1945, that was
originally published in Life magazine.
Interesting search image Results
Unilever’s Heartbrand

is a very unique brand found on ice cream treats the world over. What
makes it unique is that local brand names are preserved, but now all
carry the heart shape in common.

Interesting search image Results
Becoming Fair Trade Certified is a difficult
process. Taking the logo and using it is easy. How would you get caught?
Oh yeah, TinEye.



